
going to the toilet at 11pm is considered a serious violation of discipline. school management cannot go against common sense.


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"going to the toilet at night not only has a significant impact on other students' sleep... but it will also bring shame to the class." "going to the toilet at night is a selfish behavior that affects other people's sleep"... recently, a high school student in shanxi was found to have violated discipline for going to the toilet at night, and wrote such "self-awareness and guarantee", which sparked heated discussions in society.
in response, the staff of the school's moral education department said that on september 10, a student of the school was given a serious warning for going to the toilet at around 11:10 pm that night, and was deducted 5 points from the class's moral education assessment for this month as a "major violation of discipline". he was also required to print 1,000 copies of "self-awareness" at his own expense and distribute them to each class, dormitory and office. the school has now refunded the student 100 yuan for the printing fee.
according to the staff member, the school ends evening self-study at 10:20 p.m. and lights are turned off at 10:45 p.m. according to regulations, students are not allowed to go to the toilet or walk around between lights out and 11:40 a.m., except under special circumstances, "for fear of disturbing other students' sleep." if you must go to the toilet during this period due to physical discomfort, you must inform the management teacher in advance, otherwise you will be given a serious warning.
from the school's schedule, it is not difficult to see that students' daily routines are very tight. from the end of evening self-study to lights out, students only have 25 minutes. once they encounter special circumstances such as teachers staying late, asking teachers and classmates for help, and toilet queues, they may not be able to use the toilet within the specified time. what's more, people are not machines and cannot accurately "plan" when to go to the toilet. for a basic physiological need that is normal, it is too inhumane for the school involved to forcibly set a time limit through disciplinary norms.
the school's statement that they "are worried about disturbing other students' sleep" sounds reasonable, but it actually falls into the misunderstanding of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. even if some students are disturbed, a more reasonable solution should be to remind students to move quietly, strengthen the sound insulation between dormitories and toilets, install night lights in dormitories, etc., rather than simply and rudely prohibiting students from going to the toilet. the most alarming thing in this matter is this tendency of "excessive punishment" in campus management. the rationality of not allowing people to go to the toilet after turning off the lights is questionable. labeling this small problem as a "major violation of discipline" and asking students to print and distribute 1,000 copies of "self-awareness" at their own expense, etc., which are humiliating punishments, has made many netizens question: why is it so serious for just going to the toilet?
the "rules on educational punishment in primary and secondary schools (trial)" implemented in my country on march 1, 2021 clearly stipulates: "the implementation of educational punishment should conform to the laws of education and focus on educational results; follow the rule of law and be objective and fair; choose appropriate measures that are commensurate with the degree of students' faults." for the "serious warning" punishment, which is likely to be recorded in the student's personal file and have an important impact on his or her academic and career development, the school should be more serious, prudent, reasonable and well-founded, and truly responsible to the students.
high school is not only an important stage for students to acquire knowledge, but also a critical period for cultivating young people's awareness of rules and rights. schools ignore common sense and impose "heavy penalties for minor offenses" or even "random penalties for no offenses" on students. this is not only infringing on students' legitimate rights and interests, but also setting a wrong example on rules and rights. school management cannot be so "capricious", and school rules and regulations should not contradict the principles of laws and regulations. for such chaos, local authorities need to take timely action to clean up "illegal rules" in a timely manner to ensure that school management operates on a legal and compliant track.
on the official website of the school involved, a slogan "let students become everything in the school" stands out. the "people-oriented" educational concept should not only remain as a slogan, but should also be reflected in the details of daily management. respecting students' right to go to the toilet normally should be the most basic embodiment of humane management.
source: china youth daily client