
Renmin University of China reported the "professor sexual harassment incident": the situation is true and the employment relationship has been terminated


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On July 21, Wang, a female doctoral student at Renmin University, posted a video on social media, reporting her doctoral supervisor Wang by name. In the video, Wang claimed that she was sexually harassed and forced to be indecently assaulted by Wang on May 21 this year. She further revealed that after she rejected her supervisor's improper requests, her supervisor did not give up, and used his power to suppress and retaliate against her many times in the past two years, and warned her that she might not be able to graduate smoothly.

This report quickly fermented on the Internet. Keywords related to the incident and the name of "Wang Guiyuan" himself appeared on major hot search lists in a short period of time, attracting widespread attention from the whole society.University teachers have higher academic qualifications, resources and social status, so they are in a dominant position in the teacher-student relationship. The resulting problems of marriage and love, and academic bullying should not be underestimated.

Faced with this "sexual harassment incident", Renmin University responded quickly.

The incident broke out on the night of the 21st. On the morning of the 22nd, the official Weibo account of Renmin University said: "Our school attaches great importance to it and immediately set up a working group to conduct an investigation and verification overnight. Our school strictly adheres to the first standard of teacher ethics and conduct, and has a "zero tolerance" policy for unethical behavior of teachers. We will resolutely investigate and deal with any violation of teacher ethics found, and will handle it strictly and quickly in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws, and will never tolerate it. The school will announce the results of the investigation and handling in the near future."

As one of the top universities in the country, Renmin University used efficient investigation methods and thunderous means to quickly sort out the facts and impose the maximum penalty in less than 24 hours. On the night of the 22nd, Renmin University issued another announcement: According to the decision of the Chinese people after research,Wang was expelled from the Party, his professorship was revoked, his qualification as a postgraduate supervisor was cancelled, his qualification as a teacher at Renmin University of China was revoked, and his employment relationship was terminated. At the same time, the higher-level education administrative department was requested to revoke his teaching qualification, and the clues of the problem were reported to the relevant authorities in accordance with the law.

As the country's top university, how can it harbor filth? The swift and resolute action of Renmin University and the maximum penalty have won the applause of countless netizens. After all, as a party member, leading cadre and university teacher, Wang Moumou has seriously violated social morality and family virtues, violated the relevant provisions of the "Ten Norms of Professional Conduct for University Teachers in the New Era", and is a violation of teacher ethics, which has damaged the image of university teachers and triggered online public opinion, causing adverse effects.

However, the punishments for the ethics of college teachers seem to have been very light. If a college teacher has bad personal ethics, it means someone reports it and reports it. If one is exposed, then he will be punished. Otherwise, what will happen to the public opinion? Everyone is watching. If the punishment is severe, the teachers in the school will be panicked.

For example, a few months ago, the news that Huang, the former dean of the School of Fine Arts at Chongqing Normal University, lured female graduate students into having sex with them multiple times and used various reasons to make them his mistresses went viral. However, the university's final punishment for Huang was only a serious warning within the party, which reduced his retirement benefits from a third-level professor to a fourth-level professor.

For example, Zhang, the former vice president of the School of Engineering Machinery at Chang'an University, concealed the fact that he was married, registered an account on a dating website, pretended to be single, fell in love with unmarried young women and had sex many times. In October 2023, the deceived woman reported Zhang to the disciplinary inspection department. It was not until April 2024 that Chang'an University finally gave Zhang the corresponding party discipline and administrative sanctions, and reported the results of the handling to the reporter by phone. However, Chang'an University finally dealt with Zhang as follows: 1. Party discipline sanctions, serious warnings within the party; 2. Administrative sanctions, warnings; 3. Organizational handling, removal from the position of vice president; 4. The handling of teacher ethics violations is to transfer from the teaching position for three years, cancel the qualification of graduate tutor, cancel the qualification of awards and honors, promotion of positions, professional title evaluation, job recruitment, salary promotion, cadre selection, application for talent plans, and application for scientific research projects.

BeforeThe light punishment for teachers' ethics in colleges and universities is actually the most direct manifestation of the fact that colleges and universities attach great importance to academics and neglect morality. Some teachers, relying on their academic achievements, relax themselves in terms of personal morality. Once a negative impact is caused, the school will immediately think about how to eliminate the impact. The trend of protecting teachers has further encouraged such unhealthy trends. Some colleges and universities do not handle teachers' personal morality issues strictly, and protect them as much as possible. Even if they have cheated in marriage, they still retain their party membership and work. However, if you think about it, you can understand why the school does this. In colleges and universities, such things are probably commonplace, and the divorce rate of university teachers is already very high. The handling methods of Chongqing Normal University and Chang'an University are almost the same. They only report to the party branch where the person concerned is located and inform the person concerned. The relevant penalties are not made public to the whole society. After all, they do not want to publicize the family's ugly deeds too much.

However, the actions of Renmin University of China are very gratifying, which shows that Renmin University really attaches great importance to the construction of teachers' ethics and style, strictly adheres to the first standard of teachers' ethics and style, and has "zero tolerance" for unethical behavior of teachers. Even if it is facing an academic giant, it will not hesitate to execute Ma Su with tears.

As an institution of higher learning that trains future social elites, universities should not only attach importance to the academic achievements of teachers, but also pay attention to their moral education. As university teachers, they should set an example and become a model for students to study and live, rather than a negative example of unhealthy tendencies and evil practices.

Colleges and universities, like Renmin University, should take strict measures to deal with teachers who violate the professional ethics standards. They should deal with them as soon as they are discovered and should never allow bad practices to spread for the sake of academic achievements.