
hubei daily focuses on shiyan economic development zone: one car rolls off the assembly line every 150 seconds! from here to the world


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shiyan, the automobile city, was built and developed because of automobiles. shiyan economic development zone was also established for the development of the automobile industry.

after 33 years of development, more than 1,200 automobile and parts companies have gathered here, with an annual production capacity of 500,000 vehicles. it has become a rare "commercial and passenger, oil and electric" vehicle production base, new energy vehicle production base, and automobile parts trading base in the country.

the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee proposed to improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions. how to develop new quality productivity around the leading industry of automobiles?

"relying on shiyan's strong automobile industry advantages, we actively focus on new industrialization and strive to build four major industrial clusters." on august 25, gong bailin, deputy director of the management committee of shiyan economic and technological development zone, visited the hubei daily 5g studio and shared shiyan economic and technological development zone's exploration of cultivating the automobile industry and developing new quality productivity.


on august 25, gong bailin (right), deputy director of the management committee of shiyan economic and technological development zone, visited the hubei daily 5g studio. (photo by hubei daily omnimedia reporter xue ting)

forming a pattern of "commercial and passenger vehicles, oil and electricity"

in the early 1990s, with the construction of the wuhan-xiangfan-shiyan thousand mile automobile industrial corridor, shiyan city started the construction of a development zone in the wilderness of bailang, the east gate.

20 years ago, the dongfeng xiaokang, a national mini car that was popular all over the country, was born in shiyan economic and technological development zone.

in 2003, chongqing yu'an and dongfeng motor corporation jointly established a factory; in january 2005, the first dongfeng xiaokang mini car rolled off the assembly line; in 2012, the one millionth car rolled off the assembly line. in just seven years, dongfeng xiaokang has become one of the top three mini cars in the country.

relying on the foundation laid in shiyan economic and technological development zone, dongfeng xiaokang's parent company, seres group (formerly chongqing xiaokang industrial group), has successively built two major vehicle production bases and five intelligent manufacturing factories in shiyan, hubei and chongqing.

walking into the seres (hubei) automobile manufacturing base located in the airport industrial park of shiyan economic development zone, the production line is busy and orderly. this automobile factory, built with an investment of 4 billion yuan, adopts the world's leading production technology, which can not only realize the instantaneous switching of various models and colors on the production line, but also produce gasoline vehicles, electric vehicles, micro commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles at the same time.

the fengguang series passenger cars produced on the general assembly line of seres (hubei) automobile co., ltd. (photo by correspondent liu aili)

on this basis, shiyan economic and technological development zone introduced easygo new energy passenger vehicle production enterprise, guided traditional fuel vehicle companies in the area such as dongfeng special automobile, century cosco, jishen automobile, perfect, and bolo automobile to transform to hydrogen energy and pure electric vehicles, and guided traditional auto parts companies in the area to transform to new energy and intelligent connected vehicle parts, forming an industrial development pattern of "commercial and passenger vehicles, oil and electricity" that adapts to market demand and has stable supply and supporting facilities.

today, shiyan economic and technological development zone has developed into one of the few "commercial and passenger, oil and electricity" vehicle production bases, new energy vehicle production bases, and auto parts trading bases in the country.

"for every 10 new energy vehicles produced in shiyan, 8 are produced in shiyan economic development zone." gong bailin proudly introduced that the zone has the capacity to produce more than 70 types of vehicles and 500,000 complete vehicles per year. it is expected that by the end of this year, the output value of new energy vehicles will account for more than 60% of the output value of complete vehicle enterprises in the zone.

yigete exported more than 50,000 new energy vehicles last year

walking into easygo new energy automobile co., ltd. located in shiyan economic development zone, one new energy passenger car rolls off the production line every 150 seconds and is exported to the european, north and south american markets.

in 2023, the city of shiyan will produce 82,000 new energy vehicles and export 65,000 vehicles; among them, easygo will export 54,000 new energy passenger cars, becoming the number one new energy vehicle exporter in hubei.

in june this year, easygo's newly developed bbg24 pure electric passenger car went into mass production. unlike previous models, this new model uses shiyan's "local heart". since march, power batteries produced by envision power's shiyan base have been delivered to easygo for use, which not only reduces easygo's procurement costs and shortens logistics cycles, but also effectively ensures the security of the supply chain.

yijiete new energy automobile co., ltd. rolls off the production line of a new pure electric passenger car. (photo by correspondent liu aili)

"in the new economic era, new quality productivity is the driving force for leapfrogging and also the mission of pioneering." gong bailin introduced that shiyan economic and technological development zone has built four major industrial clusters, including new energy and intelligent networked vehicles, high-end equipment manufacturing, safety and emergency equipment, and modern productive services, around the entire automotive industry chain. it has cultivated the "soil" and "climate" for the development of new quality productivity, and guided by scientific and technological innovation to promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the industry.

at the beginning of 2023, shiyan economic development zone introduced dongfeng yuexiang technology co., ltd. to cooperate with dongfeng special vehicle to develop and manufacture driverless buses, which were put into operation in xiongan new area, chongqing, wuhan and other places, and a fleet was formed to serve the hangzhou asian games. at the same time, the application scenarios of driverless cars are laid out. at the end of 2023, dongfeng yuexiang driverless buses were put into trial operation on the 17-kilometer open road in shiyan economic development zone. shiyan became the second city in the province after wuhan to start the demonstration operation of intelligent network application scenarios.

relying on the foundation laid by "testing the waters" in the field of new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, in july this year, shiyan became one of the first 20 cities (consortiums) in the country to pilot the application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for intelligent connected vehicles.

at present, the district has cultivated 124 national high-tech enterprises, 283 technology-based smes, 50 specialized and innovative enterprises, 25 single champions in the manufacturing industry, 17 hidden champions, and 5 new species and gazelle enterprises.

optimizing supply chains

the overall cost is reduced by more than 3 percentage points

on september 4, in the production workshop of bolo automotive industry (shiyan) co., ltd. located in shiyan economic development zone, sparks from electric welding were flying as workers were busy welding and assembling large boxes for special vehicles.

"after cooperating with the yangtze river automobile industry supply chain company, thanks to the stable supply chain guarantee, the overall cost has been reduced by 3 to 7 percentage points," said xia shutao, head of the baolu automobile industrial park.

shiyan city promotes cost reduction, efficiency improvement and quality improvement by building and optimizing the automotive industry supply chain. in april 2023, the city participated in the establishment of yangtze river automotive industry supply chain co., ltd. to provide services such as raw material procurement, vehicle import and export, and vehicle and parts distribution for the regional automotive industry.

the longmen industrial park in shiyan economic development zone has built a concentrated commercial and residential community to create a demonstration industrial park for the integration of industry and city. (photo by correspondent liu aili)

"only by gathering industries into chains can we ensure the security of the supply chain and have a say in the market." gong bailin introduced that in recent years, the district has insisted on reconstructing the industrial chain with supply chain thinking, focusing on building "four industrial alliances" of new energy and intelligent networked vehicles, auto trade and auto parts, special vehicles, and foreign trade exports, and continuously improving the market competitiveness of the automobile and parts industry. fully integrate the resources of industrial alliance enterprises, extend the chain, supplement the chain, and strengthen the chain to cultivate and expand the industrial foundation.

"the company's customers need a multi-functional road rescue vehicle with functions such as lifting and hoisting, mobile charging, and tire replacement and repair. the order is at least 500 units. if the bosses are interested, we can jointly develop products." earlier this year, at a special vehicle industry alliance enterprise salon event organized by shiyan economic development zone, zheng shihai, chairman of hubei pafit engineering machinery co., ltd., invited alliance companies to cooperate and jointly win orders.

"cooperation among alliance companies has significantly improved r&d and production efficiency." zheng shihai introduced that with the cooperation and efforts of the special vehicle industry alliance companies, a pure electric multi-functional road rescue vehicle was successfully developed in shiyan economic development zone in just over half a year. at present, two prototypes have been sent to the customer company for real-life road testing.

development zone business card

shiyan economic and technological development zone was established in 1991 and is one of the first nine development zones in the province. it was upgraded to a national-level economic and technological development zone in 2012.

including three parks, namely dongcheng industrial park, xicheng industrial park and shiyan industrial economic park, it has successively won nine national "golden signs" such as production service-oriented national logistics hub, national emergency equipment base, china's best automobile industry demonstration economic development zone, and national torch program shiyan automobile key parts industry base.

shiyan economic and technological development zone has gathered 4 complete vehicle enterprises and 10 special-purpose vehicle enterprises, with the capacity to produce more than 70 types of vehicles and 500,000 complete vehicles annually; it has gathered more than 1,200 parts and components enterprises, which can produce more than 700 assemblies and more than 3,000 parts and components, and 22 types of parts and components industry chain products rank first in the country and the province.
