
Enter the laboratory to see the new quality of productivity | Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Zhijiang Laboratory's AI computing power that can reach the sky and the ground


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CCTV News:Artificial intelligence, or "AI" as we often call it, has become an important driving force for the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Zhejiang's Zhijiang Laboratory is studying the use of intelligent computing to empower national strategic frontiers, scientific and technological innovation and strategic industrial innovation. Let's take a look at the series of reports "Go into the laboratory to see the new quality productivity".
What can "AI" do? Can it write an article? Or generate an image? In Zhejiang's Zhijiang Laboratory, "AI" is connected with scientists here, becoming a new type of productivity that can go anywhere and empower scientific research.
Viral infections can cause human diseases. This is the DNA sequence of a certain virus, but it is not complete. If it is printed out in full, it will take about 200 pages of A4 paper. In order to study reagents for detecting viruses, researchers often need to use different reagents to detect viruses in segments, and the research and development cycle takes at least 3 months.
How long would it take for AI to do this? The answer is: 5 minutes.
This is an open platform for life science computing independently developed by the Zhijiang Laboratory. It is a large protein language "AI" model trained by researchers using 600 million pieces of data. This is equivalent to building an "AI virtual laboratory" in an intelligent computer. Thousands of test experiments that researchers originally had to conduct online can now be carried out simultaneously in the "AI" model.
Ling Guo, Engineering Expert at the Life Science Computational Research Center of Zhijiang Laboratory:After we feed the virus DNA to the "AI" model, it will perform high-speed calculations and screening in the computer to select the five best results. As long as biologists conduct experimental verification on these five best results, they can obtain detection reagents with very good performance.
With this platform, when a new virus appears, detection reagents can be developed quickly, so that infected people can be found earlier and treatment can be carried out more quickly. This platform has completed more than 340,000 tasks of various types, which is equivalent to the workload of 100 researchers for two years. In addition to studying virus reagents, this platform can also design some protein molecules with special functions.
Guo Ling: Our platform also has a protein model with tens of billions of parameters. We use the protein model to redesign proteases with the function of degrading plastics to decompose plastics in landfills, thereby better protecting the environment and utilizing resources.
Everyone knows that hollowing out metal makes it lighter. But with the help of AI, it can also become more resistant to pressure and harder. Why is this?
This is the porous alloy material that the Zhijiang Laboratory is developing. Based on the material properties and mechanical principles, researchers have transformed the interior of the alloy into an irregular honeycomb shape.
Such a complex structure would take about a week to synthesize using traditional experimental methods. However, AI can design ten in an hour. These new materials can not only be used in automobiles, saving fuel and electricity for ordinary people, but also in aerospace, saving flight costs.
Hu Jianbo, Senior Research Specialist of New Materials Computational Research Center of Zhijiang Laboratory: During the satellite launch process, the launch cost per kilogram is estimated to be between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of yuan. For a satellite weighing 100 kilograms, if we can reduce its mass by 20-30%, we can save 2-3 million yuan in launch costs.
This laboratory is using AI to study the origin of life in the universe. It regularly receives massive space data collected by the Tianyan, 1,700 kilometers away. This is the most recent observation data, which is about 450 TB. A scientist cannot finish reading this data in his lifetime. To find information about the origin of life in this data is like fishing for a needle in countless Pacific Oceans. Pull this 450TB file into this AI program, and in less than 3 hours, the key information in the universe can be selected.
Quan Donghui, deputy director of scientific research at the Astronomical Computing Research Center of Zhijiang Laboratory: Our team members have used AI to discover new long-period pulsars. We have achieved good results in fast radio bursts, pulsars, and molecular spectral lines.
In addition to these, Zhijiang Laboratory has also combined "AI" with intelligent manufacturing, and is using the "computing + data + model" approach to establish more scientific and technological innovation platforms to improve the efficiency of scientific research and production.