
Ticket refund and change scams are frequent. Who leaked personal information?


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It is currently the peak travel season for summer travel, and this should be a time to enjoy the vacation happily. However, many travelers have encountered scams when booking air tickets. How is personal information leaked behind an air ticket?

China Aviation Information Network improves verification level to reduce information leakage risk

On many social media platforms, the reporter found that many passengers reported that after purchasing their tickets, they received calls from people claiming to be airline staff, claiming that they needed to refund the fees due to flight changes. Since the other party could accurately tell the passengers' flight information and personal information, many people were deceived and suffered property losses. How did the passengers' personal information leak after booking the tickets? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of China Aviation Information Technology, which specializes in providing passenger travel service systems for airlines, airports and ticket agents.

  Li Xinlin, Deputy Director of the Safety Production and Quality Management Department of China Aviation Information Technology Co., Ltd.:The entire air ticket booking process involves multiple entities, including OTA (online travel distribution platform), airlines, airports and China Travel Information. If any link fails to protect the personal information of passengers, it may lead to the leakage of passengers' personal information.

Li Xinlin introduced that starting from this month, China Aviation Information Network has enabled the SMS verification function for the login of individuals using their work numbers in the air ticket distribution system in batches, strengthening the two-factor authentication in the login process and reducing the risk of passenger information leakage.

  Li Xinlin, Deputy Director of the Safety Production and Quality Management Department of China Aviation Information Technology Co., Ltd.:We have increased the frequency of SMS verification, and each login requires two-factor authentication via SMS, ensuring that each work number is used by only one person, reducing the scope of access to passengers' personal information and reducing the risk of information leakage.

How to spot the scams when they happen frequently

On the one hand, the industry needs to strengthen the protection of passengers' personal information, and on the other hand, passengers should also "open their eyes" and be careful not to fall into "traps". So how can we detect scams and take precautions?

  First, focus on the number of the incoming call.Airlines or online ticketing service platforms will generally only contact you through their official phone numbers. If the call comes from an unfamiliar personal mobile number or an overseas number starting with "00" or "+", you need to be vigilant.

  Second, be wary of “compensation”.When the so-called staff member who calls proactively informs the passenger that they will be compensated and need to download a specific software, it can be basically determined to be a scam. Once the passenger becomes hesitant, the other party will urge the passenger to complete the operation as soon as possible, saying that there are not many seats left on the rebooked flight.

  Third, never “screen share”.The other party will use excuses such as "rebooking requires a small fee", "refund requires face verification and video recording", "requires verification code to confirm the booked change information", etc. to trick passengers into providing bank account numbers, passwords, mobile phone verification codes, or turning on the "screen sharing" function. Once this information is obtained, the scammers can easily log in to the passenger's online banking and transfer all the balances using the stolen transfer verification code.

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