
Guangzhou's "shared parking spaces" are cheaper than temporary parking. Some owners are unwilling to share their parking spaces.


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Recently, the Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau stated that the Guangzhou Parking Regulations clearly encourages qualified units to open their own parking spaces to the public and implement staggered shared parking. Individuals can entrust the parking spaces they are entitled to use to parking lot managers or reservation parking service companies to implement staggered shared parking. In addition, Guangzhou has built a unified parking information service platform for the entire city, providing citizens with parking information services such as remaining space inquiries, location navigation, and parking space reservations.

"Guangzhou Parking Regulations" encourages shared parking mapping/Long Chengliu

Can shared parking solve the parking problem to a certain extent?The reporter visited several parking lots in the city.Take a look at the current situation and development of shared parking.

There are residential areas that can be booked in advance

Shared parking convenience

The reporter searched for "shared parking" on WeChat and found related platforms. Such platforms arrange shared parking lots in order from near to far according to the user's location or input destination.

Screenshot of the shared parking search page of the mini program

The reporter first opened the "Hand-Assisted Parking" public account and made reservations for shared parking spaces in Yuedao and Junfengyuan communities near Xingsheng Road in Tianhe District. In Junfengyuan community, the page showed that there were 16 shared parking spaces available. After the reporter selected the parking space number, he drove there. The gate at the entrance of the parking lot automatically recognized the license plate number and lifted the barrier to let him pass. After the reporter parked, the system started counting, and when he left, the gate automatically recognized and deducted the fee.

The parking space numbers for mutual parking are hung above the parking spaces in the underground parking lot of Junfengyuan Community

Afterwards, the reporter used the "Shared Parking" applet to make an appointment for a shared parking space in the Lide Yashe community. When the reporter arrived at the entrance of the Lide Yashe community parking lot, the gate displayed the vehicle's license plate information and automatically lifted the barrier to let him pass. During the parking process, the reporter found that the relevant signs and instructions for shared parking were very clear, but the instructions for pedestrians from the underground parking lot to the first floor were not clear enough, and it took a long detour to find the elevator to the upper floor.

In the underground parking lot of Lide Yashe Community, there is a signpost for the shared parking platform.

Mr. Huang, a car owner who has used shared parking services, believes that shared parking spaces have indeed improved the convenience of parking, and reservations can be made in advance to ensure that there is a parking space.He also pointed out some issues that need to be improvedFor example, underground parking spaces are not clearly marked, resulting in a long time to find a parking space, and some community elevators require a card to be used.

Parking spaces are tight in some communities

Space issues affect car owners' willingness to share

In recent years, the residential area of ​​Binjiang East Road in Haizhu District has always had a parking problem. The reporter visited several parking lots. Recently, the reporter came to the parking lot of Fangyuan Binjiang Building in Haizhu District. There is an obvious mutual parking sign at the entrance of the parking lot, and the inside of the sign says "Private parking space, no entry". In addition, there is a private open-air parking lot next to it, with a parking fee of 8 yuan per hour and a monthly insurance of 1,200 yuan.

Haizhu District Fangyuan Riverside Building Parking Lot

Private open-air parking lot near Fangyuan Riverside Building in Haizhu District

It is understood that there are about 200 households in Fangyuan Binjiang Building Community, with 100 parking spaces, all of which have been sold to community owners. The reporter found through the parking applet that there are only 5 shared parking spaces in the community. The community property management staff said,The number of shared parking spaces in the community shall not exceed 10Most of the owners of these parking spaces go to work in the morning and return home at around 5 or 6 in the afternoon.The usage time of shared parking spaces is relatively fixed, and users must vacate the parking spaces within the specified time., otherwise it will cause trouble for property management.

There are shared parking space signs in the parking lot of Fangyuan Binjiang Building

There are hundreds of households in Haitian Garden Community near Fangyuan Riverside Building, but only about 50 parking spaces, all of which have been rented out to community owners. The community property management staff said,The shortage of parking spaces is the main reason why residential communities do not share parking spaces, and owners are generally unwilling to share their parking spaces.Ms. Zhang, an owner of Haitian Garden Community, said that there are many problems in the actual operation of shared parking, such asManagement of shared parking spaces and coordination of usage times.Ms. Zhang also mentioned that there is not enough parking space and facilities in the community to support the promotion of shared parking, which is also the main reason why many owners are reluctant to participate in shared parking.

Parking lot in Haitian Garden Community

Choose parking method

Car owners value convenience more

A few days ago, the reporter came to the Wuyang parking lot in Yuexiu District and saw a shared parking sign at the entrance.The price for temporary parking is 16 yuan/hour, and the price for reservation by scanning the QR code is 10 yuan/hour. It can be seen that reserving a shared parking space is much cheaper than temporary parking.The parking lot has about 500 parking spaces, but the property management staff said that the number of shared parking spaces is limited.At present, there are less than 10 shared parking spaces.Property management personnel said that sharing of parking spaces is mainly voluntary among owners.

Wuyang Parking Lot, Yuexiu District

Mr. Chen, a car owner, said that although the price of shared parking spaces is cheaper than temporary parking, he prefers to park directly because the number of shared parking spaces is limited and the reservation process is more complicated. Another car owner, Ms. Li, said,The shared parking space reservation system sometimes results in parking spaces being occupied or not being found, which makes her feel inconvenient.

The underground parking lot of Yuanbang Craft City located on Wenchang North Road in Liwan District also provides parking space sharing services through "mutual parking". The parking lot is located in the Yuansheng business district in Xiguan, Guangzhou. At the same time, opposite Yuanbang Craft City is the Guangzhou Liwan District Orthopedic Hospital, and the daily parking demand is relatively large. Therefore, the underground parking lot of Yuanbang Craft City has become the first choice for many car owners. Car owner Mr. Wang said:"Although parking spaces here are tight, advance reservations through the 'mutual parking' platform can greatly alleviate parking difficulties."

In addition, the Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center (Zhujiang New Town Campus) located on Jinsui Road receives a large number of citizens who come for treatment every day, and the parking demand is very large. The reporter learned that the hospital has coordinated the surrounding parking resources toAccess to the mutual parking platform and connect with the hospital's appointment registration system, providing patients with the convenience of selecting a parking lot and reserving a parking space in advance.

Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center (Zhujiang New Town Campus) is connected to the mutual parking platform and connected to the hospital's appointment registration system


Accelerating shared parking requires institutional support

In an interview, Feng Zhidong, vice president of the Guangzhou Parking Industry Association and chairman of Guangzhou Yueting Network Technology Co., Ltd., pointed out that although shared parking has the win-win advantages of revitalizing idle parking spaces and facilitating car owners and property owners, its development speed is far slower than shared bicycles and shared power banks. The main reason lies in the difficulties in resource integration, promotion and popularization, and technical costs.

Feng Zhidong believes that the management models, opening conditions, charging conditions and property rights of different parking lots are obviously different, which makes operators face many obstacles in resource integration. In addition, car owners and property owners have a low level of awareness and acceptance of shared parking, and many people have not formed the habit of sharing parking spaces. It takes time to cultivate user habits and trust, and many car owners still have doubts about the convenience and safety of shared parking.

Feng Zhidong also mentioned that compared with shared bicycles and shared power banks, the use scenarios of shared parking are relatively limited, and the immediacy and frequency of demand are also lower. In the future, with the advancement of technology, the improvement of policies and the maturity of the market, shared parking may usher in a stage of rapid development.

Regarding Guangzhou's proposal to encourage government agencies, enterprises and institutions to open their own parking lots to the public and implement staggered shared parking, Feng Zhidong said that this is a positive move. To ensure the smooth implementation of this move, it is also necessary to formulate detailed operating rules and management methods, and at the same time strengthen supervision and management to ensure the safety and normal order of parking lots.

Have you ever used the shared parking space feature?

If you have a private parking space, are you willing to share it?

Tell us what you think in the comments section

Source: Information Times