
To combat harassing calls, the US FCC proposes that AI-generated phone voices must "self-report" their AI identities


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IT Home reported on August 9 that AI's ability to "imitate" human voices is becoming more mature, and some users are beginning to be unable to judge whether the speaker is human or artificial intelligence based on their first reaction. Currently, AI-generated voices are increasingly used in voice calls, such as advertising or sales promotion.

According to TechRadar Beijing time today, the Federal Communications Commission (IT Home Note: hereinafter referred to as FCC) is trying to crack down on some companies that use AI to generate call voices.Wrongful conduct and malicious intent, and put forward a proposal aimed at strengthening consumer protections against “unwelcome” AI-powered automated calls.

The FCC’s plan would help “define” AI-generated calls and texts, allowing the commission to set boundaries and rules, such as mandating that AI-generated voices be allowed to make calls.Revealing their AI identity

The background of the FCC's proposal is that AI has begun to be used in some "not so proper" communication activities. At the same time, this will also serve as the FCC's crackdown on "AI automatic calls".Harassment, fraudThe proposal would require callers to disclose AI-generated voices and text, and at the start of a call, the AI ​​would have to explain what it “said” and the artificial source of the voice it used. It is reported that any organization that fails to comply with this provision will beimpose heavy penalties

In addition to tracking down the identities of "AI automated calls," the FCC also wants to launch a tool that can alert people when they receive AI-generated phone calls and text messages, especially those thatUnwelcome or illegalSuch tools could reportedly include more powerful call filters, AI-based detection algorithms, or enhanced caller ID features to identify and flag AI-generated calls.