
lin fang never gets old, but his pursuit of truth never stops——students of fudan university’s journalism prospecting class argue about zhao chaogou


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photo caption: the exhibition site of "lin fang bu lao" was photographed by our reporter li mingshen
dai haochen:
always be at the first scene
from "yan'an january" to "never late talk", zhao chao used his own voice to show the truth of the times and the ups and downs of life, which also echoed the purpose of xinmin evening news and flew into the homes of ordinary people. whether it is the popular short videos or the newspapers full of rustic atmosphere, they are all parts we need to learn. news always requires us to be at the first scene. adapting to big data and making better use of big data can help us to update and iterate traditional methods.
lu jingyi:
exploring the time tunnel of news
mr. zhao chaogou's life was full of love and dedication to journalism. after listening to mr. zhao chaogou's legendary life, the students' ideals and passion for journalism were once again ignited.
on the way back to school, the rain was getting heavier. in the rain, we seemed to have a conversation across time and space with those journalism pioneers, allowing us to explore the time tunnel of journalism. they told us that journalism is not only about conveying information, but also a responsibility and mission.
pu qinhao:
"skills" change but "tao" remains
nowadays, the "technique" of journalism is changing with each passing day: online platforms, big data, algorithms, ai, etc. can all be used as auxiliary means of news reporting and revolutionary means of dissemination. however, the "tao" of journalism, such as zhao chao's lifelong commitment to xinmin evening news, and his superhuman courage in reporting the real situation in yan'an in chongqing under the jurisdiction of the kuomintang, is the unchanging "taoism" that the new generation of journalists need to inherit.
whether it was zhao chaogou or generations of journalists at fudan university, they all utilized the "skills" of the times and adhered to the "tao" of journalism in their era. this might be the reason why shanghai citizens in the last century would stick their heads out every day to ask, "who are we waiting for? the night paper."
bai shuyu:
evening news is never too late, the news is always fresh
when i walked into the museum, i saw a wall full of chinese newspapers from the past 100 years, but that was far away from me. i had hardly read any of the newspapers on display. at that time, i could not have imagined that this exhibition tour would bring the warmth of news to me.
mr. zhao chao's spirit has never remained in history, but still lives on in the hearts of the next generation of journalists. they still care about the country and the people, and they earnestly hope that no matter what changes in technology we face, the next generation will continue to keep this way of journalism fresh.
xiao yijia:
becoming a "big reporter"
let us look at what a “great journalist” is from the perspective of mr. zhao chaogou and xinmin evening news.
only those who obtain first-hand information can be closest to the truth and become "real journalists". today, what we get from the internet platform is often second-hand information in the cocoon "filtered" by algorithms. this requires us to capture "first-hand information" like mr. zhao chaogou and seize every "conversation in progress".
liu sule:
strengthened my journalistic ideals
nowadays, although there are many self-media, they often do not explore news facts enough. comments and opinions often run far ahead of the facts, so there will be news that is reversed and reversed again, and even widespread false information. we should try our best to get access to first-hand materials and information, and take the initiative to seize opportunities, so that we can truly get close to the truth and facts. this exhibition not only showed me mr. zhao chaogou's life story, but also further strengthened my journalistic ideals.
yang xinrui:
become the light and shadow itself
in the new era when people are qualified and capable of looking forward to a brand new life, the news is no longer just about sharp and powerful revelations, but about focusing more closely on what the people think and see, so that the light of news can become a candlelight that people can use, in line with the general trend of national development. journalists need to be simple and ordinary, and learn to be soft light, so that they can blend themselves into all environments and all people, and truly see every kind of life.
the only way to avoid being confused by light and shadow is to become the light itself that guides people to see the world. wandering at the intersection of light and darkness, weaving soft and hard words, is the spiritual source of "lin fang bu lao", and is also the work tradition that we, as contemporary journalism students, should learn and put into practice.
li wei:
a journey of seeking and looking for the way
this exhibition is a journey of seeking and looking for the truth. the name of the exhibition is "lin fang never gets old", which is true. lin fang's newspaper-running philosophy has always been adhered to by xinmin evening news, and lin fang's character of being able to make millions of dollars has been inherited by journalists in later generations. at the entrance of the exhibition hall, there are photos of mr. zhao chaogou in his youth, middle age and old age. only after the exhibition is over can we understand its deep meaning. the journalistic ideal that mr. zhao chaogou practiced throughout his life is the "truth" that we journalists in later generations look up to!
side thoughts:
learning news literacy from exhibitions
mr. zhao chaogou truly achieved "sharing the worries of the people, sharing the joys of the people, and establishing good relations with thousands of households". he made me learn the journalistic literacy we should have from the exhibition. authenticity is an important principle of journalism. how to contact and understand the truth? and how to make the truth public? dare to tell the truth, it seems simple, but the key is to truly apply it in journalism practice.
huang wanqing:
the “changes” and “unchanges” of news
faced with the "short-circuit subversion" brought about by digital media, journalists in the new era may wish to start from the development of xinmin evening news, revisit the "change" and "unchange" in the history of chinese journalism, and draw strength from it as they face transformation.
as news content becomes more diverse and life-like, we see the "unchanged" humanistic feelings and professional spirit. that is the consistent pursuit of news ideals, the respect for objectivity, and the pursuit of truth.
tang xu feiyang:
the greatest sound
the exhibition hall is not large, but it displays all aspects of mr. zhao chaogou's journalistic life. it reminds me of "great sound is silent". silent works are deafening in such a chaotic world; seemingly silent life is echoed through the words of news writing, and its sound reverberates today, nearly a hundred years later, and reverberates in the hearts of us new journalists.
liu yujia:
meet the "me" 95 years ago
zhao chaogou, born in 1910, studied at shanghai chinese public school and is a famous chinese journalist.
liu yujia, born in 2005, is a student in the journalism wangdao class at fudan university in shanghai.
the former is the former president of xinmin evening news, and the latter is a college student who was still thinking about “what to eat for lunch” an hour before visiting the exhibition.
the latter is myself.
this person was once a young man like us. he grew up step by step from a naive young boy, from being confused about the future to being determined step by step. this direction is what we have chosen at this moment: news.
as time goes by, the country becomes stronger and people live happier. but college students majoring in journalism and wangdao class should think about more than just "what to eat for lunch today" on the way from the classroom to the cafeteria. we should also think about how we, as young "zhao chaogou", can use our journalism practice to serve the public and society.
bai suran:
a dialogue between three generations of journalists
the iteration of new technologies, the transformation of the news industry, the transformation of traditional paper media... these changes in the news industry are actually suspended on the "art" of news. what is more important in news is the "tao". what is the "tao"? it is to "fly into the homes of ordinary people" while maintaining the professional depth of the content, to keep up with the times without giving up the original intention of news, to be fearless of wind and rain and hold up the umbrella of journalists, to love, and to pass on from generation to generation. our predecessors opened the door for the new generation of journalists and guided the later generations to take over the "tao". if we in the wangdao class have become people who have just stepped into the door, then today's class is a dialogue between three generations of journalists and the preservation of the news tradition.
michelle reis:
taking over the torch from our predecessors
the roar of "lead and fire" has fallen silent. the internet and artificial intelligence have entered the news industry. the media are iterating, the situation is changing, but what remains unchanged is the tao, the ideal of journalism and the media sentiment.
zhao chao raised a dagger and threw a spear, he waved the flag for justice; he tempered his eyes and polished his pupils, he let the truth see the light; he turned the drizzle into spring breeze, he did his best for the people. taking over the torch from our predecessors, we strive to be journalists who shoulder the moral responsibility and write articles with skillful hands.
zhou ziyu:
continue to write a new chapter in news
looking at "yan'an january" placed in front of the display cabinet, i seem to hear the voice of history, listen to her telling the story of history page by page, and feel the pulse of the times. through mr. zhao chaogou's experience, i have a better understanding of the meaning of "establishing a heart for heaven and earth, establishing a life for the people, inheriting the unique knowledge of the past sages, and creating peace for all generations." coming from the heavy history and renewing in the fiery era, as journalists, we must inherit the spirit of our predecessors, aspire to excellence, and continue to write a new chapter in journalism!
yang moyun:
an ordinary but extraordinary person
in the comments and suggestions that mr. zhao chao gave to his grandson, in the photos that recorded his life, and in the fair and detailed english notes, i once again felt that every great and memorable person is never a simple symbol, but we often only see the most brilliant part of their lives. when you really get close to this person, you will find that he is also a kind grandfather, an ordinary photography enthusiast, a student who studies hard, and an ordinary but extraordinary person, a lovely person.
high cold:
passing on the torch of journalism
zhao chao's life path also provides an inspiring route for the younger generations of us who are engaged in journalism: seize opportunities, make continuous personal efforts, and water them with passion. even if it is difficult for us to be the pioneers of journalism in the historical era in which zhao chao lived, standing at the crossroads of a major change that has not happened in a century, we can also pass on the journalism career through our efforts.