
a female tourist fell off her horse in a scenic spot and broke four ribs. her family said the scenic spot was only willing to pay 10,000 yuan


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during the summer vacation, ms. wang from dongguan, guangdong, happily took her sophomore daughter to the lashihai scenic area in yunnan. unexpectedly, an accident left her with four fractured ribs on the left side, lung contusion, traumatic pleural effusion, and mild closed head injury. she has not yet recovered and has difficulty taking care of herself, and is suffering physically and mentally.

ms. wang on the hospital bed (photo provided by the interviewee)


a horseman was leading three horses in the team. the horses suddenly went crazy and three tourists fell off the horses.

mr. li is from dongguan, guangdong. on september 20, he sighed when he mentioned that his wife and daughter were injured in a fall while riding horses in lashihai scenic area, yulong county, lijiang, yunnan.

"in late august, during the summer vacation, my wife and daughter went to lijiang, yunnan for a trip."

mr. li introduced that his wife is 40 years old and his daughter is a sophomore in college. this is the first time for them to travel to yunnan.

mr. li said that at about 4 p.m. on august 26, his wife and daughter came to the lashihai scenic area in yulong county with two horse racing tickets (stamped with the official seal of yulong county lashihai scenic area service management co., ltd.) that they had previously purchased for 520 yuan, intending to ride horses to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the ancient tea-horse road.

the horse racing ticket purchased by the party concerned was printed with the official seal of the scenic spot. photo provided by the interviewee

"before riding, my wife was worried about the safety of riding, so she asked the staff of the scenic area's horse team whether it was dangerous. the staff said there was nothing to be afraid of, because tourists were not riding by themselves and there were people leading the horses, so there was no need to worry."

mr. li said that after his wife and daughter got on their horses, they discovered that the groom was not leading one horse, but three horses. the horses were tied together with ropes. there were more than 20 horses in the whole team, and his wife and daughter were walking in the middle of the team.

mr. li said that no one expected that his wife and daughter would have an accident while riding horses.

mr. li said that after his wife and daughter had been riding for about 40 minutes, for some unknown reason, several horses suddenly went crazy and his wife, daughter and another tourist were all thrown off the horses.


a 40-year-old woman had four broken ribs and is still unable to take care of herself

"after falling off the horse, my wife suffered injuries to her head and arms, and was bleeding profusely. in addition, the horse stepped on her left chest, and she was unconscious at the time."

mr. li said that his daughter had skin injuries, sprains, and knee scrapes, and was not seriously injured. after the incident, his daughter immediately called 110 and 120. later, his daughter, together with the tour guide and tourists, picked up his wife and took her down the mountain. his wife was then taken to lijiang ancient city district people's hospital by 120.

his wife was diagnosed with four fractured ribs on the left side, pulmonary contusion, traumatic pleural effusion, mild closed head injury, left upper arm contusion, scalp hematoma, and hypokalemia.

mr. li said that during his wife's treatment, the head of the lashihai scenic area horse caravan visited the hospital and the medical expenses were also paid by the horse caravan. "including the food expenses for my trip to yunnan to deal with the matter a few days after the incident, the scenic area horse caravan also paid for it."

"the doctor said that my wife's condition would require hospitalization for several months before she could be discharged. we are from guangdong and both have jobs, so it was impossible for us to stay in yunnan for so long. on september 16, after more than 20 days in the hospital, we were discharged and returned to dongguan, guangdong."

mr. li said that his wife is currently undergoing rehabilitation treatment at home and has difficulty moving around. she cannot stand up, squat, or turn over, and he has to take care of her when she gets up, goes to bed, and goes to the toilet.

rights protection:

negotiations on compensation failed, the horse caravan suggested that tourists sue

mr. li said that while his wife was hospitalized in lijiang, no one negotiated with them about the aftermath. in desperation, he reported the matter to the local 12345 government hotline, lashihai scenic area management bureau, etc., and only then did the lashihai scenic area contact him to negotiate the aftermath.

"during this period, the lashihai rural tourism people's mediation committee organized the horse caravan, scenic area and other departments to mediate with me."

mr. li said that during the mediation, he proposed that his wife's actual losses, such as loss of work (including his loss of work), nutrition expenses, etc., should be borne by the scenic spot.

"it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone. my wife has four broken ribs and needs at least three months of care, and she cannot do physical labor for half a year." mr. li said that he asked a professional to calculate it, and their losses were about 120,000 yuan.

he said that the horse gang could not accept his request and was only willing to compensate them 10,000 yuan in one lump sum. "even if i finally made a concession and reduced the compensation to 80,000 yuan, the horse gang would not agree, not even a cent more. if they don't accept the 10,000 yuan compensation, they will let us go through the legal process."

"the mediation department said that the caravan was unwilling to pay more compensation, and they had no choice but to suggest that i go through the legal process." mr. li said that on september 4, the lashihai rural tourism people's mediation committee issued him a "notice of termination of mediation for tourism complaints". the reason for the termination of mediation was that "the two parties had great differences of opinion on issues such as the one-time compensation for tourists and could not reach an agreement... it is recommended to resolve it through other legal channels."

mr. ma said that he had consulted and it would take three months for his wife's injury to be assessed for disability. in addition, they work in guangdong, so they have to file a lawsuit in lijiang, yunnan, which is time-consuming, laborious and troublesome. they are considering whether to file a lawsuit.


the scenic spot and management department said they were actively mediating, and the parties involved said the issue had been resolved after media attention

is mr. li's report true? on the afternoon of september 20, a reporter from huashang daily dafeng news contacted the lashihai scenic area, the scenic area management bureau and the lashihai rural tourism people's mediation committee.

that afternoon, a staff member of yulong county lashihai scenic area service management co., ltd. told the huashang daily dafeng news reporter that the scenic area was handling the issue mr. li reported. "many leaders came forward today, and everyone is working on solving the issue. we will reply to the person involved when there is a result."

staff from the lashihai scenic area management bureau said that multiple departments are actively handling the issues raised by mr. li, and they will respond truthfully when there are results.

on the afternoon of september 20, a staff member of the lashihai rural tourism people's mediation committee said that she knew that mr. li's wife was injured while riding a horse. on that day, the heads of the lashihai scenic area, the scenic area management bureau, the mediation committee and other departments were actively mediating the matter.

she said that during the first mediation, mr. li proposed more than 120,000 yuan in compensation, but because the other party disagreed, they decided to terminate the mediation. the matter is still under mediation, and they will do their best to resolve it. when there is a result, they will inform the reporter and the parties involved.

at around 17:00 on september 20, mr. li told the huashang daily dafeng news reporter that an agreement had been reached on compensation after negotiation and thanked the media for their help.

huashang daily news reporter she hui, editor li zhi