
News|MCI announces transformation into an international talent training institution


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August 5 news, recently, international talent trainingeducatemechanismMCIDreamDarleneInternational Consulting announced a brand renewal, officially released a new brand vision and future business development direction, aiming to provide more professional coaching for the global Chinese communityCounselingServe.

"Today, there is a complete set of scientific standard systems for the cultivation of international talents. In addition to language and professional knowledge, more important are a series of comprehensive cognition and soft skills, such as cross-cultural ability, international vision, leadership, strong mentality, etc.," said Li Qun, CEO of MCI Mengdalin. "From the original job search coaching agency to the current international talent training and education agency, the new MCI will actively leverage the resources of international corporate executives in the future, adopt a coach-accompanying growth coaching model, and carry out more long-term and systematic comprehensive skills training for the characteristics of the Chinese community, so as to cultivate highly adaptable and competitive international talents."

Yao Xiaoyang, a representative of MCI Mengdalin's account managers, said that the international talent training industry is showing the characteristics of "parents attach great importance to it, and students participate earlier", and some students even start to receive long-term coaching courses in the first year of high school. She believes that with the fierce competition in the international talent market, more and more parents realize that they should not only pay attention to their children's academic performance to build "hard power", but also rely on the guidance of professionals to help their children stimulate self-awareness and cultivate comprehensive skills "soft power" to lay out their future career development in advance.

At present, Mengdalin has a coaching team of more than 70 international corporate executives. At the same time, Mengdalin has also launched the STAR star international elite talent training program, which intervenes in the development of students earlier and has a longer coaching cycle to help students achieve humanistic awareness development, comprehensive career development, and long-term personal development, and become highly competitive international talents. (Yicheng)

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