
intelligent computing for everything · hunan promises the future | with the surge in computing power, how far is the industrialization of audio and video production?


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xie zhuofang, reporter of huasheng online
ordinary equipment would take at least days to render a 4k ultra-high-definition advertisement. however, in malanshan video cultural and creative industrial park, it can be easily completed in the time it takes to eat a meal, and the efficiency is increased by more than 100 times.
the "magic" behind it comes from the super computing power platform - video supercomputing. walking into the industrial-style computer room, the indicator lights of the machines are constantly flashing, and the "surge" of computing power is more intuitively presented before your eyes.
this is the world's first supercomputer for video computing applications, funded by malanshan investment development and construction co., ltd. and jointly built by malanshan video advanced technology research institute and national university of defense technology. since its completion last year, it has brought disruptive changes to the audio and video production of enterprises in the park.
yang yi, deputy general manager of malanshan video advanced technology research institute co., ltd., told reporters that one of the bottlenecks in the production of audio and video content is the slow rendering speed and high cost. for example, when making an animation, 40% of the cost is spent on rendering, and the rendering time accounts for about 50% of the production cycle.
rendering, in layman's terms, is to perform photoshop on the film frame by frame to add special effects to it, which requires a lot of computing power. take the movie "avatar" as an example. the film has 1,600 visual effects shots. it takes more than 1,700 years to render with a single machine. even if 1,000 hosts are used, it will take about 1.7 years. the computing power required is astronomical.
the malanshan video supercomputing platform integrates the malanshan video industry cloud, enterprise private cloud, external public cloud and the cloud computing capabilities of the three major operators, with a computing power of up to 13p. with the support of powerful computing power, the rendering time and cost of animation and game production in the malanshan cultural and creative park have been reduced by 30%.
as efficiency improves, the way audio and video are produced is also quietly changing. a practitioner said that video supercomputing allows the team to achieve cloud video production, that is, when shooting a video, the virtual digital scene can be synchronized with other materials on the screen, the director can directly see the final effect on the spot and make suggestions for modification, and the post-production staff can complete the modification in time, greatly improving the shooting efficiency and effect.
"the combination of advanced computing and advanced video offers a lot of room for imagination." yang yi said that video supercomputing has many application scenarios, such as architectural design, industrial design, etc., and has broad market prospects.
yang yi introduced that hunan has a good industrial foundation, which has attracted more and more upstream and downstream companies to take root there, which will help further enhance the video supercomputing capabilities and empower more industries.
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