
Your super intelligent marketing assistant is online! The era of human-AI collaboration has begun!


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Image source: Generated by Xiaozan AI assistant
Generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) is heating up at a terrifying rate, and its disruptive effects are spreading rapidly around the world. The Internet, finance, education, medical care, manufacturing, etc. will usher in a new round of changes. However, the public's personal experience of the subversive power of artificial intelligence still comes from media content such as film and television, writing, painting, creativity, advertising and marketing, and other industries.
As AI develops exponentially, a McKinsey report points out that the time for AI to replace human jobs has been greatly advanced by 10 years, and 50% of occupations will be gradually replaced by AI; among the many productivity changes, "highly educated, creative, and brainy people" have been put on the revolutionary platform for the first time.
As AI is experiencing explosive iterations, advertisers and marketers are filled with both endless expectations and huge fears.
Big models continue to push the application boundaries of AI, but for advertising marketers it always seems like something is missing.
Based on the development of big models, AI applications emerge in an endless stream. As of the end of April, more than 300 big models have been launched in China alone. Big models continue to push the application boundaries of AI. Everyone's shocking experience also comes more from the natural language and image processing of big model AI applications, but excellent vertical industry applications are rare. Overseas big models and AI applications are a bit cumbersome to use. Some small tools based on open source big models in China are basically based on simple generation functions in the AI ​​1.0 era. They are relatively simple and cannot systematically meet the needs of marketers.
With the advent of the AI ​​2.0 Agent era, an AI intelligent agent platform for the vertical advertising and marketing industry has become a highly anticipated product. Xiaozan AI Assistant has been launched online at the right time under such high expectations.
(Guangzhou Daily advertisement screen)
You can search for "Xiaozan AI Assistant" on WeChat or open the URL on PC to collaborate with the robot bot
"Your intelligent marketing assistant" Xiaozan AI assistant was born.
On August 8, China's first vertical marketing AI application was officially launched in a special way, which directly set off the entire marketing circle. Xiaozan AI Assistant "Your Intelligent Marketing Assistant" bid farewell to the past of marketing by paying tribute to traditional newspaper advertising, and used a half-page advertising poster in Guangzhou Daily to announce that AI marketing has officially entered a new era.
Xiaozan AI Assistant "Your Intelligent Marketing Assistant" was founded by Chen Aihua, a brand marketing expert and a company led by Innovation Works led by Dr. Kai-Fu Lee. The core team has 18 years of experience in the advertising and marketing industry, as well as a group of high-end technical talents from large companies. The team is always at the forefront of technological innovation. Since the company launched a new marketing technology (Mar-Tech) strategy in 2020, from the launch of self-developed products "private domain management, business management, supply chain management and other SaaS products, to the construction of a marketing digital ecological platform, to the launch of Xiaozan AI Assistant "Your Intelligent Marketing Assistant" today, it has always adhered to the mission of "leading the industry with technology and re-doing brand marketing" and continuously promoted the perfect integration of the marketing industry and cutting-edge technology.
Xiaozan AI assistant, the perfect collaboration between marketers and intelligent agents.
In the manual era, from brand marketing planning to implementation, human-human collaboration in traditional business processes takes 30 days; in the AIGC Agent era, human-AI collaboration can be completed in just 3 days.
We have reason to believe that AI can create a super individual and achieve the output of more than 10 people. In the future, every marketer will have multiple intelligent assistants (bots), achieving a disruptive innovation in personal productivity.
Xiaozan AI Assistant "your smart marketing assistant" migrates the methodology of professional advertising marketers to the agent, allowing the advertising marketing workflow to move from the manpower era to the computing power era. From the process of collaboration between users and agents, it abstracts the human methodology/workflow and continuously iterates and evolves, becoming the smartest, most efficient, and most understanding smart marketing assistant.
At present, based on the core business flow of the marketing industry, Xiaozan AI Assistant has launched 16 bots. Whether it is matching social media hot spots, brand marketing hot spots, writing Xiaohongshu hot articles with keywords, or brand monitoring, you only need to @bot the relevant robot to quickly and accurately output the results that marketers want.
In the future, we will increase investment in research and development, accelerate technology optimization and iteration, train more workflows in the marketing industry (video production, delivery analysis, expert recommendations, short play imitation, etc.) to smarter bots, replace manpower with computing power, and unleash the maximum value of new quality productivity in the marketing industry.
Xiaozan AI Assistant "your intelligent marketing assistant" is not only a challenge to past models, but also opens up opportunities for future growth. It continuously accelerates the "new quality production" dividend of the comprehensive integration of industry and technology, and in the wave of AIGC, it continuously promotes the efficient and rapid implementation of vertical AI applications.
Founder Chen Aihua revealed that Xiaozan AI Assistant plans to achieve 70% coverage of marketing scenarios within three years and promote the industry's AI automation process. It is hoped that with the advancement of Xiaozan AI Assistant applications, in addition to releasing the value of personal productivity, it can also become the core competitiveness of enterprises to win the future and create a new era of human-machine collaboration in the future. (Xianning News Network)