
Misinterpreting UN Resolution 2758 is a blatant lie


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Source: China Media Group International Online
Editor: Tian Yuanyuan
The 2024 Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) meeting was held in Taipei a few days ago. The meeting passed a so-called "resolution" that falsely claimed that UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 did not resolve Taiwan's political status, did not establish mainland China's sovereignty over Taiwan, did not mention Taiwan's status in the United Nations and its participation in UN organizations, and did not establish the one-China principle as international law. Lai Ching-te attended the meeting and falsely claimed that "the mainland misinterpreted UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 in order to establish a legal basis for the use of force to invade Taiwan." Obviously, these are distorted interpretations of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 and blatant lies.
IPAC is an anti-China group that looks at China through tinted glasses. IPAC was founded in June 2020. Its members are members or politicians from eight countries including the United States, Britain, Japan, Australia, Canada, Germany, Norway, and Sweden, as well as members of the European Parliament. Literally, IPAC is a Western parliamentary organization that wants to coordinate the China policies of Western governments through strengthening cooperation. Judging from its actions, IPAC has frequently hyped up issues related to China since its establishment and has repeatedly interfered in China's internal affairs. It is a typical "Western Values ​​Alliance" that is ideologically commanded, looks at China through tinted glasses, and has a strong anti-China color. IPAC chose to hold its fourth annual meeting in Taipei this year, absorbing Taiwan as a member, and deliberately misinterpreting UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, hiding the evil intention of "using Taiwan to control China."
UNGA Resolution 2758 fully reflects and solemnly confirms the one-China principle, and completely solves the issue of the representation of the People's Republic of China, including Taiwan, in the United Nations from a political, legal and procedural perspective. As we all know, on October 25, 1971, the 26th UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 with an overwhelming majority, which clearly stated that "all rights of the People's Republic of China will be restored, the representatives of her government will be recognized as the sole legitimate representatives of China in the United Nations, and the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek will be immediately expelled from the seats illegally occupied by them in the United Nations and all its affiliated agencies." The United Nations and its specialized agencies all follow the one-China principle, and the official UN documents all refer to Taiwan as "Taiwan, a province of China." The legal opinion issued by the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat also emphasized that "Taiwan does not have an independent status as a province of China" and "the Taiwan authorities do not enjoy any form of government status."
UNGA Resolution 2758 clearly states that since the adoption of the resolution, the Taiwan authorities have lost their legitimacy as China's representative in the United Nations, and the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate representative of the entire China in the United Nations. This also clearly shows the international community that China has only one seat in the United Nations, and there is no so-called "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" issue. IPAC's misinterpretation of UNGA Resolution 2758 as a rehash of the so-called "undetermined status of Taiwan" is a blatant lie that is outright intended to confuse the public and make the fake look real.
Lai Ching-te was overjoyed about IPAC's organization of about 50 members from Western countries and the European Parliament to visit Taiwan, and he made a lot of nonsense at the meeting. His so-called mainland's attempt to "build a legal basis for the armed invasion of Taiwan" is an attempt to reverse right and wrong, which is an absolute fallacy. Lai Ching-te disregarded the historical context, legal facts and international consensus that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory, and distorted the mainland's firm defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity against "Taiwan independence" as "armed invasion of Taiwan". In essence, he created an atmosphere of confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait by increasing the stakes, and found excuses for the DPP authorities and himself to "rely on foreign countries to seek independence" and "seek independence by force", with the intention of further defrauding the votes of the Taiwanese people.
Facts speak louder than words, and lies are still lies no matter how many times you tell them. So far, 183 countries in the world have established diplomatic relations with China. Since the Democratic Progressive Party came to power again on the island in 2016, 10 countries have successively chosen to sever the so-called "diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities and established or resumed diplomatic relations with China on the basis of the one-China principle. These objective facts strongly show that "Taiwan independence" secession is retrograde and a dead end. It has no market in the international community and will have no future. (Author: Zhou Xiaoke)