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▲It is clearly a learning and tool app for minors, but the content is "off track". Photo/Screenshot of online video
In order to complete the daily skipping rope task, a parent opened a skipping rope app and accidentally clicked on a pop-up ad. "It's okay to have too many ads, but some of the ads are disgusting and not suitable for children to watch." The parents' complaints about a skipping rope app reflect the current phenomenon that some apps for minors are full of illegal information.
According to a recent investigation by Legal Daily, some learning and tool apps not only have numerous advertisements, but also contain some "borderline" content such as pornography and vulgarity.
Nowadays, the Internet has become an important tool for minors to learn, entertain and socialize. Especially during the summer vacation, many primary and secondary school students use online study rooms and skipping apps to assist in learning and check in. This is a reflection of minors actively embracing digital learning methods and using the Internet more widely and independently to carry out learning activities.
However, the pervasive marginal ads not only affect the use of the main functions of learning and tool apps, but also lead to bad values ​​for minors. What's more, such apps will pop up many "red envelope" ads, or the entire screen will be full of red envelopes. Children don't know how to close them at all, and they will be redirected to the recharge interface if they are not careful. According to the report, a certain learning app can also choose to pay directly in the "mall" to buy game props.
Different from the previous ones that focused on entertainment and social attributes, the so-called skipping rope apps and online study rooms are all in the name of helping minors learn and exercise. Therefore, such apps are likely to be classified as educational or "tools suitable for minors", thus avoiding the minor mode and being outside the supervision.
For parents, preventing children from becoming addicted to online games during the summer vacation is already a big task, but they also have to guard against their children being misled or led astray by bad information when using online tools to study and exercise, which is really exhausting.
Under market conditions, such apps have the motivation to realize profits, which is understandable. However, it is never the right way to expand revenue channels by running marginal advertisements and using vulgar content to attract traffic. It is also the focus of the regulatory authorities. Internet products developed for minors should adhere to the legal red line and eliminate pornographic, violent, vulgar and other negative information.
Of course, we cannot count on the "self-discipline" of App developers. In fact, this year's special campaign of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Office, "Clear and Bright 2024 Summer Internet Environment for Minors", included children's smart devices in the scope of rectification, and specifically named "lax review and control of information content provided by third-party apps, and the presence of bad content" as the key rectification content.
However, my country's laws and regulations such as the Law on the Protection of Minors, the Regulations on the Protection of Minors on the Internet, and the Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content have clearly prohibited the appearance of content that is harmful to the physical and mental health of minors in online applications.
The problem now is that the provisions of relevant laws and regulations need to be implemented in more detailed ways, and the experience gained from special rectification actions must be promptly transformed into a normalized governance mechanism, especially for operations that nominally provide learning and fitness tools for minors but actually contain bad content and take advantage of minors' curiosity to attract traffic and realize profits. The sword of supervision must promptly cut off their profit chain, make lawbreakers pay the price, and correct the industry's atmosphere.
In addition, in the daily legal publicity, relevant departments may wish to combine activities such as "entering communities, families, enterprises, and schools" to enhance the risk prevention awareness and actual protection capabilities of relevant entities for the protection of minors on the Internet. For Internet platforms and App development companies, regulatory authorities should reasonably use suggestions, interviews, and other methods to clarify the regulatory bottom line and platform operation red line based on the possible risks behind technological innovation.
To create a healthier and safer online environment and make the Internet a real tool for the healthy growth of minors, relevant companies and guardians should assume their responsibilities, and supervision must have more effective regulatory measures.
Written by Chi Daohua, commentator of Beijing News
Editor/ He Rui
Proofreading/Liu Yue