
Strengthen development confidence and maintain strategic focus


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"We must strengthen our confidence in development, maintain strategic focus, actively and proactively respond to problems and challenges, and use tangible results of high-quality development to sing the bright future of China's economy." General Secretary Xi Jinping made clear requirements for doing a good job in economic work in the second half of the year.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan". It is of great significance to do a good job in economic work. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, facing the complex and ever-changing domestic and international situation, we have withstood the pressure and taken positive actions. The economy continued to rebound in the first half of the year, new momentum and new advantages were cultivated at a faster pace, and high-quality development has taken new steps. The invaluable achievements reflect the development quality of the "critical year" and also lay a solid foundation and strengthen confidence for achieving the economic and social development goals for the whole year.

Confidence comes from accurately identifying changes and turning crises into opportunities. The world is undergoing a major change that has not been seen in a century, and my country's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities and risks and challenges, and increasing uncertainties and unpredictable factors. The key to turning crises, overcoming difficulties, and responding to emergencies is to have the wisdom to identify changes, the methods to respond to changes, and the courage to seek change. We have been working hard in the midst of the current and have risen to the challenge. In the first half of the year, GDP grew by 5.0% year-on-year, and the month-on-month growth rate has been positive for eight consecutive quarters, and the economic recovery has been continuously consolidated. We have the confidence and ability to effectively respond to various risks and challenges, cultivate new opportunities in crises, open up new situations in changes, win strategic initiative in the increasingly fierce international competition, and achieve long-term stable development.

Confidence comes from seeking progress while maintaining stability and promoting stability through progress. High-quality development is the hard truth of the new era. To promote high-quality development, "stability" is the foundation and the overall situation, and "progress" is the direction and the driving force. Only by "seeking progress while maintaining stability" can we respond calmly, and only by "making progress within stability" can we consolidate stability and promote stability. In the first half of this year, from the CR450 high-speed EMU prototype, which was intensively developed and set many world records, to the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, to the 51.6% year-on-year increase in 3D printing equipment output and the 32% year-on-year increase in new energy vehicle sales, to the double-digit growth in high-tech manufacturing investment and high-tech service industry investment... Adhering to the general tone of work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, transforming and upgrading traditional industries, cultivating and strengthening emerging industries, laying out and building future industries, and accelerating the development of new quality productivity, China's economy has grown in size and physique, and will have more stamina to run the "second half" well.

Confidence comes from breaking and establishing at the same time, establishing first and then breaking. One step forward in development requires one step forward in reform, and continuous progress in reform can also provide strong impetus for development. To enhance market vitality, the General Rules for the Review of Food Business Licenses have been revised and issued, and a "cucumber slapping" reflects the strength of administrative licensing reform; to solve the pain points of people's livelihood, the centralized procurement of medicines has improved quality and expanded coverage, and the "slimming" medicine bills mark the temperature of medical insurance reform; to release consumption potential, many places have introduced replacement subsidy policies, and relevant companies have responded positively. The old-for-new policy has been implemented and effective, helping to upgrade consumption in automobiles, home appliances, etc.... "What should be established should be established actively and proactively, and what should be broken should be broken resolutely on the basis of establishment", promoting the deep integration and efficient linkage of reform and development, we are fully able to adapt to the complex development situation and maintain a steady forward momentum.

At present, the adverse effects brought about by changes in the external environment are increasing, domestic effective demand is insufficient, economic operations are diverging, risks and hidden dangers in key areas are still many, and there are pains in the conversion of new and old kinetic energy. These are problems in development and transformation. We must not only enhance risk awareness and bottom-line thinking, actively respond, but also maintain strategic focus and firm confidence in development. my country has the institutional advantages of a socialist market economy, the demand advantages of a super-large-scale market, the supply advantages of a complete supporting industrial system, and the talent advantages of a large number of high-quality workers and entrepreneurs. The economy is resilient, has sufficient potential, and has ample room for maneuver. The long-term positive fundamentals have not changed and will not change.

On the road ahead, it is normal to have wind and rain. We will unify our thoughts and actions with the analysis, judgment, decision-making and deployment of the economic situation by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, strengthen our confidence in victory, maintain a calm mind, enhance our enterprising spirit, and use reform as a driving force to promote stable growth, adjust the structure and prevent risks. We will definitely be able to complete the annual economic and social development goals and tasks.

People's Daily (Edition 01, August 02, 2024)