
exports to china plummeted, japan finally gave in, but the taiwan authorities are still stubborn and oppose mainland "coercion"


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the export of aquatic products to china plummeted. japan finally chose to make concessions on the issue of nuclear contaminated water. at the same time, the taiwan authorities are still stubborn, claiming that the cancellation of zero tariff preferences by the mainland will have little impact, and they also threatened to oppose the so-called "economic coercion" of the mainland. what concessions did japan make to china? why did it choose to make concessions? what is the reason for the so-called "economic coercion" mentioned by the taiwan authorities?

on september 20, the japanese ministry of foreign affairs issued a notice confirming that the governments of china and japan have reached a consensus that china will gradually resume imports of japanese aquatic products after implementing monitoring activities on the discharge of nuclear contaminated water from the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea.

japanese prime minister fumio kishida also stated later that the japanese government plans to allow china and other third parties to participate in seawater sampling under the command of the international atomic energy agency (iaea).

the japanese side's description of the specific consensus between china and japan is relatively simple. this is because after a long period of negotiations, japan finally chose to make concessions. the reason for the concessions is also very obvious, that is, the sharp drop in japan's seafood exports to china has made the japanese government unable to bear the pressure.

data shows that in the first half of 2024, japan's total exports of agricultural, forestry, aquatic products and other foods to china fell sharply by 43.8% year-on-year, of which seafood exports plummeted by 92.3%, directly resulting in a 701.3 billion yen reduction in japan's exports. at the same time, china began to import seafood from other countries to fill the gap. from september last year to july this year, indonesia, the united kingdom and argentina's related exports to china increased by 42%, about 150% and nearly 200% respectively.

faced with such a situation, the japanese government could no longer sit still, so it agreed to allow china to join the monitoring of the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. before this, japan had only allowed relevant experts approved by the iaea to monitor, which also caused widespread dissatisfaction among asian countries.

japan cannot resist china's import control policy, but the taiwan authorities seem to think that they will be the "chosen one".

just a few days ago, the state council tariff commission issued an announcement, announcing that from september 25, 2024, the policy of exempting 34 agricultural products from taiwan from import tariffs will be stopped. the taiwan affairs office of the state council also explained very clearly that since lai qingde came to power, the administration has stubbornly adhered to the "taiwan independence" position, constantly engaged in "independence" provocations, escalated cross-strait hostility and confrontation, and hindered cross-strait exchanges and cooperation. it still unilaterally restricts the import of more than 1,000 agricultural products from the mainland, seriously damaging the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait. the mainland will never allow the policy of benefiting taiwan to become a tool for "taiwan independence" to make money.

in response to the mainland's countermeasures, the island's agricultural department claimed that the export trade value of these 34 products from taiwan to the mainland last year was approximately us$7.36 million, and the increased tariffs were us$1.075 million. therefore, they believe that the impact of this policy is limited and the risks are within controllable range.

the island’s administrative department has even declared its opposition to the mainland’s continued “economic coercion” and vowed to “explore emerging markets” and not rely on the mainland’s single market.

facts have once again proved that the dpp authorities are stubborn in their "taiwan independence" stance and do not care about the interests of the people on the island at all. under the influence of mainland china's countermeasures, the losses of taiwan's farmers and merchants are not worth mentioning in their eyes. the ancients often said, "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it." how will the dpp authorities pay for this?