
These two QDII funds can achieve full coverage of global technology and consumer investments丨Understand a good fund in 1 minute (Part 35)


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Our stocks rank high.

Author | Market Capitalization Fund Research Department

Editor | Xiaobai

Recently, investors' enthusiasm for investing in QDII has been high, and various ETFs have imposed purchase limits.

Today I will introduce to you two QDII funds of China Universal Asset Management. When combined with each other, they can achieve full coverage of global technology and consumer investments.

These two QDII funds are Huatai Global Mobile Internet Mixed Fund (001668.OF) and Huatai Global Consumption Mixed Fund (006308.OF). The daily subscription amount of these two funds is 1,000 yuan. You may need to make regular investments every day.

Mobile Internet was established in January 2017. Since its establishment, the cumulative return rate is 241.9%, the annualized return is 17.86%, and the latest scale of a single fund is 1.82 billion, which is a very good performance.

Among them, 2019, 2020 and 2023 performed the best, at 35.8%, 61.9% and 49.8% respectively. The yield so far this year is 14.8%, which is an impressive performance.

Of course, the bear market can also be severe, with a drop of as much as 26.7% in 2022.

In the past 7 days, the fund's net value has fallen by 5.6%.

(Source: Market Capitalization APP)

The fund is currently ranked 12th in the "My Stock" fund rating and its performance is quite good.

(Source: Market Capitalization APP)

From the perspective of asset allocation, according to the second quarter report of 2024, the fund mainly holds the seven Internet giants in the United States, so its performance over the past year or so has been very good. Of course, we still need to pay attention to risks.

(Source: Choice data)

Another fund, Global Consumption, was established in September 2018, with a cumulative yield of 100.8% and an annualized return of 12.7%, which is also very good.

However, the fund's performance has been mediocre over the past three years, with declines of 23.4% and 15.5% in 2021 and 2022 respectively, a profit of 8.8% in 2023, and only a profit of 1.98% so far this year.

However, this is not the fund manager's fault. If the market cycle re-emerges, consumer funds may rise.

(Source: Market Capitalization APP)

The fund ranks 76th in the "My Stock" fund rating and performs relatively well.

(Source: Market Capitalization APP)

According to the second quarter report, the fund mainly invests in consumer retail industries, such as Procter & Gamble, Hermes, Costco, Home Depot, Adidas and other international consumer goods and supermarket giants.

(Source: Choice data)

Therefore, consumption and technology are two major investment directions. Only by allocating them at the same time can we avoid missing out on the market and the tolerance rate may be higher.

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