
housing subsidies are issued, and support for housing provident funds is increased. many places are taking action in the real estate market again


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recently, many places have continued to introduce policies to support home purchases.

on september 17, nanjing, jiangsu province issued a notice stating that from september 20 to 22, buyers who purchase new homes at the golden autumn housing fair and complete online signing and filing before december 31 will be given an additional subsidy of 1% of the purchase contract amount on the basis of the current housing subsidy policies of each district.

on september 15, zhanjiang, guangdong issued new policies to stabilize the real estate market, which proposed to cancel the standards for ordinary residential and non-ordinary residential housing and increase support for housing provident funds, including optimizing the housing provident fund loan policy in other places, optimizing the standards for identifying the number of housing provident fund housing loans, increasing the housing provident fund loan amount, canceling the difference between the first and second housing provident fund loan amounts, implementing "transfer of ownership with mortgage" for second-hand housing transactions, and optimizing the housing provident fund loan repayment withdrawal policy.

on september 13, sichuan tianfu new area issued new policies to stabilize the real estate market, which proposed to support the housing needs of talents. buyers of talent apartments in the directly-managed areas can enjoy a preferential policy of 15% off for an area of ​​no more than 50 square meters; for the purchase of new houses in the directly-managed areas, each house will be given a consumption voucher at 1% of the transaction price, up to a maximum of 50,000 yuan; new home buyers who have completed online signing and filing can enjoy the admission registration lottery without having to register for household registration.

nanjing issues limited-time housing purchase subsidies

on september 17, the "nanjing real estate micro-government affairs" wechat official account released the "notice on issuing limited-time housing purchase subsidies for the 2024 golden autumn housing fair."

it was proposed that from september 20 to 22, 2024, buyers who purchase newly built commercial housing at the nanjing golden autumn housing fair (based on the subscription agreement certified by the exhibition's special transaction stamp) and complete the online filing of the newly built commercial housing sales contract before december 31, 2024, will be given an additional subsidy of 1% of the purchase contract amount on the basis of the current housing purchase subsidy policies of each district.

after obtaining the real estate ownership certificate, eligible buyers can apply to the city and district real estate departments with the exhibition purchase subscription agreement (subject to the subscription agreement certified by the exhibition transaction special seal), online signing and filing contract and real estate ownership certificate. for those who purchase newly built commercial housing in xuanwu district, qinhuai district, jianye district, gulou district, qixia district and yuhuatai district, they should go to the municipal real estate market trading center; for those who purchase newly built commercial housing in jiangbei new district and jiangning district, pukou district, liuhe district, lishui district and gaochun district, they should go to the real estate department of the district where the housing source is located. the subsidy will be credited within 30 working days after the application. for those who purchase existing houses, the deadline for subsidy application is december 31, 2024. for those who purchase pre-sale houses, the deadline for subsidy application is december 31, 2027.

zhanjiang releases new policy to stabilize property market

on september 15, the zhanjiang municipal housing and urban-rural development bureau and five other departments issued the "notice on several measures to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market."

it was proposed that in order to further reduce housing transaction costs and meet the demand for improved housing, the standards for ordinary residential and non-ordinary residential housing should be abolished.

at the same time, we will increase support for housing provident funds. we will optimize the housing provident fund loan policy for employees who pay housing provident funds in other places and purchase, build, rebuild or overhaul their own houses in zhanjiang city. the loan conditions and loan amount are consistent with those of employees who pay housing provident funds in zhanjiang city.

in addition, the standards for determining the number of housing provident fund housing loans have been optimized. employee family members who have no housing provident fund loan record nationwide, or who have one housing provident fund loan record nationwide but have paid off the loan and do not have a complete house under their name locally when applying for a provident fund loan, will be regarded as their first home and enjoy the interest rate policy for the first housing provident fund loan.

in addition, the housing provident fund loan amount will be increased from 500,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan for a single person and from 800,000 yuan to 900,000 yuan for a couple. the difference between the first and second housing provident fund loan amounts will be eliminated, and the second housing provident fund loan amount will be increased from 400,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan for a single person and from 700,000 yuan to 900,000 yuan for a couple.

the new policy also proposes to implement the "transfer with mortgage" for second-hand housing transactions with housing provident fund loans. employees who meet the conditions for housing provident fund loans can apply for a "transfer with mortgage" housing provident fund loan (including combined loans) when purchasing a "mortgage" second-hand housing.

in addition, the housing provident fund loan repayment withdrawal policy has been optimized. new loan repayment withdrawal methods have been added. if an employee has one or more houses that meet the same withdrawal conditions, he or she can choose one house to withdraw housing provident funds in the same period of time. the withdrawal can be made once every three months, and the cumulative withdrawal amount shall not exceed the current loan principal and interest balance of one house. the withdrawal amount each time is not limited by the actual loan principal and interest repayment amount of the year until the loan is paid off.

tianfu new district offers housing purchase subsidies

on september 13, the wechat official account "tianfu release" released the "notice on further promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in the directly-administered area of ​​the sichuan tianfu new area."

it is proposed to support the housing needs of talents. those who have obtained the housing qualification of class f talents in chengdu can enjoy a preferential policy area of ​​no more than 50 square meters at a 15% discount when purchasing talent apartments in the directly-managed area. talents who have obtained the "tianfu new district talent card" or "tianfu xinglong card" can be given consumption coupons at 1% of the transaction price (based on the total price of the online signed and registered contract) for each newly purchased commercial housing in the directly-managed area, with a maximum of no more than 100,000 yuan.

at the same time, housing subsidies for the benefit of the people will be implemented. for new purchases of newly built commercial housing in the directly managed areas, consumer coupons will be given at 1% of the house transaction price (based on the total price of the online signing and filing contract), with a maximum of no more than 50,000 yuan. community owners are encouraged to purchase newly built underground parking spaces in the community. for new purchases of newly built underground parking spaces in the community, a consumer coupon of 2,000 yuan will be given for the first purchase; for new purchases of the second or more sets, a consumer coupon of 4,000 yuan will be given for each set. for new purchases of office-type new commercial housing with a specified minimum sales unit that is not self-held, a consumer coupon of 2% of the house transaction price (based on the total price of the online signing and filing contract) will be given for each set.

in addition, to ensure the demand for schooling for home buyers, a list of preschool and compulsory education schools in the area will be provided before the pre-sale (current) of new residential projects. for new residential home buyers who have completed online signing and filing, if their children of school age meet the enrollment requirements, they can participate in the enrollment lottery for schools in the area.