
Do you really need to go to Huoyan Mountain to get rid of dampness? Experts: It is only a temporary solution, you can try sunbathing, drinking tea, etc.


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Recently, the surface temperature of the Huoyan Mountain Scenic Area in Xinjiang has reached 81°C, which has attracted attention. The "Dehumidification Tour" of Huoyan Mountain has become a hot topic, and many tourists have followed the "heat" to go to Turpan, Xinjiang to dehumidify.

The surface temperature of the Huoyan Mountain Scenic Area in Xinjiang has reached 81°C, which has attracted attention.

Some netizens said on social media that after going to Huoyan Mountain, they no longer had acne and blackheads; others said that they no longer had menstrual cramps and even their stomachs became smaller...

On July 20, an expert from the Longhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine told The Paper that this method only treats the symptoms and not the root cause. When southern tourists return to the south after their short trip to Xinjiang, the pathogenic factors brought by the humidity will still exist.

So, for southerners who have heavy dampness, are there any ways to remove dampness in daily life? Xu Jia, deputy chief physician of the Special Needs Department of Shanghai Longhua Hospital, said that methods such as sunbathing, tea drinking and Qing Gao (Qingbu Gao Fang) can be tried.

Xu Jia said that sunbathing is a traditional health-preserving method that is widely used in folk practice. According to Chinese medicine, dampness is a yin evil that can easily damage yang. There are many meridians running along the back, especially the Governor Vessel and the Foot-Taiyang Bladder Meridian, which are the main channels for yang. Using sunlight to irradiate the back can replenish the body's yang and promote the circulation of qi and blood. Especially in spring and summer, the increase in body temperature is more conducive to expelling moisture from the body and purifying the body through sweat. It should be noted that the frequency of sunbathing should be adjusted according to the individual's constitution and reaction.

For people with yang deficiency and severe cold and dampness, sunbathing for 10 to 20 minutes a day is enough; for people with a hot constitution and prone to getting angry, 5 to 10 minutes each time, 2 to 3 times a week is enough. However, you need to pay attention to your body's reaction during sunbathing. If you experience dizziness or other discomfort, you should stop and seek medical attention in time. Avoid strong direct sunlight and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes; replenish water in time after sunbathing to keep your skin healthy.

Xu Jia said that there is also a folk custom of "drinking Fucha", which is made from Chinese herbs boiled into tea, which has the effect of clearing heat and removing dampness. You can use a health pot to simply brew it on a daily basis, and choose Chinese herbs such as honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, lotus leaf, and selfheal. This kind of tea has a fresh taste and helps to clear dampness and heat in the body and prevent common digestive tract diseases in summer. Experts suggest that Chinese herbal tea still needs to pay attention to personal constitution and drug compatibility. It is best to have a professional Chinese medicine doctor identify the constitution and recommend a Chinese herbal tea suitable for the individual's constitution.

In addition, Xu Jia also mentioned Qing Gao (Qingbu Gao Fang). For sub-healthy people and diseases that are more common in autumn and winter, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, sequelae of stroke, etc., winter disease treatment in summer and summer ointment prescriptions can be used to treat diseases and prevent changes, adjust the body's qi, blood, yin and yang, and achieve the purpose of strengthening the body, eliminating evil, curing diseases and delaying aging.

Chen Xinlin, chairman of the Paste Prescription Branch of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, also introduced this. Summer paste prescriptions, also known as Qingbu paste prescriptions, refer to paste prescriptions suitable for summer use, which are different from winter paste prescriptions. Winter paste prescriptions are mainly based on kidney tonification, with more tonic drugs, aiming to protect and enhance the body's essence, and are more suitable for people with weak constitutions who need comprehensive nourishment. Its main effect is to regulate the body in an all-round way and enhance resistance. The main characteristics of Qingbu paste prescriptions are clearing and disease prevention, with more emphasis on strengthening the spleen. The drugs are usually lighter, mainly based on Chinese medicines that strengthen the spleen, eliminate dampness and clear heat, which helps to deal with the problems of spleen deficiency, dampness and decreased digestion and absorption that often occur in the human body in summer.