
shijingshan district public institutions will openly recruit staff in the second half of 2024


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announcement on the open recruitment of staff for public institutions in shijingshan district, beijing in the second half of 2024
in accordance with the spirit of the "implementation measures for the open recruitment of staff in beijing's public institutions" (beijing human resources and social security special technology development [2010] no. 102) and other documents, combined with the actual work needs of shijingshan district's public institutions, it is planned to publicly recruit staff for public institutions. the relevant matters are now announced as follows:
1. application conditions
1. basic requirements
1. support the leadership of the communist party of china, love socialism, abide by laws and regulations, and have good political qualities and moral conduct;
2. have a permanent residence in beijing, and have personnel administration and archives in beijing;
3. have working ability that meets the job requirements;
4. have the physical conditions and psychological qualities to perform their duties normally;
5. possess other qualifications required by the recruitment authorities in shijingshan district, beijing.
(ii) other requirements
1. recruitment positions for fresh graduates (2024) are limited to graduates of ordinary higher education institutions who are included in the national unified enrollment plan (training methods do not include commissioned training and targeted training) and have graduated on time and obtained the corresponding academic degrees;
between january 1, 2024 and the time of registration, those who have obtained a foreign degree, completed academic degree certification by the domestic education department, and meet the requirements for the position and have not yet found a job can apply for the position of fresh graduates. those who have returned to china and applied for the examination should provide the recruitment unit with the academic degree certification materials of the education department during the qualification review. for matters related to academic degree certification, please log on to the website of the ministry of education's overseas study service center (;
2. the major, education and degree required in the "positions and requirements table for public institutions to openly recruit staff" (hereinafter referred to as the "positions and requirements table") must correspond to the highest education and degree obtained by the applicant;
3. the age calculation period for registration is until august 31, 2024 (“25 years old and below” refers to those born after august 31, 1998, “30 years old and below” refers to those born after august 31, 1993, “35 years old and below” refers to those born after august 31, 1988, and “40 years old and below” refers to those born after august 31, 1983). the specific age requirements shall be subject to the job requirements announced by the recruiting unit;
4. the calculation period of working experience shall end on august 31, 2024;
5. comply with the job requirements and relevant regulations on avoidance;
6. active military personnel and non-fresh graduates who are still studying cannot apply.
ii. application procedure
(i) job search
for the number of recruits, specific positions, and qualification requirements of each recruiting unit, please refer to the "positions and requirements table". applicants can check the public recruitment column of beijing municipal human resources and social security bureau's government affairs disclosure institutions ( and the announcement column of shijingshan district people's government website (
if you need to consult information such as the major, academic qualifications, degree, professional requirements, professional qualifications and notes in the "positions and requirements form", please contact the recruiting authority directly. the consultation phone number can be found in the "positions and requirements form".
2. online registration
the registration for this exam is conducted online in the following manner:
1. submit an application. applicants can log in to the registration website ( to submit an application between 9:00 on september 23, 2024 and 16:30 on september 27, 2024. applicants can only choose one position in one unit to register, and the registration and the valid resident id card used for the examination must be consistent. when registering, applicants must carefully read the letter of commitment, and the application information and electronic materials submitted must be true, accurate and complete. applicants who provide false application materials will be disqualified once verified.
2. online preliminary review. the online preliminary review of qualifications is the responsibility of each recruitment authority. from 9:00 on september 23, 2024 to 16:30 on september 27, 2024, applicants can log in to the registration website to check whether they have passed the online preliminary review of qualifications. if the application fails to pass the review, you can apply for other positions. applicants are requested to arrange the registration time reasonably and check the review status in time.
3. examination content and time
1. written examination
1. content: the written test is closed-book and the full score is 100. the test covers comprehensive literacy, basic abilities and comprehensive abilities.
2. date: october 13, 2024
3. location: please refer to the registration website for details.
3. score query: the full score of the written test is 100 points, and the passing score is 60 points. after the written test, the written test results will be announced on the notice board of the shijingshan district people's government website ( candidates are requested to check at that time. for each recruitment position, the ratio of the number of people to be recruited to the number of people to be interviewed is 1:5, and the candidates to be interviewed are determined in order from high to low scores. those whose scores are below the passing score cannot be interviewed. for positions that do not meet the 1:5 ratio, the actual number of people whose scores are not below the passing score will participate in the interview.
2. qualification review and interview
candidates who are to be interviewed shall bring relevant materials to participate in the qualification review as required. the qualification review work shall be the responsibility of the competent departments of each recruiting unit. the qualification review includes reviewing the candidate's household registration, identity, academic qualifications, and the relevant grades, qualifications, and qualification certificates required by the qualifications of the position applied for. if the main information of the relevant materials is untrue and affects the results of the qualification review, the recruiting competent department has the right to cancel the candidate's qualification to participate in the interview.
after review, candidates whose application conditions are in doubt should complete the materials within 2 days. if they fail to complete the materials within the specified time or are found to be unqualified, they will be disqualified from the interview. vacancies caused by abstention or disqualification will be filled in order according to the written test scores.
the interview mainly examines the applicant's comprehensive analysis, logical thinking, language expression, on-the-spot response, job matching and appearance. the interview score is 100 points, and the passing score is 60 points. the written test and interview scores are calculated into the comprehensive score at a weight of 40% and 60% respectively. those whose interview scores are lower than the passing score cannot enter the physical examination stage. the comprehensive score will be announced on the notice board of the shijingshan district people's government website (
please pay attention to the registration website for the specific time and location of the interview.
iv. physical examination and investigation
for each recruitment position, the candidates who have passed the interview will be selected according to the ranking of comprehensive scores in a 1:1 ratio. for positions with a 1:1 ratio, the interview score must reach the average score of the candidates who use the same set of interview questions on the same day. those who are lower than the average score will not be admitted. if the comprehensive scores for the same position are the same, the candidates who will be selected for the physical examination and inspection will be selected according to the written test scores from high to low.
the inspection and investigation work is the responsibility of the competent departments of each recruiting unit. the inspection and investigation work emphasizes political standards and is carried out through individual interviews, on-site visits, review of personnel files (school records), and inquiries into social credit records. it mainly examines the applicants' ideological and political performance, moral qualities, ability and quality, learning and work performance, compliance with laws and regulations, integrity and self-discipline, physical and mental health, and the degree of matching with the recruitment position, as well as whether there are any circumstances that should be avoided. the physical examination standards are implemented in accordance with the relevant physical examination standards for civil servant recruitment.
v. publicity
candidates who pass the physical examination and assessment will be determined as candidates for employment, and the list will be announced on the shijingshan district people's government website ( for 7 working days. the announcement includes the applicant unit, the position to be hired, the name of the candidate to be hired, etc. at the same time, the reporting telephone number will be announced to accept social supervision. once the announcement begins, if there are vacancies in the recruitment positions, it will not be postponed.
vi. employment approval
after the public announcement period expires, for those who have no problems or whose reported problems do not affect their employment, the competent department of the recruiting unit will handle the employment approval procedures for them; for those who report issues that affect their employment during the public announcement period and are verified, the employment approval procedures will not be processed; for those reported issues that are difficult to verify at the moment, the processing will be postponed, and a decision will be made whether to go through the employment approval procedures after the issues are clarified.
applicants should cooperate in completing the inspection, physical examination and employment work within the time limit and requirements specified by the recruiting authority. if they fail to complete the work within the specified time limit and requirements, they will be disqualified from subsequent employment.
vii. matters to be clarified
(1) non-beijing graduates of beijing universities in 2024 whose registered residence is in the school’s collective household registration and who do not have a permanent residence in beijing cannot apply for the exam;
(ii) from the time of online registration to the end of recruitment, candidates should ensure smooth communication. if the candidate cannot be notified due to poor telephone contact, the consequences will be borne by the candidate himself;
(3) the photocopied materials submitted during the qualification review will not be returned;
(iv) there will be no adjustment of positions in this recruitment;
(v) qualification review runs through the entire recruitment process. if it is found at any stage of the examination that an applicant does not meet the eligibility requirements, the recruitment authority may cancel his/her eligibility to apply or to be employed.
(vi) any adjustments to the exam will be announced on the registration website or the notice board of the shijingshan district people’s government website.
consultation phone number: see the "position and requirements table" for details
consultation time: 9:00-11:00 am and 14:00-17:00 pm on weekdays
supervision phone number: 68664267
beijing shijingshan district human resources and social security bureau
september 18, 2024