
World of Warcraft Classic: The number of characters exceeds 13 million, the free time has expired, how many active characters are there?


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The free time of the World of Warcraft WLK Classic server in China has been resolved, and the current number of online characters has a certain reference significance. However, from the current point of view, the number of online characters in World of Warcraft has shown a certain downward trend. In addition, the number of online characters in World of Warcraft has shown an upward trend compared with the previous period. So how many characters have been registered from the soft launch to the opening of the World of Warcraft WLK Classic server, and what is the current online situation?

One very intuitive data is that the number of registered characters in World of Warcraft WLK Classic has exceeded 13 million, while on July 23, a week ago, the number of registered characters in World of Warcraft WLK Classic was only about 12 million. That is to say, the number of characters in World of Warcraft WLK Classic has increased by about 1 million in a week. Although the number of characters is currently increasing slowly, the overall number of characters is still showing an upward trend, and there is no decline as players initially predicted.

Many people may have a question that why we talk about the number of characters instead of the number of players. One of the bigger reasons is that the number of players is difficult to count. At present, players can register many characters, but they can only have one account. However, it is difficult to tell how many characters are registered for one account. Therefore, the Big Foot plug-in directly counts the characters instead of the number of players. Although the number will be larger, it is relatively accurate.

Secondly, there are many reasons for inaccurate statistics. One of the core reasons is that only players who use this plug-in will scan nearby players. In other words, if there are fewer people using this plug-in on some servers, many players in hidden corners may not be counted. So from the current point of view, the number of 13 million characters may be less than the actual number of characters, but this statistic is relatively accurate.

At present, most players' free game time has actually been used up, while a small number of players may have some time because they are slow to claim free time. According to the latest statistics, the number of active characters in World of Warcraft WLK Classic in 24 hours is less than 1.9 million, which is still less than the 3.8 million active characters in the previous peak period, but this number itself is not too low, because the number of online characters was lower before.

If we look back at the number of online characters two weeks ago, we will find that the number of active characters in the 48 hours on July 16 is actually lower than the number of active characters in the 24 hours today. The core reason for this situation is that some players have not entered the game yet. Secondly, the number of samples counted by the plug-in is relatively small. Of course, the core reason is that some players have not entered the game yet, just as the total number of characters has been increasing.

Looking back at the total number of people, we will find that the number one Mother is still Ruby Sanctum, and the new server Jaina is currently ranked second, and another new server Death Hunter is ranked fourth, and the old server Dragon's Tooth is ranked third. At present, the top three servers have relatively more than 400,000 players, and they are all serious one-sided servers. Since many people complained that most of the Jaina players are full-time, a lot of players have been lost. Of course, another reason is that the queue is too long, but who would have thought that the queue for Ruby Sanctum is even longer now.

So judging from the current data, the player retention rate of World of Warcraft WLK Classic is actually not bad. After all, most of the players no longer have free time, but the 24-hour active characters are still so high. And now it is actually a weekday. If it is the weekend, the number of 24-hour active characters of farm workers may increase. Of course, another reason is that many players are currently opening up Ulduar, and the number may decline rapidly after the opening up of Ulduar.