
shaanxi: xianyang city issued 8 measures to support high-quality development by "responding to needs and not disturbing when there is no need"


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china development net: in order to deepen the business environment breakthrough year activities, accelerate the creation of a market-oriented, law-based and internationalized business environment, and ensure that all types of business entities can invest, develop and operate with confidence, xianyang city, shaanxi province has formulated and issued a number of measures to promote high-quality development of "responding to needs and not disturbing when there is no need".
make good use of the "online response" platform for corporate demands
give full play to the role of the 12345 government service hotline for the convenience of the people, and accept complaints and suggestions from enterprises 24 hours a day. integrate and optimize the functions of "shaanxi enterprise communication", "xianyang enterprise communication" and "xianyang comprehensive financial service platform" to smooth the channels for enterprises to reflect their demands. make good use of the mayor's mailbox, accept the demands of enterprises in a timely manner, improve the monitoring, collection and disposal mechanism of online public opinion involving enterprises, and classify and assign the demands of enterprises in a timely manner.
improve the “face-to-face” communication mechanism
implement work mechanisms such as "government-enterprise breakfast meeting", "government-enterprise talks", and "monthly talks on pro-clean and clean enterprises", and listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprise leaders face to face. adhere to the "private entrepreneur activity day" system, run the "government-enterprise express", and timely summarize the common problems that enterprises strongly reflect and are generally concerned about, and propose responsible units and specific solutions. establish a system for entrepreneurs to attend important meetings and a consultation mechanism for the formulation of enterprise-related policies to improve the scientific nature and pertinence of enterprise-related policy formulation.
regular visits to enterprises to inquire about their needs and provide assistance
adhere to the system of leading cadres supporting enterprises, innovate methods, improve efficiency, and carry out activities such as visiting "five-level" enterprises, "three deliveries and one solution", "double support and one solution" and "1,000 party members and cadres warming 1,000 enterprises". actively publicize, interpret and supervise the implementation of policies and measures that benefit enterprises, ask enterprises about their needs and difficulties, and strive to solve them on the spot. for those that are difficult to solve at the moment, sort out and summarize them and hand them over to the relevant departments for handling, and reply within a time limit.
improve the closed-loop processing process for corporate demands
for all kinds of demands from enterprises, we insist on responding to them as soon as they are received and handling them immediately. we will feedback the handling results to the enterprises within 5 working days and do a good job of communication. for demands involving administrative licenses and public services, we must streamline the supporting materials, reduce the approval links, and shorten the approval time limit to the greatest extent within the framework of the rule of law, so as to achieve the transition from "running multiple times" to "handling once". for complex or cross-departmental demands, the hosting unit should take the lead in convening coordination meetings, formulate handling suggestions and solutions, and provide timely feedback. for matters that cannot be handled temporarily and are beyond the current policies, laws and regulations, we should do a good job of explaining and explaining. we will establish a city-wide business environment problem warehouse, build a hot issue research and judgment mechanism and a demand and difficulty linkage mechanism, regularly conduct research and judgment reminders on hot issues in demands, and report on the handling of demands.
standardize inspections and investigations involving enterprises
at the beginning of each year, all kinds of inspection, supervision, and research activities of the "five listed" enterprises shall be coordinated as a whole, and list management shall be implemented to merge similar matters. except for laws and regulations involving production safety, food and drug safety, environmental protection, and special reasons such as emergencies, complaints and reports, case investigations or supervision assigned by superiors, and public opinion handling, various comprehensive law enforcement departments and industry competent departments should reduce the number of general inspections and research activities carried out in enterprises, key projects, and construction sites. carry out the "comprehensive inspection once" reform for the construction of key projects. the municipal-level production safety, ecological environment, urban management law enforcement and other industry competent departments shall establish a joint law enforcement mechanism within the framework of the rule of law, formulate unified inspection standards, concentrate law enforcement inspection time, and link the local law enforcement departments and project construction units of the projects to implement cross-departmental, cross-level, and cross-industry comprehensive supervision of key projects under construction, effectively reduce the frequency of law enforcement, improve law enforcement efficiency, and ensure the accelerated promotion of key project construction. establish a "scan code when entering an enterprise" system for administrative law enforcement. before entering an enterprise for inspection, the code must be scanned and information must be entered to form law enforcement inspection data, so as to achieve traceability, transparency of the process, mutual recognition of results, traceability of law enforcement, and early warning of violations, and strive to solve problems such as multiple law enforcement and repeated law enforcement. non-administrative law enforcement inspections, surveys, evaluations, assessments, and other matters that require the cooperation of enterprises shall be strictly reviewed and approved in accordance with the principle of "who organizes, who is responsible", and can only be implemented after centralized approval (centralized approval means that subordinate units must report to the competent department for approval). promote the use of the "white list" system for administrative law enforcement inspections and inclusive and prudent regulatory measures such as persuasive education, persuasion demonstration, warning interviews, administrative guidance, and positive lists for supervision and law enforcement. administrative enforcement shall not be implemented if inclusive and prudent supervision can achieve the purpose of administrative management; administrative enforcement may not be adopted if the illegal acts are minor or have no obvious social harm; if administrative enforcement is indeed necessary, the impact on the normal production and operation activities of enterprises should be minimized.
strengthening intelligent services and supervision
improve the level of "internet + service", rely on the enterprise-related government service platform, and include enterprise-related matters into the scope of "one-stop service" to the greatest extent, so as to realize the centralized entry of administrative power, centralized sharing of data resources, and centralized supply of enterprise-related services. in principle, data and information required by enterprises shall be submitted through the internet, mail, etc. increase the intensity of "internet + supervision", expand the proportion of off-site supervision, and build a smart supervision system with full coverage of supervision matters, full record of supervision process, shareable supervision data, and traceable supervision results, so as to achieve precise and intelligent supervision. promote direct access to "internet + policy", and publicly release preferential policies and measures for enterprises through various channels such as "shaanxi enterprise communication", "xian enterprise communication", portal websites, wechat public accounts, etc., including the original text of the policy, scope of enjoyment, service guidelines, interpretation materials, contact information, etc., so that enterprises can fully enjoy preferential policies and various consulting services.
conduct business environment policy assessment
every year, we conduct business environment policy assessments around policy implementation, factor guarantee, government services, market access, and appeal handling, etc., by entrusting third-party assessment agencies, soliciting opinions from "two representatives and one committee member", experts and scholars, and holding entrepreneur forums. we summarize, analyze, and feedback the evaluation results in a timely manner, and propose targeted improvement measures to promote problem rectification and service optimization through evaluation.
strengthening the assessment incentive and accountability mechanism
according to the "implementation measures for the assessment of business convenience in xianyang city", the optimization of the business environment is assessed every year, and the grades are announced in a corresponding manner, subject to social supervision, and linked to target responsibility assessment, evaluation and demonstration, etc. excellent cadres who dare to take responsibility and are good at taking action in the work process will be given priority in job adjustments and rank promotions. establish an accountability mechanism for the entire process of optimizing the business environment, conduct follow-up supervision and dynamic supervision around key contents such as investment promotion, project implementation, and enterprise cultivation, and severely investigate and hold accountable those who do not act, act slowly, or act recklessly in accordance with the authority of cadre management. (chen shouqiang)