
DOTA2 7.37 Gameplay Update Released: The Jungle Claw Returns


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"DOTA2" August 1st update - 7.37 gameplay update released, the official said that the 7.36 version affected almost all heroes in the game, so it is not surprising that 7.37 focuses on balancing the game environment. Many heroes have obtained new innate skills and life stones, and Medusa has even ushered in a rework. 7.37 also includes more explanation information, which should allow you to better understand all the variables involved in killing others in the jungle at any time.

The first match of the new version 7.37 will start at 10:00

Jungle Claw Returns

General Changes

All skill tooltip values ​​have been added to the range icons to show that they are affected by Bloodstones and other range-increasing effects.

Mining Area Aura: Powerful Mine health regeneration reduced from +7 to +5

Well Area Aura: Blessing of the Well mana regeneration reduced from +1.5 to +1.2

Starting from the second death, Roshan will always drop the Roshan Banner

Starting from the third death, Roshan will drop Refresher Orb Fragments and Cheese during the day, and Aghanim's Blessing at night.

Reduced the time required to teleport to the Roshan Outpost from 6 seconds to 4 seconds

Transmission Classification

The following are considered as transmission:

Town Portal Scroll

Travel shoes

Level 2 Travel Boots

Twin Doors

Chen: Divine Blessing

Io: Arrival

Keeper of the Light: Recall

Solitary Druid: Return of the Spirit Bear

Nature's Prophet: Teleport

Templar Assassin: Psionic Projection

Tinker: Keen Vehicle

Underlord: The Devil's Gate

Visage: Summon Familiar Recall (Loyal Subordinate)

Updated passive damage

The rules for life stones, innate skills, and skill destruction have been updated

All skills that have their destruction effects partially or completely disabled have had "Destructible: Yes" added

All skills that are partially disabled by the destruction effect now have their interactions with the destruction effect listed in the skill notes when holding the ALT key

The following abilities are now completely disabled by destruction effects:

Alchemist: Greevil's Greed (includes Bounty Rune multiplier)

Batrider: Smoldering Resin

Bloodseeker: Thirst (including breaking the maximum speed limit)

Bounty Hunter: Empty Hands

Bounty Hunter: Ninjutsu (including ninjutsu applied when hitting with throwing darts)

Chaos Knight: Chaos Reigns

Clockwerk: Armored Force

Crystal Maiden: Ice in the Snow

Dark Prophet: Battleheart

Dark Willow: Faerie Dust

Death Prophet: Mastery of Sorcery

Mystery: Gravity Well

Mystery: Event Horizon

Faceless Void: Distortion Field

Grimm's Strokes: Ink Traces

Werewolf: Apex Predator

Magnus: Solid Core

Mars: Fearless

Naga Siren: Eel Skin

Nature's Prophet: Soul of the Jungle

Nyx Assassin: Mana Burn

Nyx Assassin: Night Sense

Omniknight: Degeneration Aura

Oracle: Curse of the Prophet

Oracle: Prophet Healing

Pangolier: God Blesses the Brave

Phantom Assassin: Elusive

Phoenix: The Sun is Strong

Parker: Playful and ruthless

Queen of Pain: Hands Tied

Queen of Pain: Succubus

Lei Ze: Thunder and Lightning

Rubick: Strength and Magic

Shadow Demon: Menace

Silencer: Unstoppable

Shadow Shaman: Bird Play

Skywrath Mage: Restoring Order

Slardar: Outpost of the Ocean

Sven: Conquer with Strength

Engineer: Squee's Scope

Lumberjack: Exposure Therapy

Tinker: Eureka!

Tiny: Insurmountable

Ursa: Fierce Claws

Winter Wyvern: Wyvern Vision

The following abilities are now partially disabled by destruction effects:

Chaos Knight: Thousand Visions (destroying it will negate the passive damage reduction aura)

Ember Spirit: Sacrificial Heart (Sacrificial Heart inherited by the Flame Remnant after upgrading the Aghanim's Crystal will not become invalid)

Juggernaut: Blade's Heart (Destroying the hero prevents the hero from gaining new stacking effects. Destroying the hero does not invalidate the passive bonuses of existing stacking effects)

Lifestealer: Feast (Includes the effect of denying minions below 75% health. Destroying it prevents the hero from gaining new stacks. Destroying it does not invalidate passive bonuses from existing stacks)

Monkey King: Ruyi Staff Technique (Destroying it will prevent the hero from gaining new stacking effects. Destroying it will not invalidate the passive bonuses of existing stacking effects)

Beast: Zha (Destruction will invalidate the passive attack power bonus. Destruction will prevent the hero from obtaining new superposition effects)

Storm Spirit: Electrify (destroying the hero prevents him from gaining new stacks from kills)

Tidehunter: Kraken Shell (destroying the hero prevents the hero from gaining new stacks. Destroying does not invalidate passive bonuses from existing stacks)

Troll Warlord: Fierce Spirit (Destroying the hero will prevent the hero from gaining new stacking effects. Destroying it will invalidate the chance to trigger provided by Aghanim's Crystal. Destroying it will not invalidate the passive bonus of existing stacking effects)

Visage: Gravekeeper's Cape (destroying it prevents the hero from gaining new stacks. Destroying it does not invalidate passive bonuses from existing stacks)

Wraith King: Bone Guardian (destroying it prevents the hero from gaining new stacks)

The following abilities are no longer disabled by destruction effects:

Lich: Death Charge

Skill Block and Rebound

Skills with additional attacks can no longer be blocked or reflected. The behavior of the following skills has changed:

Beastmaster: Call of the Wild Warhawk Dive Bomb

Omniknight: Hammer of Purity

Tusk: Walrus Fist!

Ogre Magi: Fire Blasts applied by attacks after level 25 (including multicasts triggered by attacks)

Skills that can be cast on point targets or unit targets, but do not track targets when targeting units, can no longer be blocked or reflected. The behavior of the following skills has changed:

Lion: Earth Spike

Sand King: Burrow

Spells that track targets when targeting units can be blocked or reflected. The behavior of the following skills has changed:

Dark Seer: Ion Shell

Spells that can target units and displace the caster will now be blocked as they are cast, rather than after the displacement. The behavior of the following skills has changed:

Huskar: Sacrifice

Marcy: Back Kick

Meepo: Super Meepo Throw

Sven: Storm Hammer upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter

Tiny: Throw

Tusk: Snowball

Skills that fire skill projectiles at a primary target and affect the surrounding area will now only trigger skill blocks and deflections on the primary target. The behavior of the following skills has changed:

Alchemist: Unstable Concoctions

Bristleback: Viscous Nasal Mucus

Venomancer: Vicious Plague

Skills that fire separate homing projectiles at multiple targets and apply the same effect to all units hit will now trigger skill blocks and deflections separately. The behavior of the following skills has changed:

Bane: Aghanim's Crystal Upgraded Brain

Dazzle: Toxic Touch

Lion: Finger of Death upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter

Nyx Assassin: Has the level 25 talent Sanity Burst

Skywrath Mage: Ancient Seal with Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade

Visage: Soul Transmigration with level 15 talent

Soul Binding: Eternal Chains

Unit-targeted skills that bounce between multiple targets will only trigger skill blocks and rebounds on the primary target. The skill will continue to work, but subsequent targets will not trigger skill blocks/reflects. The behavior of the following skills has changed:

Dazzle: Shadow Wave

Senhai Feixia: Explosive Attack

Medusa: Mystic Snake. Mystic Snake triggered by Cold-Blooded Animals no longer triggers skill resistance/rebound

Nature's Prophet: Nature's Wrath, whether unit or point target

Phantom Lancer: Soul Spear

Rubick: Fade Bolt

Tinker: Aghanim's Scepter upgraded laser

Vengeful Spirit: Aghanim's Crystal Upgraded Magic Arrows

Witch Doctor: Paralysis Potion

Zeus: Arc Lightning. Aghanim's Crystal upgrade auto attack will not trigger skill block/reflection when casting.

Active effects of neutral items can no longer be blocked or reflected. The behavior of the following items has changed:

Shadow Cult

Force Shoes

Page Breaks

Neutral Creeps Updates

Harpy Storm Witch

No longer always casts Chain Lightning if attacked by lane creeps while pulling a jungle

Giant Wolf

Intimidate: Total attack damage reduction increased from 50% to 60%

Hellbear Smasher

Death Pains: Divine Power: Increased base attack damage bonus from 50% to 60%


Death Throes: Swiftness: Increased attack speed from 100 to 120

Ancient Granite Golem

Stone Aura: Bonus health percentage increased from 15/16/17/19% to 16/17/18/19%

Ancient Rock Golem

Weakness Aura: Armor reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6

Item Changes

Roshan's Banner

Range increased from 600 to 650


No longer provides +3/6 attack damage

Now provides +50/100 Health


Skill lifesteal bonus reduced from 30% to 20%

Blood Contract's skill lifesteal multiplier increased from 2.5x to 4x

Blood Contract duration reduced from 6 to 5 seconds


Soul Rend bonus damage dealt by non-heroes to silenced targets reduced from 50 to 25

Red Armor

Shield cooldown increased from 35 to 40 seconds

Shield's bonus damage block based on the caster's maximum health reduced from 2.5% to 2.2%

The Power of Dagon

Skill lifesteal bonus increased from 15% to 15/16/17/18/19%

Eternal vestments

Reduced magic resistance per stack of Eternal Stamina from 4% to 3.5%

Ethereal Blade

Aether Blast projectile speed increased from 1275 to 1400

Guardian Greaves

Repair cooldown increased from 40 to 45 seconds

Fear of Turtle

Maximum health regeneration bonus reduced from 1.6% to 1.4%

Heaven's Halberd

Slow resistance bonus increased from 20% to 25%

Disarm mana cost reduced from 100 to 75

Pure Lotus Pearl

Echo Shell duration reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds

Mana Axe

Reduced the duration of the Mirror Image illusion from 20 to 18 seconds

Long Shield

Health bonus increased from 150 to 175

Insight into the Pipe

Reduced mana shield duration from 12 to 10 seconds

Insight Aura magic resistance reduced from 10% to 8%

Solar Emblem

The price of the blueprint has been reduced from 600 gold to 500 gold. The total price has been reduced from 2700 gold to 2600 gold.

Shadow Amulet

Fade no longer requires the target to remain motionless

Fade no longer resets its cooldown when cast on yourself

Fade now slows the target by 35% while cloaked

Fade can now be dispelled

Fade cooldown increased from 7 to 18 seconds

Fade duration reduced from 15 to 3.5 seconds

Soul Urn

The recipe has been changed. Now requires an Urn of Shadows, a Vitality Globe, and a 900 gold recipe. (Total cost remains the same)

No longer provides +6 All Attributes. Now provides +375 Health

Soul Release cooldown increased from 7 to 10 seconds

Soul Release damage per second reduced from 35 to 25

Soul Release health gain reduction increased from 45% to 50%

Urn of Shadows

The recipe has been changed. Now requires Sage's Mask, Guardian Ring, Furry Hat and a 280 gold recipe. (Total price remains the same)

No longer provides +2 All Attributes. Now provides +125 Health

Soul Release cooldown increased from 7 to 10 seconds

Neutral Item Changes

Reliable Shovel

Mining cooldown no longer continues if the shovel is not in the neutral inventory slot

Will always dig up Holy Water Talisman when used in the River

Fairy accessories

Item has been rotated out

Iron Tree

Returned as a tier 1 neutral item

Provides +5 All Attributes. Use: Plant Tree. Plants a happy little tree for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds

Pig rod

All attribute bonus reduced from +5 to +4

Pigs Out!'s movement speed bonus increased from 10% to 15%

Iron Claw

Returned as a tier 2 neutral item

Grants +20 Attack Speed ​​and +4 Armor. Active: Chop Down. On non-player enemy units, removes 80% of current health. Casts on trees to instantly destroy them. Cooldown: 20 seconds. Chop Down Cooldown: 4 seconds

Philosopher's Stone

Has 750 energy. Each time gold is given to the owner, one energy point is consumed. When the energy is exhausted, the item is destroyed and the owner receives an additional 375 gold.


Increased all attribute bonuses for all-round heroes from +7 to +8

Arm armor

Now a level 3 neutral item

Primary attribute bonus increased from +8 to +10

Secondary attribute bonus increased from +2 to +4

Strength version's magic resistance bonus increased from +8% to +10%

Agility version's attack speed bonus increased from +10 to +15

Increased the intelligence version's skill amplification bonus from +6% to +8%

Ogre Seal Totem

Now a level 4 neutral item

Strength bonus increased from +10 to +12

Ogre Seal Pounce cooldown reduced from 40 to 35 seconds

Ogre Seal Pounce damage increased from 150 to 250

Ogre Seal now changes direction when pouncing, but turns slower

Martyr's Scales

Item has been rotated out

Hero Changes

Elder Titan

Life Stone


Movement speed converted to attack speed reduced from 30% to 25%


The situation is unbalanced

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded.

Friendly minions and structures affected by the Defense Rune or Roshan's banner deal 100% bonus damage.

Astral Spirit

No longer an innate skill

Movement speed bonus for each hero adjusted from 4/5/6/7/8% to 5/6/7/8%

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each non-hero from 3/3/7/11/15 to 3/7/11/15

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each hero from 10/17/38/59/80 to 17/38/59/80

The armor bonus provided by each hero has been adjusted from 1/1.5/3/4.5/6 to 1.5/3/4.5/6

Mana cost adjusted from 70/80/90/100/110 to 80/90/100/110

Cooldown adjusted from 25/23/21/19/17 seconds to 23/21/19/17 seconds



The elegy is still being sung

Can no longer refresh


Cooldown changed from 90/85/80/75 seconds to 80 seconds

Flesh Golem

Slow reduced from 40/45/50% to 35/40/45%


Level 25 Talent reduced from +60% Flesh Golem Bonus Strength to +50%



Level 10 Talent changed from +150 Healing Ward AoE to +4% Duelist Damage

Level 10 Talent changed from +10% Swords Dance Critical Damage to -10s Healing Ward Cooldown

Level 15 Talent increased from +30 Movement Speed ​​during Bladestorm to +40

Level 15 Talent changed from -20s Healing Ward Cooldown to +1% Healing Ward Heal


Hallowed Pool of Mist: Skill removed


Withering Mist

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

When damaging an enemy, the negative effect of Withering Mist is applied for 5 seconds. If the HP of the affected enemy is below 40%, the health regeneration, healing, lifesteal and skill lifesteal will be reduced by 35%.

Last Light

Cooldown increased from 80/70/60 to 90/80/70


Level 20 Talent reduced from +100 Aphotic Shield to +80


Life Stone

Wood chipper

Logging Saw Chain

Chip slow time increased from 0.75 to 1 second


Exposure therapy

Mana restored from destroying a tree increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7


Life Stone

Maintenance Robot

Mechanical March

Healing per second increased from 15/20/25/30 to 15/25/35/45


Defense Matrix

Damage shield reduced from 100/180/240/320 to 80/160/240/320

Warp Radiance

The distance between the enemy target's teleport location and the location where the Tinker throws the light bullet is now always the skill's current cast range + 100. Units that are more than 2000 away from the intended location will not be teleported.



Degraded Aura

Range increased from 300 to 325


Can now be upgraded with Aghanim's Crystal. After a 3 second delay, the target will be hit again with 75% of the power.


Now provides 60% magic resistance

Cooldown increased from 45/40/35/30 to 55/50/45/40

Aghanim's Crystal upgrade effect removed

Hammer of Purity

Now properly converted to attack modifiers (removes the delay between melee attack hitting and applying the pure damage)

No longer able to be skill-stealed

No longer triggers the magic wand

Mana cost reduced from 30/40/50/60 to 30/35/40/45

Cooldown reduced from 16/14/12/10 to 16/12/8/4

Damage reduced from 55/80/105/130 to 50/70/90/110

Bonus base attack damage reduced from 55/80/105/130% to 55/70/85/100%

Guardian Angel

Changed from a unit-targeted skill to a point-targeted skill. Now applies Guardian Angel to all friendly units within a 400 radius.

No longer has 2 energy points

Cast range reduced from 900 to 600

Cooldown increased from 70/60/50 to 110/100/90

Mana cost increased from 100/150/200 to 125/175/225

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade has been reworked. It now provides global cast range, increased area of ​​effect, and can be applied to buildings. In addition, health regeneration and healing received are increased by 100% over the duration. Scepter upgrade range: 700


Level 10 Talent reduced from +50 Base Attack Damage to +35

Level 10 Talent changed from -2s Baptism Cooldown to +1s Guardian Angel Duration

Level 15 Talent changed from -15s Guardian Angel Recharge to -20s Guardian Angel Cooldown

Level 20 Talent changed from -5s Hammer of Purity Cooldown to -3s Ablution Cooldown


Life Stone

Wild Hunt

Wild at Heart

Adjusted the attack speed bonus provided by each unit from 1/2/3/4/5 to 2/3/4/5

Beast Mode

Wild at Heart

Active attack speed bonus adjusted from 10/20/30/40/50 to 20/30/40/50



New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Beastmaster's chance to block melee hero damage against non-hero units increased from 50% to 100%

Wild Axe

Mana cost increased from 50 to 50/55/60/65

Wild at Heart

No longer an innate skill

Attack speed bonus adjusted from 5/10/25/40/55 to 15/30/45/60

Slom's Drums

Minimum drum beat interval increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Damage per hit reduced from 90 to 85

No longer adds a superimposed effect when attacking buildings

Legion Commander


Face the challenges head on!

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

After attacking an enemy hero of a higher level than Legion Commander, her health regeneration, lifesteal, and healing received are increased by 50% for 4 seconds. This effect is always applied when attacking a max-level enemy.

Moment of Courage

No longer an innate skill

Lifesteal adjusted from 40/60/70/80/90% to 55/65/75/85%

Cooldown time adjusted from 2.3/1.9/1.5/1.1/0.7 seconds to 1.9/1.5/1.1/0.7 seconds




New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Viper's attacks deal an additional amount of physical damage based on the target hero's missing health, at a rate of 0.25 + 0.05 * Viper's level for every 1% missing. Only applies to heroes.

Corrosion of skin

No longer an innate skill

Attack speed reduction adjusted from 3/6/14/22/30 to 8/16/24/32

Magic resistance adjusted from 5/10/15/20/25% to 10/15/20/25%

Damage per second adjusted from 3/6/14/22/30 to 8/16/24/32

Wraith King


Vampire Soul

Lifesteal increased from 20/30/40/50% to 26/34/42/50%

Now reduces resurrection time based on wraith duration

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade no longer reduces respawn time


Level 10 Talent increased from +20% Hellfire Critical Instant/Second Damage to +25%


Life Stone

Dying Light

AoE reduced from 450 to 400


Phoenix Impact

Movement speed slow reduced from 16/19/22/25% to 10/15/20/25%


Basic attack power decreased by 2 points

Life Stone


After attaching to the carrier, the guard's health will also increase by 1/1.5/2/2.5% of the carrier's maximum health.


Septic shock

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Venomancer's attacks deal bonus magic damage based on the number of debuffs on the target. Only debuffs from Venomancer and his Plaguewards count. Base damage per debuff: 10%

Upgradable with Aghanim's Scepter. Increased the base damage of Septic Shock per debuff from 10% to 20%. Plague Wards also deal Septic Shock damage based on their attack damage.


No longer an innate skill

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade effect removed

Duration adjusted from 3/6/9/12/15 seconds to 6/9/12/15 seconds

Damage per second adjusted from 2/6/14/22/30 to 8/16/24/32

Slowing effect adjusted from 3/6/9/12/15% to 8/10/12/14%

Plague Guard

Mana cost increased from 21/24/27/30 to 24/26/28/30


Life Stone

wipe out

The secret to a killer move

Agility bonus when attacking non-hero units increased from 4x to 4.5x



Cooldown reduced from 20/17/14/11 to 17/15/13/11

Drow Ranger

Life Stone


Several arrows fired

Movement speed penalty reduced from 40% to 25%


Frost Arrow

Bonus damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/15/20/25


Level 15 Talent changed from +20% Lifesteal to +75 Attack Range


Life Stone

Armature expansion

Energy Gear

Reduced gear knockback time from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds


Armored Force

Damage bonus per point of armor reduced from 0.3% to 0.25%

Nyx Assassin

Life Stone

Mana Burn

No longer follows the revenge upgrade

No longer has a damage threshold

Now only Nyx Assassin's skill damage can trigger

Current mana burn percentage adjusted from 15/20/25/30% to 15%


Night God Perception

Now also displays enemy heroes in the fog of war

AoE reduced from 400 to 350


Aghanim's Crystal upgrade effect reworked. Vengeance applies a destruction effect that lasts for 4 seconds


Level 10 Talent reduced from +50 Revenge Damage to +40

Level 20 Talent reduced from +120 Pierce Damage to +100

Level 25 Talent changed from Vengeance to Apply Destruction to +80 Agility


Life Stone

Spear can be hot

New Life Stone

Blood Spear

Boiling Spear also burns the enemy's maximum health by 1% per second. Consumes 4% of maximum health instead of 4% of current health. Duration reduced from 9 seconds to 6 seconds

Level 25 Talent reduced from +6s Boiling Spear duration to +4s

Life Eater

Life Stone


Ghoul renamed to Berserk

No longer gains permanent health cap when killing non-heroes or heroes (moved to Innate Skill Feast)



In addition, Lifestealer gains permanent health caps whenever he kills a non-hero or a hero. Health caps gained when killing a non-hero: 1. Health caps gained when killing a hero: 15

Templar Assassin

Life Stone

Blade of the Void

Life Stone has been reworked


Hitting a target with stealth also applies bonus damage and debuffs to all enemies hit by the Psionic Blade splash.


The Third Eye

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Templar Assassin and her teammates can see Roshan's resurrection countdown


Armor reduction duration reduced from 12 to 6 seconds

Now applies bonus damage and armor reduction when denying an ally or trap

Psionic Blade

No longer an innate skill

Additional attack range adjusted from 0/50/100/150/200 to 50/100/150/200

Psionic Blade range adjusted from 350/550/600/650/700 to 550/600/650/700

Splash damage adjusted from 80/85/90/95/100% to 85/90/95/100%

Psionic Trap

Psionic Trap no longer provides vision inside the Roshan Pit

Psionic Trap now always requires 2 attacks from ranged units, 1 attack from melee units, or 4 attacks from non-hero units

Earth Spirit

Life Stone

A place with great talents

New Life Stone

Boulder Roll

Rolling past an allied hero grants that hero a 15/20/25/30% movement speed bonus for 4 seconds. Earth Spirit rolls farther and faster, stunning enemies longer. Speed: 1900. Distance multiplier: 2.5x. Extra stun duration: 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9 seconds


Boulder Roll

Damage increased from 60 to 60/70/80/90


Damage per second increased from 40/80/120 to 45/85/125

Skywrath Mage

Life Stone

Skyborn Shield

Skyborn Shield

Shield duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds


Level 15 Talent changed from +15% Disorientation Skill Lifesteal to +15% Concussive Bomb Slow


Life Stone

Beautiful Art

Strike of Destiny

Increased damage per target from 20/35/50/65 to 20/40/60/80

Arc Warden

Life Stone



Movement speed slow increased from 14/21/28/35% to 15/22/30/39%

Flash Ghost

Slow duration increased from 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7 to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2



Movement speed slow reduced from 6/10/14/18% to 5/8/11/14%

Flash Ghost

Slow duration reduced from 0.6/0.8/1/1.2 to 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7


Level 25 Talent changed from Magnetic Field affecting minions and buildings to Magnetic Field Silencing the target when it is alone

Naga Siren

Life Stone



Now also limits the enemy's maximum movement speed to 225

Duration reduced from 5 to 3 seconds

Status resistance reduction increased from 20% to 35%



Invading Army

New innate skills. Upgrade with the Devil's Gate

When an allied hero teleports, they temporarily gain reduced damage taken and increased movement speed. The bonus is doubled after teleporting through the Demon's Gate. Reduced damage taken: 4/6/8/10%. Increased movement speed: 5/10/15/20%. Bonus duration: 5 seconds

Atrophy Aura

No longer an innate skill

Attack damage reduction adjusted from 0/6/14/22/30% to 6/14/22/30%

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each non-hero from 1/3/5/7/9 to 2/4/6/8

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each hero from 25/30/35/40/45 to 30/35/40/45

Duration changed from 25/35/45/55/65 seconds to 35/45/55/65 seconds

Devil's Gate

Passing through a portal no longer provides bonuses by default (moved to the innate skill Aggression)


Level 10 Talent reduced from +75 Firestorm Radius to +60

Level 10 Talent changed from +10% Demon's Gate Movement Speed ​​Bonus/Damage Taken Reduced to +5% Invading Horde Movement Speed ​​Bonus/Damage Taken Reduced

Level 15 Talent reduced from +30% Pit of Malice slow to +25%

Level 25 Talent reduced from +0.65s Abyss of Malice Coil to +0.5s


Life Stone

Emergency landing


AoE reduced from 450 to 400

Bonus landing damage reduced from 25/30/35/40% to 20/25/30/35%



Damage no longer ignores magic resistance provided by debuff immunity

grow up

Bonus damage of Throw reduced from 100/250/400 to 50/175/300


Level 15 Talent reduced from +80 Avalanche Damage to +70


Life Stone

Squee's Scope

Each point of attack speed now also provides 1 attack projectile speed


Life Stone

Drinking buddies

Drinking buddies

Can now be multicast to only pull Tusk towards his friendly target

Troll Warlord


Fighting Stance

New innate skill. Can be switched on and off, cannot be upgraded

Allows the Troll Warrior to switch between melee attacks (1.4 seconds base attack interval) and ranged attacks

Berserker's Fury

No longer an innate skill

In melee form, the Troll Warlord has a 15/25/35/45 movement speed bonus, 2/3/4/5 armor bonus, and a 20% chance to ensnare an enemy for 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 seconds. In ranged form, the Troll Warlord's attacks have a 20% chance to cripple an enemy, slowing their movement speed by 8/16/24/32% for 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 seconds and dealing 5/10/15/20 extra physical damage.

Whirlwind Axe (Ranged)

Axe damage reduced from 80/100/120/140 to 60/80/100/120

Hot-blooded fighting spirit

Aghanim's Crystal upgrade base proc chance reduced from 18% to 16%

Aghanim's Crystal upgrade chance per level of Blood Spirit reduced from 4% to 3%

Witch Doctor

Life Stone

Voodoo Spells

Voodoo Remedies

Self-heal increased from 25% to 25/30/35/40%



Base damage increased from 15/20/25/30 to 18/22/26/30


Life Stone

Curve Orb

Illusion Orb

Now shows a preview of the orb's trajectory


Level 10 Talent increased from +1s Crescent Silence to +1.25s

Level 20 Talent increased from +175 Dream Coil Initial/Break Damage to +200


Life Stone

Reward of Destruction

Now destroying friendly towers also grants skill amplification

Spell amplification reduced from 1.5% to 1.25%

Siphon Guard

Nether Guard

Damage converted to health/mana increased from 25% to 30%


Level 10 Talent changed from +200 Health to +2 Netherward Health

Level 10 Talent changed from +10% Decrease to -1s Netherblast Cooldown on allies

Level 15 Talent changed from +3 Netherward Life to +350 Life

Level 15 Talent changed from -1s Nether Blast Cooldown to +30% Decrease to Allied Movement Speed

Level 20 Talent increased from +1.0s Decrease Duration to +1.5s


Life Stone

Kinetic Fence

Kinetic Fence

Cast range increased from 900 to 1050


Evil Glimpse

Now also deals damage equal to 20/25/30/35% of the distance traveled. Maximum damage remains 100/160/220/280


Level 15 Talent changed from +275 Glimpse Max Damage to +10%/+280 Glimpse Distance to Damage/Max Damage

Phantom Assassin


The Invisible

Can now dodge projectiles

Cast time reduced from 0.4 to 0.3 seconds

Phantom Lancer

Life Stone



Illusion bonus attack damage reduced from +4% to +2%


Phantom Weapons

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Items that provide additional attack damage now provide base attack damage, which is 65% of the original attack damage bonus.

Soul Spear

Illusion attack power reduced from 20% to 15%

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade illusion bonus attack damage reduced from 30% to 20%

Phantom Charge

No longer an innate skill

Cooldown adjusted from 16/13/10/7/4 seconds to 13/10/7/4 seconds

Maximum charge distance adjusted from 525/600/675/750/825 to 600/675/750/825

Agility bonus adjusted from 5/10/20/30/40 to 10/20/30/40


Illusion attack damage reduced from 18/20/22% to 13/15/17%


Level 20 Talent reduced from +10% Tied Attack Damage to +6%

Level 25 Talent changed from +20% Critical Strike (200%) to +15% Phantom Weapon Attack Damage



Spectre Blade

Mana cost reduced from 130/140/150/160 to 120/130/140/150


Reflected damage increased from 8/12/16/20% to 11/14/17/20%


Level 10 Talent increased from +4 Health Regen to +5

Shadow Fiend

Life Stone


Now also increases Dominate Undead

Domination of the Dead

Each time you kill a hero, the soul limit will increase by 1 until Shadow Fiend dies.


Domination of the Dead

Killing a hero no longer adds 1 soul limit by default

Shadow of Destruction

Stack duration reduced from 8 seconds to 7 seconds

Mana cost increased from 75 to 80

Requiem of the Soul

Maximum mana width reduced from 350 to 300

Reduced the duration of each Fel Terror from 0.7 seconds to 0.6 seconds


Level 20 Talent reduced from +0.25s Soul Requiem per Terror to +0.2s




Attack range increased from 450/490/530/570 to 450/500/550/600

Dai Ze

Life Stone

The Grace of Nothingness

Shield duration increased from 10 to 12 seconds

Poisonous Flower

Toxic Touch

Spread damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 30/60/90/120


Life Stone


Demonic Edict

Duration reduced from 7 to 6 seconds (total damage unchanged)


Tearing the Earth

Damage reduced from 120/180/240/300 to 115/170/225/280



Strength and Magic

The bonus attack damage per 1% skill enhancement is reduced from 1% to 0.75%.

Arcane Supremacy

Spell amplification reduced from 14/18/22/26% to 11/16/21/26%


Life Stone

Power Strike Totem

All of Earthshaker's abilities now cause knockback on kills, not just empowered totems


Soul Cairn

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded.

When Earthshaker dies, a 75 radius chasm is created at the location where he died. This chasm impedes movement and causes Earthshaker to continuously gain experience from the surrounding area.


No longer an innate skill

Damage adjusted from 35/70/100/130/160 to 70/100/130/160

Duration adjusted from 0.5/1/1.1/1.2/1.3 seconds to 1/1.1/1.2/1.3 seconds


Base health regen increased from 0.75 to 1


The Road to Nowhere

New innate skill. Passive, upgrades with Mana Void

Attacks slow enemies based on their missing mana. 50% mana slows them down by 12.5/15/17.5/20% and 0% mana slows them down by 25/30/35/40%. Slow duration: 0.75 seconds

Mana Break

No longer an innate skill

Adjusted mana damage per attack from 16/23/30/37/44 to 25/30/35/40

Adjusted the maximum mana destroyed per attack from 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4% to 1.6/2.4/3.2/4%


Aghanim's Scepter upgrade reworked. Reduced cooldown by 1 second. After casting Blink, Mana Break becomes more powerful for 5 seconds, burning an additional 20% of maximum mana and preventing the target from healing or gaining mana for 6 seconds. This debuff cannot be dispelled


Level 15 Talent changed from 40% slow against blue targets in the air to +10% The highest slow in the Road of the Dead

Level 20 Talent changed from -1s Blink Cooldown to +0.7s Mana Void Stun


Increases basic attack power by 3 points


Level 20 Talent increased from +80 Shadow Dance Attack Speed ​​to +90

Level 25 Talent increased from +1s Shadow Dance Duration to +1.25s



Murloc Smash

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade reduced puddle duration from 15 to 12 seconds

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade puddle radius reduced from 600 to 550


Level 20 Talent increased from -3 Corrosive Mist Armor to -4



Battle Cry

Armor bonus reduced from 6/9/12/15 to 6/8/10/12

Aghanim's Cube no longer passively grants bonus movement speed to allies

Aghanim's Crystal now increases active movement speed bonus by an additional 3%


Level 15 Talent reduced from -15s God's Strength cooldown to -12s

Level 20 Talent reduced from +10 Battlecry Armor to +8


Minimum attack power increased by 4 points


Commander Rum

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

When Kunkka takes damage from a hero, building, or Roshan and his health drops below 65%, he will automatically trigger Commander Rum, which lasts for 10 seconds, providing a 10% movement speed bonus and delaying the settlement of 20% of the damage taken. The delayed damage is evenly settled within 10 seconds after the state ends. It stacks with Commander Rum from other sources. Cooldown: 60 seconds


Range increased from 225 to 250

Mana cost reduced from 100 to 90


No longer an innate skill

Cleave distance adjusted from 500/650/800/950/1100 to 650/800/950/1100

Attack damage bonus adjusted from 10/30/60/90/120 to 30/60/90/120

Cooldown adjusted from 16/13/10/7/4 seconds to 13/10/7/4 seconds

Ghost Ship

Friendly heroes hit by the Ghost Ship will receive stronger Commander Rum. Rum movement speed bonus: 15%. Delayed damage: 35%

Can now be upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter. Spawns a fleet of 2 ships at the target location at 2.5 second intervals. Each ship now also fires 3 waves of 4 shells from port and starboard, dealing 40% of Ghost Ship's damage when passing through enemies. Shells can pierce targets, but each unit can only be hit by 1 shell per wave. Shell Trajectory Range: 100. Shell Trajectory Speed: 1400

Torrent Wave

Skills Removed


Level 25 Talent changed from Ghost Ship Fleet to +100 Skill Range

Shadow Demon

Life Stone



Current health loss increased from 15% to 20%



Cooldown reduced from 30/25/20/15 to 26/22/18/14

Shadow Shaman

Life Stone

Serpent Guard

Snake Guard

Health increased from 7.5x to 10x



Aghanim's Crystal upgrade Serpent Ward duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds


Level 15 Talent changed from +1s Shackle Duration to Hex Applies Destruction

Level 15 Talent increased from +140 Serpent Ward Attack Range to +160

Level 20 Talent changed from Hex Apply Destruction to +1.5s Shackle Duration

The Messenger of Doom

Life Stone

The End is Near

New Life Stone


Every 6.66 minutes, the duration will increase by 0.66 seconds (double in accelerated mode)

Damage per second reduced from 30/50/70 to 30/45/60



Shadow Word

Healing/damage adjusted from 16/24/32/40 to 15/25/35/45


Level 15 Talent changed from +15 Shadow Word Damage/Healing to +150 Shadow Word Radius



Level 10 Talent reduced from +200 Attack Range to +150

Treant Protector


Natural Shelter

Aghanim's Crystal total damage changed from 200 to 100 + 75% of Treant's base attack damage

Senhai Feixia

Life Stone

Show off your skills

Running in the jungle

Bonus cast range increased from 50/100/150/200 to 100/150/200/250

Bonus attack range increased from 50/100/150/200 to 100/150/200/250


Explosive attack

Mana cost increased from 70/75/80/85 to 85/90/95/100

Bonus damage reduced from 55/90/125/160 to 40/80/120/160


Level 15 Talent reduced from +2 Blast Bounce to +1

Level 20 Talent reduced from -4 attack reduction armor to -3

Death Prophet

Life Stone

Soul Collection

Now Death Prophet will gain souls when she dies and during her death

Mourning ceremony

New Life Stone

Passive effect. Death Prophet delays 20/30/40/50% of damage dealt, taking damage in 1 second intervals over 5 seconds. Upgraded with Driven Spirits


Crypt Swarm

Range increased from 810 to 900

Cast range is now the same as the wave distance

Soul-sucking witchcraft

Can now target Roshan and Pain Cube


Level 15 Talent changed from +250 Health to +75 Silence Magic Radius

Level 20 Talent changed from +50 Crypt Swarm Damage to +400 Health

Outworld Devourer


Level 15 Talent increased from +100 Astral Imprisonment Cast Range to +125

Level 25 Talent reduced from +2% Arcane Orb Damage to +1.5%

Crystal Maiden

Life Stone

Delivering ice in the snow

Blue Heart Ice Floe

Now also increases mana regeneration boost from 50% to 75%



Brain drain

Permanent intelligence steal reduced from 2 to 1 (Aghanim's Crystal upgrade intelligence steal reduced from 4 to 3)

Heroes now have Silencer's debuff on them when they die, and their intelligence will be stolen even if they are out of range.

Blade of Wisdom

Mana cost reduced from 20 to 14/16/18/20

Last words

Damage per silence increased from 20/30/40/50 to 30/40/50/60


Level 10 Talent increased from +10 Arcane Curse Damage to +15

Level 15 Talent changed from +20/5% Last Word Damage/Slow to +2/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Silence Duration

Level 20 Talent changed from Arcane Curse Undispellable to +35/5% Last Word Damage/Slow

Sand King

Life Stone

Dust Whirlwind


Range increased from 300/350/400/450 to 450/500/550/600


Corpse poison

Maximum health damage adjusted from 6/9/12/15% to 4/8/12/16%

Duration adjusted from 6 seconds to 4.5/5/5.5/6 seconds


Aghanim's Scepter upgrade effect removed

Tail sting

Now triggers the Wand

Mana cost increased from 30 to 35/40/45/50

Cooldown increased from 14/11/8/5 to 15/12/9/6

Bonus damage is now bonus physical damage instead of bonus attack damage

Bonus attack damage reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 35/70/105/140


Now upgradeable with Aghanim's Scepter. Every 0.5 seconds, 3 tail spikes are generated at random locations, each area is 15% of the current range of the earthquake, and 50% tail spike damage is applied to enemies hit. The same enemy can only be hit once per wave of earthquakes.

With both items, the shockwaves from Aghanim's Crystal will apply 1 tail sting from Aghanim's Scepter


Level 10 Talent changed from +10 Sand Storm DPS to +8% Tail Stab Slow

Level 15 Talent changed from +50 Tail Stab Damage to +150 Burrow Cast Range

Level 15 Talent changed from +12% Tail Stab Slow to +25 Sand Storm DPS

Chaos Knight

Life Stone


Reality rift

Now has a 33% chance to silence, instead of applying no effect.


Base intelligence increased from 18 to 20



Cooldown reduced from 150 to 150/145/140

Ember Spirit

Life Stone

Double Impact

Shadowless Fist

Second attack damage penalty increased from 40% to 50%


Sacrificial Heart

New innate skill. Passive, upgrades with the remaining flame

Ember Spirit always deals 10/20/30/40 damage per second to a 175 radius area.

Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Crystal. Damage increased by 10 points, range increased by 175, and the remnant will inherit the Sacrifice Heart of the current level

Yanyang Suo

Mana cost increased from 80/90/100/110 to 95/100/105/110

Fire Hood

No longer an innate skill, and no longer has a passive effect

Duration adjusted from 10/12/14/16/18 seconds to 12/14/16/18 seconds

Damage per second adjusted from 15/25/35/45/55 to 20/30/40/50

Magical damage shield adjusted from 30/60/135/210/285 to 60/135/210/285


Life Stone

Bear Heart

Bonus duration reduced from 20% to 14/16/18/20%. Now scales with Enrage



Keen scope

Attack range bonus increased from 160/240/320/400 to 160/260/360/460


Damage increased from 25/40/55/70 to 30/45/60/75


Level 20 Talent changed from +100 Attack Range to +30% Shrapnel Damage

Solitary Druid

Life Stone

The Bear of the World

Spirit Bear Companion

Now also increases the maximum distance between a Solitary Druid and the Spirit Bear that the Spirit Bear can attack by 500.

Bear also seeks essence

New Life Stone

Lone Druids can only use 3 inventory slots, but gain 50/60/70/80% extra passive attributes from them. Upgrade with True Bear Form

Additional properties apply to the following properties:

Strength, Agility, and Intelligence

Health, Magicka, and Evasion

Attack Speed ​​and Attack Damage Bonus

Health and mana regeneration


British Bear Gifts

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Solitary Druids can reroll their neutral token once per level.

Spirit Bear Companion

The Spirit Bear no longer equips neutral items on its own. It now copies the Solo Druid's currently equipped neutral item and shares the same cooldown.


Life Stone

Alpha Wolf

New Life Stone

The maximum level of Summon Wolf is increased by 2 levels, but the maximum level of Howl and Feral Drive is reduced by 1 level.

Summon the Wolf

Level 5 and 6 attack damage and health increase linearly

Starting at level 5, the Elf Wolf gains Hamstring, an attack effect that applies 0.5 seconds of rooting, and the next 4 attacks of the unit under the Werewolf's control will deal an additional 50 points of physical damage. The cooldown time is 8 seconds

Starting from level 6, the Elf Wolf gains Swiftness. After it is activated, the Elf Wolf gains burst energy, gaining extreme speed, 100% dodge and 20 attack speed, which lasts for 8 seconds. Cooldown time: 50 seconds

The elven wolf summoned by Aghanim's Crystal will be strengthened accordingly after the wolf is upgraded to level 4.

Life Stone

Increased movement speed bonus from 4% to 5%

The additional speed bonus after active activation has been reduced from 6% to 5%.

Life Stone has been reworked

Each thump now grants 20% increased range to all items and abilities. Bonus duration: 10 seconds


Movement slowdown per stack reduced from 8% to 5/6/7/8%


Life Stone



Life gained from lifestealing now also heals allies with Guardian

Armor bonus increased from 4/7/10/13 to 4/8/12/16

Qiong Ying Bi Ling

Life Stone



Now follow the cross-border upgrade

Now when Qiongying Biling is within 450 range of her altar, her attack speed is increased by 15/25/35/45

The altar will no longer be destroyed or enter an additional cooldown when Qiongying Biling is resurrected



Dragon Flame Cookies

Instant damage increased from 70/140/210/280 to 70/145/220/295

Thunderbolt Iron Fist

Reduced the number of attacks from 6 to 5


Level 15 Talent reduced from +2 Thunderbolt Grips to +1

Level 25 Talent reduced from +70% Thunderbolt Gauntlet Attack Damage to +60%

Queen of Pain

Base strength increased from 18 to 20


Tie your hands

Reflection damage increased from 10% to 15%

Shadow Strike

Mana cost reduced from 125/130/135/140 to 100/110/120/130


Level 10 Talent changed from +20 Attack Damage to +35 Attack Speed ​​when attacking units under Shadow Strike

Level 15 Talent changed from +40 Attack Speed ​​when attacking units under Shadow Strike to +30 Attack Damage



Summon Missiles

Missile damage increased from 250/400/550 to 250/425/600



Rolling mines

Damage adjusted from 100/150/200 to 75/150/225


Level 25 Talent increased from -2.5s Swash Cooldown to -3s


Increases basic attack power by 3 points

Base strength reduced from 20 to 18

Strength growth increased from 1.7 to 1.9


Level 15 Talent increased from +80 Leap Attack Speed ​​to +90


Life Stone

Death Price

New Life Stone

Soul Resurrection

Soul Transmigration grants 35 gold per Soul Energy per kill, up to 105/140/175/210 gold. 15% gold is granted for killing non-heroes. Enemy heroes that die within 3 seconds of being affected by Soul Transmigration also grant gold.



New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

As long as Visage is not taking damage, his ability cooldowns are reduced. Every 2 seconds Visage is not taking damage, he gains a stack. Each stack provides 2% cooldown reduction, up to a maximum of 10 stacks. The stack expires 2 seconds after taking any damage.

Graveguard Cloak

No longer an innate skill

Damage reduction per stack adjusted from 4/8/12/16/20% to 8/12/16/20%

Adjusted the recovery time per stack from 7/6/5/4/3 seconds to 7/6/5/4 seconds

Quiet as an ancient tomb

Mana cost increased from 100 to 115

Duration reduced from 35 to 30 seconds

Bonus damage reduced from 25% to 20%




New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Each time Weaver casts a skill, he gains 50 attack range for 7 seconds. This effect stacks independently.


No longer an innate skill

Cooldown adjusted from 10.5/8.5/6.5/4.5/2.5 seconds to 9/7/5/3 seconds

Combo attack damage adjusted from 0/20/35/50/65 to 20/35/50/65


Level 20 Talent reduced from +80 Combo Attack Damage to +70


Life Stone

Magic Pact

Life Stone Removed

Poison Arrow

New Life Stone

Medusa applies poison every five attacks, slowing enemies by 35% movement speed, 80% attack speed, and 50% casting speed for 1.5 seconds. For the purpose of split arrow calculations, poisoned attacks count as attack effects.


Magic Shield

No longer an upgradeable skill, the base magic damage absorption coefficient is now 2.4, and the coefficient increases by 0.1 for each level of the hero

Mystic Snake

No longer reduces movement speed or turn rate

Cooldown increased from 13/12/11/10 to 15/14/13/12

Net Arrow Formation

New basic skills.

Medusa fires a barrage of arrows into the air that fall in 3 groups in a straight line, each with a larger radius than the last. Enemies hit by a group of arrows instantly take 30/70/110/150 physical damage, are entangled, unable to turn around, and take 100 physical damage per second for 0.8/1.2/1.6/2 seconds. The arrows have slightly overlapping radiuses and are visible to enemies. Initial radius: 150. Incremental radius: 50. Casting distance: 625. Mana cost: 40/60/80/100. Cooldown: 30/27/24/21 seconds.

Stone Gaze

Mana cost increased from 150 to 200


Level 10 Talent increased from +8% Stone Gaze Bonus Physical Damage to +10%

Level 25 Talent changed from +1.9 Magic Shield Absorption Coefficient to +1 Snaring Arrows


Life Stone

Necrotic Web

Weaving a web

The negative effect is now applied only when Broodmother and the target are in the same web


Level 10 Talent reduced from +3 Web Spin Max Webs to +2

Level 15 Talent reduced from -7s Web Recharge to -5s

Level 20 Talent increased from +10 Numbing Bite Bonus Attack Damage to +12

Nature's Prophet

Life Stone

Iron Tree Tree

The Call of Nature

Now also increases the vision of the treants. Day vision increased from 500 to 1200. Night vision increased from 500 to 800.

Now requires a single tree to be selected to cast

Treant movement speed increased from 300 to 350


Nature's Wrath

Now hits all visible targets. No longer increases damage after 16th bounce

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade minimum/maximum root time reduced from 2/3.8 to 1.5/3 seconds

Aomori Curse

Damage from Treants now uses the same Treant multiplier as Soul of the Forest




New innate skill. Passive, upgraded with God Slash

Every 150 damage Lina deals to an enemy hero causes them to Overheat, dealing 10/20/30/40 damage to their allies within a 400 radius. If the target is an illusion, it deals 10 damage. This effect can be triggered multiple times if the damage dealt exceeds 150.

Fiery Soul

No longer an upgradeable innate skill

Movement speed bonus per stack adjusted from 1/1.5/2/2.5/3% to 1.5/2/2.5/3%

Attack speed bonus per stack adjusted from 4/8/16/24/32 to 8/16/24/32



Mana Drain

When the enemy has no mana remaining, the slowing effect of mana drain is increased by an additional 15%

Void Spirit

Life Stone


Life Stone Removed


Resonance Pulse

Shield value per hero hit increased from 40/60/80/100 to 50/70/90/110

The call of the void

New Life Stone


When exiting Alienation, Remnant Yin will be generated at the 3 Spirit Portals farthest from the Void Spirit for 4 seconds. If it is reorganized at the central Spirit Portal, it will have no effect. Remnant Yin will face the central Spirit Portal, and the pulling time and damage will be reduced. Remnant Yin power: 60%

The end of the observation distance of the Remnant Shadow is always fixed, which means that increasing the observation distance will cause the Remnant Shadow to spawn further away from the central Spirit Gate.


Resonance Pulse

Now provides physical damage shield. Base damage shield: 25/50/75/100. Shield value per hero hit: 35/50/65/80

Faceless Void

Life Stone

Time Boundary

The Show of the Moment was renamed to Time Boundary

Time Travel

Timewalking no longer blocks all damage for a short period of time.


Level 25 Talent increased from +140 Reversal Time Radius to +200

Blood Demon


Blood-eating animals

Now heals for the full amount when denying


Level 10 Talent increased from +10% Blood Rage Skill Amplification to +15%

Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Blood Rite Damage to +135

Soul Breaker

Life Stone


Shadow Dash

Sticky's movement speed bonus is now determined by Spirit Breaker's current movement speed bonus, rather than always being the highest bonus.


Shadow Dash

Now reaches maximum movement speed gradually, starting at 25% of the speed bonus


Life Stone

Event Horizon

Movement speed slow reduced from 15% to 9/11/13/15%. Now scales with Black Hole


Gravity Well

Damage reduction reduced from 15% to 9/11/13/15%. Now upgrades with Black Hole

Bounty Hunter

Base Intelligence reduced from 22 to 20


Professional Hunter

Increased bonus gold for ending a killstreak from 10% to 20%

Throwing darts

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade cast range reduced from 700 to 600


Level 25 Talent reduced from +275 Throwing Dart Damage to +250




New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

When the Brewmaster is resurrected or separated from the Elemental Separation, he will gain a 20% attack damage bonus. Duration when resurrected: 30 seconds. Duration when separated from the Elemental Separation: 15 seconds


Cooldown increased from 13 to 16/15/14/13

AoE reduced from 400 to 325/350/375/400

Drunken Master

No longer an innate skill

Earth Fist's armor bonus adjusted from 1/3/5/7/9 to 1/3/5/7

Earth Fist's magic resistance bonus adjusted from 4/8/12/16/20% to 5/10/15/20%

Wind Blow's dodge bonus adjusted from 10/15/20/25/30% to 15/20/25/30%

Wind Blow's movement speed bonus adjusted from 4/6/8/10/12% to 5/7/9/11%

The critical hit multiplier of Fiery Fist has been adjusted from 120/135/150/165/180% to 120/140/160/180%.

Fire Fist attack speed bonus adjusted from 10/15/20/25/30 to 10/15/20/25

The status resistance bonus from Taixu Fist now stacks with status resistance from other sources

Taixu Fist's status resistance bonus adjusted from 4/8/12/16/20% to 5/10/15/20%

Taixu Fist's attack slowdown adjusted from 5/10/15/20/25% to 10/15/20/25%


Increases basic attack power by 6 points

Life Stone

rosy face

New Life Stone

Will to Fight

Can be used actively. Each stacking effect gives Bristleback a 50% attack damage bonus and a 50% movement speed bonus, but his field of vision is limited to 90 degrees in front. Duration: 4/5/6 seconds. Mana cost: 55/65/75. Cooldown: 45 seconds


Spikes in the back

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Bristleback attacks enemy Heroes behind it with 10% increased damage and negative effect duration.

Steel Hair Back

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade needle sweep times reduced from 6 to 5

Will to Fight

No longer an innate skill

The stacked attack power of each layer is adjusted from 5/15/20/25 points to 15/20/25 points.

Movement speed per stack adjusted from 0/2/3/4% to 2/3/4%

Stacking duration adjusted from 12/16/18/20 seconds to 16/18/20 seconds

The maximum number of stacks has been adjusted from 4/8/10/12 to 8/10/12


Life Stone

Thunderstorm Clouds

Storm Surge

Now also reduces strike cooldown by 2.5 seconds during Eye of the Storm


Level 15 Talent changed from -1s Storm Surge Strike Cooldown to +12 Strength


Selemene's Grace: Skill removed

Life Stone

Moon Shield

Lunar Ring renamed to Lunar Shield


Moon Blessing

Moved to Innate Skill. No longer upgradable

Each level grants Luna and allied heroes 1 attack damage, and only Luna gains additional night vision equal to 400 + 20 * level. Luna gains double the attack damage. At night, Moon's Blessing is effective for the entire map.

Around the Moon

New basic skill. Creates 4 glaives that rotate around Luna in a 250 radius. Enemy units that touch the glaives will receive a percentage of Luna's attack damage. Collision radius: 150. Collision damage: 20/25/30/35%. Duration: 5/6/7/8 seconds. Mana cost: 65/70/75/80. Cooldown: 40/35/30/25 seconds

Now upgradeable with Aghanim's Crystal. Impact damage increased by 15%. Glaives spin 50% faster (from 160 to 240)

Moon Blade

Can no longer be activated automatically. The effect of the spinning glaive has been moved to the skill ring moon.

Aghanim's Crystal upgrade effect removed

Number of bounces increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6


Level 25 Talent changed from +20 Lunar Blessing Attack Damage to +1 Lunar Blessing Attack Damage per Level

Storm Spirit

Life Stone

Shock collar

Electronic eddy current

Negative effects now cause the enemy's next attack to attack you instead, triggering Overload


Level 10 Talent changed from +150 Overload Attack Range to +20 Overload Damage

Level 20 Talent reduced from +0.3s Electric Vortex Duration to +0.2s

Level 25 Talent: Reduced the automatic afterimage duration of Ball Lightning from 500 to 450


Life Stone

Concentrated fire

Bon Voyage renamed to Concentrated Fire


No longer grants Windranger and nearby allies bonus movement speed.


Concentrated fire

Duration increased from 8 to 9 seconds

Now has a range equal to Windranger's attack range + 150

Ogre Magi


Silly Luck

Mana regeneration per point of strength reduced from 0.03 to 0.02


Life Stone

Polar reversal

Slightly Higher renamed to Polar Reversal

Bighorn Impact

No longer deals extra damage when making enemies pass through trees and platforms (Moved to Basic Skill)


Bighorn Impact

Now causes enemies to deal extra damage when passing through trees and high platforms

Tree hit damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30

Platform hit damage increased from 40/60/80/100 to 50/75/100/125


Jungle Freebies: Skill removed


Incite Monsters

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

All neutral creeps deal more damage to enemy heroes. The increased damage is 10% + 3% * Enchantress's hero level.


No longer guaranteed to drop neutral tokens

Dark Seer

Base strength reduced from 22 to 20


Mental fortitude

Intelligence can no longer fall below the average of Strength and Agility.


Level 15 Talent reduced from +100 Vacuum Radius to +75

The Monkey King

Life Stone

Great Saint Array

Monkeys and grandchildren

Now also increases the duration by 3 seconds


Jungle Dance

Jump speed reduced from 800 to 700

Now goes on cooldown when taking any damage, not just from player-controlled units or Roshan

Leap of Heaven and Earth

Damage reduced from 140/220/300/380 to 110/200/290/380


Level 10 Talent reduced from +0.3s Blitz Earthstun to +0.2s

Dragon Rider

Life Stone


Dragon's Fury

Corrosive Breath armor reduction reduced from 1/2/3/4 to 0/1/2/3

Hero Changes

Elder Titan

Life Stone


Movement speed converted to attack speed reduced from 30% to 25%


The situation is unbalanced

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded.

Friendly minions and structures affected by the Defense Rune or Roshan's banner deal 100% bonus damage.

Astral Spirit

No longer an innate skill

Movement speed bonus for each hero adjusted from 4/5/6/7/8% to 5/6/7/8%

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each non-hero from 3/3/7/11/15 to 3/7/11/15

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each hero from 10/17/38/59/80 to 17/38/59/80

The armor bonus provided by each hero has been adjusted from 1/1.5/3/4.5/6 to 1.5/3/4.5/6

Mana cost adjusted from 70/80/90/100/110 to 80/90/100/110

Cooldown adjusted from 25/23/21/19/17 seconds to 23/21/19/17 seconds



The elegy is still being sung

Can no longer refresh


Cooldown changed from 90/85/80/75 seconds to 80 seconds

Flesh Golem

Slow reduced from 40/45/50% to 35/40/45%


Level 25 Talent reduced from +60% Flesh Golem Bonus Strength to +50%



Level 10 Talent changed from +150 Healing Ward AoE to +4% Duelist Damage

Level 10 Talent changed from +10% Swords Dance Critical Damage to -10s Healing Ward Cooldown

Level 15 Talent increased from +30 Movement Speed ​​during Bladestorm to +40

Level 15 Talent changed from -20s Healing Ward Cooldown to +1% Healing Ward Heal


Hallowed Pool of Mist: Skill removed


Withering Mist

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

When damaging an enemy, the negative effect of Withering Mist is applied for 5 seconds. If the HP of the affected enemy is below 40%, the health regeneration, healing, lifesteal and skill lifesteal will be reduced by 35%.

Last Light

Cooldown increased from 80/70/60 to 90/80/70


Level 20 Talent reduced from +100 Aphotic Shield to +80


Life Stone

Wood chipper

Logging Saw Chain

Chip slow time increased from 0.75 to 1 second


Exposure therapy

Mana restored from destroying a tree increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7


Life Stone

Maintenance Robot

Mechanical March

Healing per second increased from 15/20/25/30 to 15/25/35/45


Defense Matrix

Damage shield reduced from 100/180/240/320 to 80/160/240/320

Warp Radiance

The distance between the enemy target's teleport location and the location where the Tinker throws the light bullet is now always the skill's current cast range + 100. Units that are more than 2000 away from the intended location will not be teleported.



Degraded Aura

Range increased from 300 to 325


Can now be upgraded with Aghanim's Crystal. After a 3 second delay, the target will be hit again with 75% of the power.


Now provides 60% magic resistance

Cooldown increased from 45/40/35/30 to 55/50/45/40

Aghanim's Crystal upgrade effect removed

Hammer of Purity

Now properly converted to attack modifiers (removes the delay between melee attack hitting and applying the pure damage)

No longer able to be skill-stealed

No longer triggers the magic wand

Mana cost reduced from 30/40/50/60 to 30/35/40/45

Cooldown reduced from 16/14/12/10 to 16/12/8/4

Damage reduced from 55/80/105/130 to 50/70/90/110

Bonus base attack damage reduced from 55/80/105/130% to 55/70/85/100%

Guardian Angel

Changed from a unit-targeted skill to a point-targeted skill. Now applies Guardian Angel to all friendly units within a 400 radius.

No longer has 2 energy points

Cast range reduced from 900 to 600

Cooldown increased from 70/60/50 to 110/100/90

Mana cost increased from 100/150/200 to 125/175/225

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade has been reworked. It now provides global cast range, increased area of ​​effect, and can be applied to buildings. In addition, health regeneration and healing received are increased by 100% over the duration. Scepter upgrade range: 700


Level 10 Talent reduced from +50 Base Attack Damage to +35

Level 10 Talent changed from -2s Baptism Cooldown to +1s Guardian Angel Duration

Level 15 Talent changed from -15s Guardian Angel Recharge to -20s Guardian Angel Cooldown

Level 20 Talent changed from -5s Hammer of Purity Cooldown to -3s Ablution Cooldown


Life Stone

Wild Hunt

Wild at Heart

Adjusted the attack speed bonus provided by each unit from 1/2/3/4/5 to 2/3/4/5

Beast Mode

Wild at Heart

Active attack speed bonus adjusted from 10/20/30/40/50 to 20/30/40/50



New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Beastmaster's chance to block melee hero damage against non-hero units increased from 50% to 100%

Wild Axe

Mana cost increased from 50 to 50/55/60/65

Wild at Heart

No longer an innate skill

Attack speed bonus adjusted from 5/10/25/40/55 to 15/30/45/60

Slom's Drums

Minimum drum beat interval increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.5 seconds

Damage per hit reduced from 90 to 85

No longer adds a superimposed effect when attacking buildings

Legion Commander


Face the challenges head on!

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

After attacking an enemy hero of a higher level than Legion Commander, her health regeneration, lifesteal, and healing received are increased by 50% for 4 seconds. This effect is always applied when attacking a max-level enemy.

Moment of Courage

No longer an innate skill

Lifesteal adjusted from 40/60/70/80/90% to 55/65/75/85%

Cooldown time adjusted from 2.3/1.9/1.5/1.1/0.7 seconds to 1.9/1.5/1.1/0.7 seconds




New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Viper's attacks deal an additional amount of physical damage based on the target hero's missing health, at a rate of 0.25 + 0.05 * Viper's level for every 1% missing. Only applies to heroes.

Corrosion of skin

No longer an innate skill

Attack speed reduction adjusted from 3/6/14/22/30 to 8/16/24/32

Magic resistance adjusted from 5/10/15/20/25% to 10/15/20/25%

Damage per second adjusted from 3/6/14/22/30 to 8/16/24/32

Wraith King


Vampire Soul

Lifesteal increased from 20/30/40/50% to 26/34/42/50%

Now reduces resurrection time based on wraith duration

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade no longer reduces respawn time


Level 10 Talent increased from +20% Hellfire Critical Instant/Second Damage to +25%


Life Stone

Dying Light

AoE reduced from 450 to 400


Phoenix Impact

Movement speed slow reduced from 16/19/22/25% to 10/15/20/25%


Basic attack power decreased by 2 points

Life Stone


After attaching to the carrier, the guard's health will also increase by 1/1.5/2/2.5% of the carrier's maximum health.


Septic shock

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Venomancer's attacks deal bonus magic damage based on the number of debuffs on the target. Only debuffs from Venomancer and his Plaguewards count. Base damage per debuff: 10%

Upgradable with Aghanim's Scepter. Increased the base damage of Septic Shock per debuff from 10% to 20%. Plague Wards also deal Septic Shock damage based on their attack damage.


No longer an innate skill

Aghanim's Scepter upgrade effect removed

Duration adjusted from 3/6/9/12/15 seconds to 6/9/12/15 seconds

Damage per second adjusted from 2/6/14/22/30 to 8/16/24/32

Slowing effect adjusted from 3/6/9/12/15% to 8/10/12/14%

Plague Guard

Mana cost increased from 21/24/27/30 to 24/26/28/30


Life Stone

wipe out

The secret to a killer move

Agility bonus when attacking non-hero units increased from 4x to 4.5x



Cooldown reduced from 20/17/14/11 to 17/15/13/11

Drow Ranger

Life Stone


Several arrows fired

Movement speed penalty reduced from 40% to 25%


Frost Arrow

Bonus damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 10/15/20/25


Level 15 Talent changed from +20% Lifesteal to +75 Attack Range


Life Stone

Armature expansion

Energy Gear

Reduced gear knockback time from 0.8 to 0.6 seconds


Armored Force

Damage bonus per point of armor reduced from 0.3% to 0.25%

Nyx Assassin

Life Stone

Mana Burn

No longer follows the revenge upgrade

No longer has a damage threshold

Now only Nyx Assassin's skill damage can trigger

Current mana burn percentage adjusted from 15/20/25/30% to 15%


Night God Perception

Now also displays enemy heroes in the fog of war

AoE reduced from 400 to 350


Aghanim's Crystal upgrade effect reworked. Vengeance applies a destruction effect that lasts for 4 seconds


Level 10 Talent reduced from +50 Revenge Damage to +40

Level 20 Talent reduced from +120 Pierce Damage to +100

Level 25 Talent changed from Vengeance to Apply Destruction to +80 Agility


Life Stone

Spear can be hot

New Life Stone

Blood Spear

Boiling Spear also burns the enemy's maximum health by 1% per second. Consumes 4% of maximum health instead of 4% of current health. Duration reduced from 9 seconds to 6 seconds

Level 25 Talent reduced from +6s Boiling Spear duration to +4s

Life Eater

Life Stone


Ghoul renamed to Berserk

No longer gains permanent health cap when killing non-heroes or heroes (moved to Innate Skill Feast)



In addition, Lifestealer gains permanent health caps whenever he kills a non-hero or a hero. Health caps gained when killing a non-hero: 1. Health caps gained when killing a hero: 15

Templar Assassin

Life Stone

Blade of the Void

Life Stone has been reworked


Hitting a target with stealth also applies bonus damage and debuffs to all enemies hit by the Psionic Blade splash.


The Third Eye

New innate skill. Passive, cannot be upgraded

Templar Assassin and her teammates can see Roshan's resurrection countdown


Armor reduction duration reduced from 12 to 6 seconds

Now applies bonus damage and armor reduction when denying an ally or trap

Psionic Blade

No longer an innate skill

Additional attack range adjusted from 0/50/100/150/200 to 50/100/150/200

Psionic Blade range adjusted from 350/550/600/650/700 to 550/600/650/700

Splash damage adjusted from 80/85/90/95/100% to 85/90/95/100%

Psionic Trap

Psionic Trap no longer provides vision inside the Roshan Pit

Psionic Trap now always requires 2 attacks from ranged units, 1 attack from melee units, or 4 attacks from non-hero units

Earth Spirit

Life Stone

A place with great talents

New Life Stone

Boulder Roll

Rolling past an allied hero grants that hero a 15/20/25/30% movement speed bonus for 4 seconds. Earth Spirit rolls farther and faster, stunning enemies longer. Speed: 1900. Distance multiplier: 2.5x. Extra stun duration: 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9 seconds


Boulder Roll

Damage increased from 60 to 60/70/80/90


Damage per second increased from 40/80/120 to 45/85/125

Skywrath Mage

Life Stone

Skyborn Shield

Skyborn Shield

Shield duration reduced from 15 to 12 seconds


Level 15 Talent changed from +15% Disorientation Skill Lifesteal to +15% Concussive Bomb Slow


Life Stone

Beautiful Art

Strike of Destiny

Increased damage per target from 20/35/50/65 to 20/40/60/80

Arc Warden

Life Stone



Movement speed slow increased from 14/21/28/35% to 15/22/30/39%

Flash Ghost

Slow duration increased from 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7 to 0.6/0.8/1/1.2



Movement speed slow reduced from 6/10/14/18% to 5/8/11/14%

Flash Ghost

Slow duration reduced from 0.6/0.8/1/1.2 to 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7


Level 25 Talent changed from Magnetic Field affecting minions and buildings to Magnetic Field Silencing the target when it is alone

Naga Siren

Life Stone



Now also limits the enemy's maximum movement speed to 225

Duration reduced from 5 to 3 seconds

Status resistance reduction increased from 20% to 35%



Invading Army

New innate skills. Upgrade with the Devil's Gate

When an allied hero teleports, they temporarily gain reduced damage taken and increased movement speed. The bonus is doubled after teleporting through the Demon's Gate. Reduced damage taken: 4/6/8/10%. Increased movement speed: 5/10/15/20%. Bonus duration: 5 seconds

Atrophy Aura

No longer an innate skill

Attack damage reduction adjusted from 0/6/14/22/30% to 6/14/22/30%

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each non-hero from 1/3/5/7/9 to 2/4/6/8

Adjusted the attack damage bonus provided by each hero from 25/30/35/40/45 to 30/35/40/45

Duration changed from 25/35/45/55/65 seconds to 35/45/55/65 seconds

Devil's Gate

Passing through a portal no longer provides bonuses by default (moved to the innate skill Aggression)


Level 10 Talent reduced from +75 Firestorm Radius to +60

Level 10 Talent changed from +10% Demon's Gate Movement Speed ​​Bonus/Damage Taken Reduced to +5% Invading Horde Movement Speed ​​Bonus/Damage Taken Reduced

Level 15 Talent reduced from +30% Pit of Malice slow to +25%

Level 25 Talent reduced from +0.65s Abyss of Malice Coil to +0.5s


Life Stone

Emergency landing


AoE reduced from 450 to 400

Bonus landing damage reduced from 25/30/35/40% to 20/25/30/35%



Damage no longer ignores magic resistance provided by debuff immunity

grow up

Bonus damage of Throw reduced from 100/250/400 to 50/175/300


Level 15 Talent reduced from +80 Avalanche Damage to +70


Life Stone

Squee's Scope

Each point of attack speed now also provides 1 attack projectile speed


Life Stone

Drinking buddies

Drinking buddies

Can now be multicast to only pull Tusk towards his friendly target

Troll Warlord


Fighting Stance

New innate skill. Can be switched on and off, cannot be upgraded

Allows the Troll Warrior to switch between melee attacks (1.4 seconds base attack interval) and ranged attacks

Berserker's Fury

No longer an innate skill

In melee form, the Troll Warlord has a 15/25/35/45 movement speed bonus, 2/3/4/5 armor bonus, and a 20% chance to ensnare an enemy for 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 seconds. In ranged form, the Troll Warlord's attacks have a 20% chance to cripple an enemy, slowing their movement speed by 8/16/24/32% for 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0 seconds and dealing 5/10/15/20 extra physical damage.

Whirlwind Axe (Ranged)

Axe damage reduced from 80/100/120/140 to 60/80/100/120

Hot-blooded fighting spirit

Aghanim's Crystal upgrade base proc chance reduced from 18% to 16%

Aghanim's Crystal upgrade chance per level of Blood Spirit reduced from 4% to 3%

Witch Doctor

Life Stone

Voodoo Spells

Voodoo Remedies

Self-heal increased from 25% to 25/30/35/40%



Base damage increased from 15/20/25/30 to 18/22/26/30


Life Stone

Curve Orb

Illusion Orb

Now shows a preview of the orb's trajectory


Level 10 Talent increased from +1s Crescent Silence to +1.25s

Level 20 Talent increased from +175 Dream Coil Initial/Break Damage to +200


Life Stone

Reward of Destruction

Now destroying friendly towers also grants skill amplification

Spell amplification reduced from 1.5% to 1.25%

Siphon Guard

Nether Guard

Damage converted to health/mana increased from 25% to 30%


Level 10 Talent changed from +200 Health to +2 Netherward Health

Level 10 Talent changed from +10% Decrease to -1s Netherblast Cooldown on allies

Level 15 Talent changed from +3 Netherward Life to +350 Life

Level 15 Talent changed from -1s Nether Blast Cooldown to +30% Decrease to Allied Movement Speed

Level 20 Talent increased from +1.0s Decrease Duration to +1.5s...