
russia and ukraine, india and pakistan, palestine and israel... war or peace? the latest voice from beijing


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in the golden september in beijing, the sky is clear and the air is fresh. from september 12 to 14, the 11th beijing xiangshan forum, hosted by the china society for military science and the china institute of international strategic studies, was held at the beijing international convention center. more than 1,800 guests from official delegations of hundreds of countries and international organizations attended the forum.
facing conflict head-on is to "prescribe a cure"
the theme of this forum is "building peace, sharing the future". when you are there, you will find that there are both peaceful exchanges and clashes of opinions.
in this equal, open, inclusive and mutually learning dialogue platform, all parties rarely avoid conflicts and problems. instead, they speak frankly and openly, pooling wisdom and seeking consensus through the process of seeking common ground while reserving differences.
the theme flowerbed of the 11th beijing xiangshan forum. photo/china news service
for example, from high-level interviews to group meetings, guests from various countries repeatedly mentioned hot conflicts such as russia-ukraine, india-pakistan, and palestine-israel.
russian deputy defense minister admiral fomin said that the israeli-palestinian conflict is a major source of international tension, and the united states has hindered the peaceful resolution of the conflict. singaporean scholars also said that what the united states has done "has made many countries unhappy."
pakistan's joint chiefs of staff chairman general sahil pointed out that the india-pakistan kashmir dispute needs to be resolved urgently and the danger of misjudgment between the two nuclear powers must be avoided.
charlie, former ukrainian first deputy foreign minister, believes that the only feasible way to end the russia-ukraine conflict is to stop hostilities, establish a ceasefire mechanism, and allow diplomatic negotiations to play a role.
chinese vice foreign minister chen xiaodong pointed out that china has been actively promoting the proper resolution of hot issues, advocating attention to the legitimate security concerns of all countries, and advocating the peaceful resolution of disputes through dialogue and consultation.
regarding the agenda setting of the beijing xiangshan forum that directly addresses international conflicts, azerbaijan military representative djabralov described it as "great" and said, "if we want to establish a peaceful international security order, we must give everyone the opportunity to discuss peace."
the veteran said that war will cause many young people to lose their lives, and the best way is to resolve conflicts as early as possible. he also pointed out that western countries are "interested" in war because they can make a profit by selling weapons.
china's peaceful development is a blessing to the world
in addition to being "frank", another deep impression that this beijing xiangshan forum left on reporters was that from the words of many foreign guests, one could truly feel china's responsibility to uphold justice and promote global good governance, as well as the high expectations that various countries have for china.
in his speech, major general kalonyiwe, commander of the fijian armed forces, admitted that as long as china-us relations are good, the development prospects of the south pacific region will be bright.
when talking about building a new asia-pacific security mechanism, an indonesian scholar said, "the united states is far away, but it is always here," which euphemistically expressed asean's delicate situation between major powers and its wish for china to play a greater role.
singaporean scholars have even made it clear that it is in everyone's interest for china and the united states to avoid conflict, and that cooperation between china and the united states, even in smaller areas such as artificial intelligence technology, will have a positive impact on the world.
in this regard, chinese military scholar nie songlai explained china's position in three sentences: first, china adheres to peaceful development and firmly serves as a security defender in the asia-pacific region. second, china insists on joint cooperation and respects the security concerns of all countries. third, all countries in the asia-pacific region should work together, manage conflicts and differences, stick to the bottom line, and pursue higher goals.
he further pointed out that china's unswerving commitment to the path of peaceful development is the biggest certainty in maintaining the security situation in the asia-pacific and coping with uncertainties.
bring peace and prosperity to the surrounding areas
when talking about the preciousness and hard-earned nature of peace, fu ying, former vice foreign minister of china, was quite emotional.
at the "asean and asia-pacific security architecture" group meeting, recalling her first arrival in cambodia in 1992, she said that from a devastated country to an economically prosperous and vibrant country, the development of cambodia and even the region has benefited from a peaceful environment.
fu ying said that over the past 30 years, asean's gdp has grown 7.6 times, more than twice the global economic growth rate. people in all countries are free from war and turmoil and are focused on developing the economy and improving their lives.
singaporean scholar cai chengguo agrees with this. he pointed out that china has played a very constructive role in the cause of peace in the asia-pacific region. thanks to china's efforts, more than 30 years of peace have been brought to southeast asia, and conditions have been created for the region's rapid economic growth.
not only asean, but pakistan, as a staunch friend and all-weather strategic partner, has also benefited greatly from china's neighborhood diplomacy policy of "good neighborliness, neighbor security and neighbor prosperity."
in an interview with china news service, pakistani scholar tarin praised the china-pakistan economic corridor for "opening a door to development" for the country, which will bring "earth-shaking changes" to the local economy and people's lives.
general sahil delivered a speech. photo/china news service
admiral sahil also said that the friendship between china and pakistan is "higher than mountains, deeper than waters, and thicker than blood." he believes that the china-pakistan economic corridor is not only very important for pakistan's economic development, but also an important stabilizing factor for the south asian region.
people with the same aspirations will not consider mountains and seas as far away. in this challenging era, the way out of problems is unity. as chinese military scholar meng xiangqing said, although we cannot expect a dialogue platform to solve all security problems, at least through such a platform, we can strengthen mutual understanding and communication, find more common understanding points on strategic issues, and explore new security cooperation mechanisms. the beijing xiangshan forum has made an indelible contribution to these aspects.