
10 movies that have been delayed for various reasons. I have been waiting for Stephen Chow's fantasy films for 7 years.


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Last year, a chaos occurred during the summer season: advanced screenings.

Movies like "The Octagon" and "All or Nothing" were screened in advance, which were obviously small-scale screenings, but they turned out to be very grand. The advance screenings exceeded the screenings of popular films, and the box office revenue for a movie had already reached several hundred million before it was officially released.

The film company is holding a "preview release" to create a time difference.

Douban will not give scores to films that have not been released. Many viewers have no ratings to refer to and can only blindly follow the trend to watch movies.

The cunning film producer used the method of large-scale preview to enjoy the high screening schedule when the film was officially released, without having to bear the pressure of Douban ratings, killing two birds with one stone.

Even if the Douban score was not high later on, by the time the audience realized it, the movie had already made a ton of money.

This chaos has been well curbed during this summer's movie season, but another chaos has also emerged: collective withdrawal of films.

Including "Fengshen II" and "Wild Child" were originally scheduled for the summer vacation, but they were withdrawn due to "technical reasons".

A few days ago, even the movie "Catching Dolls" starring Shen Teng and Ma Li was reported to be withdrawn from the schedule.

There are many reasons for the withdrawal, but the essence is the tightening of the standards for film creation.

Many movies that were shot according to past standards are now unable to pass censorship and have to be withdrawn from the shelves. Please watch them and cherish them.

Only a portion of these withdrawn films will be released at a later date, with the time interval ranging from a few days to several years.

In recent years, "The Edge of the Knife", "Rock Solid", "Across the Sea of ​​​​Angry", "The Wandering Blade", "Never Stop", "The First Part of Conferred Gods", "The Last Truth", "Assassination Storm", and "The Angry Tide" are all such films.

Some had box office success, some received mixed reviews, and some flopped without making any splash at all.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, there are obvious signs of deletions, re-dubbing and reshoots.

Regardless of success or failure, they are already the lucky ones among the "withdrawn films" camp, and at least they have waited for the day to "see the light of day again."

There are even more films that have been languishing in obscurity since they were withdrawn from the schedule.

Some are regrets for the audience, while others have become lingering nightmares for capitalists.

Today, Brother Pi will take you through ten films that have been delayed in release due to various reasons.

Part 1: Fox Hunt

A real “cat and mouse game” was staged, and the film was suddenly withdrawn 3 days before its release. Did the producer become the “criminal”?

"Operation Fox Hunt" is the first domestic film to bring "overseas criminal pursuit" to the big screen. It stars Tony Leung and Duan Yihong, and is directed by Zhang Lijia, the director of "Blood Machine". The cast is very strong.

The filming of the film took three years and received support from the Publicity Bureau and Economic Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and all the "Fox Hunting" team members.

The team conducted on-location shooting in China and France, and brought in the French Luc Besson team and the Korean film technology team to assist in the filming.

The film was originally scheduled to be released on January 8, 2021, to celebrate the first National Police Day on January 10.

Starring two movie kings, with official endorsement and the support of a strong behind-the-scenes team, this film had the potential to be a big hit.

However, three days before the release, the film company suddenly withdrew the film from schedule, citing "overseas post-production work could not be completed as scheduled" and set a later date for release.

But three years later, the film has disappeared.

Why was it suddenly withdrawn?

Some people say that it has something to do with the epidemic at the time.

Some people said that the subject matter of the movie was too sensitive and involved a red warrant, so it was temporarily killed.

But the really reliable reason is that the film's production company was suspected of fraud and the film was implicated.

A movie that promotes justice and the pursuit of criminals has itself been labeled a "scam movie". I'm afraid it will take some time to clear its name.

Audiences may never be able to see this film on the screen.

Part 2: "Flames on the Plains"

The movie was withdrawn 4 days before release. Looking back, there were signs of this.

"Flames on the Plain" is adapted from Shuang Xuetao's novel "Moses on the Plain". The film's producer is Diao Yinan, who has directed "Black Coal, Thin Ice" and "The Gathering at Southern Station".

Diao Yinan's lens is full of Northeastern flavor, while Shuang Xuetao is good at writing the coldness of the old industrial areas in Northeast China. The cooperation between the two can be described as a perfect match.

The film stars Zhou Dongyu and Liu Haoran, one is a triple-Award winning actress, and the other is a billionaire actor. The collaboration between the two can be described as a match made in heaven.

It is worth mentioning that Zhou Dongyu and Liu Haoran were photographed together in 2021, and this movie was filmed in 2020. It can be inferred that this film may be their love work.

The movie tells the story of a criminal policeman played by Liu Haoran who, while investigating a taxi murder case, accidentally discovered that his childhood sweetheart played by Zhou Dongyu was also involved.

Just by reading the introduction, I can already imagine another version of the story of "Fireworks in the Daytime".

The film was originally scheduled to be released on December 24, 2021, and a lot of money was spent on publicity and promotion at the beginning. When Pigo saw its large promotional poster in the cinema that year, he almost thought it was "Hot Pot on the Plains".

Unfortunately, even with so many buffs stacked up, the film company still withdrew the film from the schedule 4 days before the release, without even explaining the reason.

In the announcement, the film crew vowed: "In 2022, we will live up to our promise."

But more than two years have passed, and there is still no news about this film.

There are many different opinions on the reason why it was withdrawn.

Some people said that Zhou Dongyu fell into a financial crisis due to her huge pay, so the film was withdrawn to avoid suspicion.

Some people say that the movie was released on Christmas Day and involved a lot of religious elements, so it ultimately failed to pass censorship.

In any case, the careers of the two leading actors have been greatly affected by the scandal in the past two years.

I'm afraid they themselves don't want this movie to be released again, causing gossip among the public.

Part Three: Poetry Eyes Tired of the World

An investment of 150 million yuan wasted? A “victim” of the capital game?

Back then, Xu Haofeng became the leader of new martial arts novels in mainland China with the movie "Master", and then he completed the construction of his own martial arts order with "Hidden Blade".

In his third work, "Poetic Eyes Tired of the World", he turned his attention to the freehand painting world outside the Republic of China. This was his ambitious work.

To this end, he invited Chen Kun, Zhou Xun and Song Jia to play the iron triangle, and powerful actors such as Geng Le and Huang Jue joined in.

The preview was filmed in May 2018. Chen Kun took a short break from acting after filming "Mojin: The Last Dragon" in 2015. This is his first film after his comeback, and he is working with his good friend Zhou Xun, which shows how much he values ​​this film.

This is Song Jia's second collaboration with Xu Haofeng after "Master". She practiced martial arts with the director two months before filming began.

The title of the film comes from the work "Ren Yue Yuan·Shan Zhong Shu Shi" by Yuan Dynasty ci writer Zhang Kejiu, which tells the story of swordsmen who make a living by fighting and get involved in the disputes between the martial arts world and the court.

From all angles, "Poetry's Eyes Tired of the World" is very likely to become the ceiling work of China's new martial arts.

However, the film has not been scheduled for a release date since it was completed in 2018, and the release date on Douban is currently marked as 2026.

It is worth mentioning that the movie "Poetry Eyes Tired of the World" also appeared in the report materials of Lou Xiaoxi, deputy director of Beijing Culture.

The gist of the matter is that the relevant controllers of Beijing Culture used film projects to embezzle funds, and the matter eventually ended up in court.

Another reasonable guess is that the film takes place in the Yuan Dynasty and involves sensitive content that has not been approved.

I hope to see this movie released in my lifetime.

Part 4: Bureau 749

This earth-shattering story took 6 years to film.

In 2015, Lu Chuan's "Nine-story Demon Tower" was released, but received poor reviews.

But there is a mysterious Bureau 749 in the film that aroused the curiosity of many people.

Later, Lu Chuan revealed in an interview that Bureau 749 really existed and that he was assigned to work there for two years right after graduation.

Bureau 749 is an organization that studies the phenomenon of super self-heating. It was initiated by Qian Xuesen and established in September 1974, hence the name Bureau 749.

Lu Chuan spent his youth here. After filming "Nine-story Demon Tower", he decided to make this feeling into a movie. The 19-year-old Wang Junkai became the person he remembered.

The film started shooting in November 2018 and wrapped up in July 2019, with the crew traveling to Beijing, Chongqing and other places.

Because the film involves supernatural phenomena, there will be Chongqing's 5D magical roads and high-energy action scenes. Lu Chuan found the top special effects company and made more than 1,700 visual effects.

However, due to the epidemic, the post-production of the film was delayed. The scenes in the film about "lockdown" and "great retreat" were accused of containing allusions.

Lu Chuan expressed his grievance about this, saying that the film was completed as early as 2019 and everything was just a coincidence.

In March this year, Lu Chuan posted on Weibo that the reshoot of this film had started. By April 22, the film was officially completed, which took 6 years to complete.

It is difficult for other movies to see the light of day once they are shelved. Since this film has been reshot, it proves that it is very likely to meet the audience in the near future. Let's look forward to it together.

Part 5: "Mojin: Finding the Trail"

It has been scheduled for 4 years, but its whereabouts remain a mystery. What went wrong?

Tianxia Bachang sold the copyright of "Ghost Blows Out the Light" at a low price of 100,000 yuan back then, and now he must be regretting it.

Later, a tomb-robbing craze swept the domestic film and television circles, and various "Ghost Blows Out the Light" works appeared one after another.

The stage was too small, and some versions didn’t even have time to meet the audience.

This movie is typical.

The film was prepared in 2018, shot in 2019, wrapped up in 3 months, and the trailer was released in January 2021.

In this version, Zhang Hanyu plays Hu Bayi, Jiang Wu plays Wang Pangzi, and Lu Jingshan plays Shirley Yang. The trio is generally older, but also fits the characters in the novel.

Unfortunately, there was no news about the release date of the film. During this period, some criminals even used the name of this film to conduct illegal fundraising, and the situation outside the film was in chaos.

This movie is likely to be a flop.

The film company changed the name of the original "Ghost Blows Out the Light: The Star Divination" to "Mojin: The Legend of the Dragon". It seems that they want to make up for the popularity of "Mojin: The Legend of the Dragon".

But the reality is cruel. In 2022, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has stopped the release of all tomb-raiding films, and the review of related online dramas has also become strict.

Currently, this movie can only meet the audience online, otherwise it will be stillborn.

The sixth film: "Mermaid 2"

As “sentimental consumption” declines, where will Stephen Chow’s movies go?

In 2016, Stephen Chow's "The Mermaid" broke the mainland box office record with a box office of 3.391 billion yuan.

But no one expected that the sequel to the series would be so difficult to produce.

In fact, "The Mermaid 2" was completed as early as March 2018.

But this sequel is a rare movie that has been questioned from the subject matter to the actors, from the director to the box office.

Looking at the actors, the leading actors are Allen and Lin Yun.

One has been stereotyped in the eyes of the audience, while the other is always embroiled in controversy because of his past.

It is hard to say how attractive this combination of two of them is to the audience.

To read the story, we copy the Douban story introduction.

Long Tianna and Long Jianfei appeared with the "Wormhole Project" that could travel through space at will, and Liu Xuan returned to the mall.

The mermaid Shanshan accidentally became an astronaut. Behind the tangled four-corner relationship, there is a shocking conspiracy.

Just a few lines of text are enough to make people unable to bear to look at it. What on earth is this thing?

Once trust is lost, it is difficult to regain it. The fact that "The Mermaid 2" is currently not popular is the best proof of this.

However, Lin Yun recently gave an interview and revealed that "The Mermaid 2" is currently being submitted for review and is even more imaginative than the first one.

Regardless of whether this statement is reliable or not, at least this film has the opportunity to meet the audience.

I advise all of Stephen Chow’s fans to lower their expectations and perhaps go to the cinema to support Stephen Chow.

Part 7: Twenty Years of Northeastern History

The subject matter is sensitive? After 5 years, it can only end in extinction?

Old netizens must remember the novel "Northeast Stories: Twenty Years of Gangland Storm".

It started to be serialized on Tianya Forum in around 2007. A lot of people followed it and forgot the plot, but they just fought against it when they were dissatisfied. The main point was that it was fun.

In 2012, this novel was made into a web drama, which received a Douban score of 8.6. It was full of emotion and had a large scale, which book fans enjoyed very much.

In 2019, the novel's author Kong Ergou made the novel into a movie.

Well-known actors such as Xia Yu, Zhang Jingchu, Hu Jun, and Zhang Xinyi were invited, and the film was scheduled to be released on May 1 of that year.

Judging from the trailer, this is a mainland version of Young and Dangerous, and a Northeastern version of Mr. Brown.

If it can be released normally, it may become a box office dark horse.

But in April, Kong Ergou suddenly posted a self-deprecating post on Weibo, saying that his own movie was forced to be withdrawn due to the strong momentum of "Avengers 4".

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a joke. I'm afraid the real reason the movie was withdrawn is that it was too explicit.

Five years have passed and there has been no new news about this movie.

This year, anti-corruption films have gradually disappeared from movie theaters, and this film may be completely forgotten.

Part 8: "Inglis"

Wang Zhiwen was invited to film, but after 7 years, there was no news from him.

"My Altay" has become a hit recently, and many people have expressed that they have never seen such a simple and touching work.

In fact, such works have been filmed a long time ago, but unfortunately they have never been shown to the audience.

In 1998, Joan Chen directed the movie "The Sent-Down Girl", which won three awards at the Golden Horse Awards: Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actress.

20 years later, Chen Chong directed the movie "Inglis", starring powerful actors such as Wang Zhiwen, Yuan Quan, Huo Siyan, and Wang Chuanjun.

The story takes place at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang during a special period, when a group of boys and girls met an English teacher who was like a martyr.

The little protagonist and his English teacher became close friends regardless of age difference and experienced unforgettable years together. The portrait of intellectuals is presented to the audience through this movie.

The film was completed as early as 2017, but there is still no release date and no trailer.

People who have seen it revealed that it can become a classic as long as it meets the following three points.

First, the film is not cut at all; second, it can be released smoothly; third, the screening rate is high enough.

Seven years have passed, "My Altay" has become a hit, where is the future of "Inglis"?

Part 9: A Step into the Past

Is the review of time-travel themes tightened? Or is it because of the involvement of a "mysterious person"?

In 2001, the TV series "A Step into the Past" starring Louis Koo became a classic in the hearts of a generation and can be regarded as the earliest time-travel drama.

18 years later, Louis Koo assembled the original crew to shoot the movie version of "A Step into the Past".

Many people think that this is another case of selling sentiment and making money, but this is not the case.

The movie is not a remake of the TV series. It tells a new story more than ten years after the TV series. The time period matches the ages of the actors, so there is no sense of incongruity.

The filming of this movie was completed as early as 2019. The film company originally planned to release it in 2021 and released a Cantonese version of the trailer.

Now, three years have passed, and the movie has still not arrived as promised.

The most likely reason is that a Hong Kong gambling king was imprisoned, and the film may have been implicated.

Hong Kong films have regained momentum this year, with both art films and commercial films flourishing. Louis Koo's version of "A Step into the Past" may be put back on the agenda.

The tenth film: "731"

Starring Wang Zhiwen, the subject matter is sensitive and the scale is almost the highest in the past 10 years

Many people watched the 1988 film "Black Sun 731" when they were young.

When I was a child, I watched it as a horror movie, but when I grew up and thought about it, I felt great sadness.

Brother Pi still remembers the subtitles at the beginning of the film: "Friendship is friendship, history is history."

It can be said that the number 731 has become a common pain for all Chinese people.

Unexpectedly, more than 30 years later, someone touched upon this subject again, and the film was called "731".

The director is Zhao Linshan, who also directed "The Palace of the Bronze Bird".

As early as 2012, when he was filming "The Palace of the Golden Phoenix", he had the idea of ​​filming "731".

Unfortunately, the timing was not right, and it was not until 2021 that he gathered Wang Zhiwen, Jiang Wu, Li Naiwen and others to complete the filming.

Surprisingly, many Hong Kong actors also participated in the filming.

Among them, Nick Cheung agreed to film the film only 7 days after reading the script.

In order to play the role well, he lost weight, grew long hair and a beard. The patriotism of the older generation of Hong Kong people is touching.

The film was completed after only four months of shooting, but there is still no sign of it being released.

The film has released a trailer, and the lines and pictures are indeed shocking.

The film company also put a dragon logo (public screening license) at the end, suggesting that the film has passed censorship.

It is rumored online that the film will be released on July 31, which coincides with the title of the film.

However, no official news has been seen yet.

"731" touches upon the emotional taboos of the Chinese nation, and any carelessness will lead to a complete failure.

But the director's courage and persistence are still worthy of admiration.

Well, these are 10 films that were filmed but have yet to be released to the audience.

Many of them are blockbuster productions with high investments.

For example, the cost of "The Mermaid 2" is around 400 million yuan, "Mojin: The Last Wanderer" is 400 million yuan, "The Eyes of Poetry" is 272 million yuan, "Operation Fox Hunt" is 200 million yuan, "749 Bureau" is 200 million yuan, and "A Step into the Past" is 110 million yuan (data comes from media reports and investment amount ratio conversion).

The total cost of these six films alone exceeds 1.6 billion.

Some have been "sentenced to death", some can still be rescued, some cannot pass the review due to technical reasons, and some have no one to take over because they were so badly filmed.

Among these 10 films, which one is the most unforgettable for you? Please tell me.

Text/PiPi Movie Editorial Department: YiLiJi

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