
famous doctors teach you tips to relieve children's mood swings at the beginning of school


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less than a week after the start of school, the children's health center of haizhu district maternal and child health hospital in guangzhou received some children with emotional fluctuations due to poor adaptation to the start of school. professional doctors in haizhu district said that if parents master these little tricks, it will be like monkey king mastering the "golden hoop", and the problem can be solved easily.
yangyang is a middle-class student. recently, he would cry and shout every morning and refused to go to kindergarten. he even hugged his grandmother tightly at the kindergarten gate and refused to let go. faced with this situation, his grandmother was very distressed, and his mother was exhausted every day. in response to such problems, dr. li yuhong, deputy chief physician of the children's health center of haizhu district maternal and child health hospital, provided professional guidance to yangyang and his parents.
with the arrival of the new semester, children quickly returned to campus life, but due to the freedom of summer vacation, many children experienced emotional fluctuations when adapting to collective life. some children have great mood swings, sometimes happy, sometimes angry, and even crying, throwing things, hitting people and other uncontrolled behaviors. for some kindergarten children, due to limited language expression ability, they cannot accurately describe their emotions and needs, and often appear depressed. yangyang happened to be in a similar situation. after learning about the situation in detail, dr. li yuhong pointed out that parents should remain calm when their children lose their temper, and can adopt some effective strategies to help children better understand and manage their emotions.
dr. li yuhong said that 0-6 years old is the critical period for emotional brain development. when children encounter setbacks or their needs are not met, their emotional regulation ability is relatively weak due to the immature development of their brains, which triggers emotional reactions. when children lose their temper, parents should stay calm and not recite the tight hoop curse like tang seng. instead, they should use the "golden hoop" skillfully like sun wukong, and use effective strategies to help children better understand and manage their emotions.
dr. li yuhong pointed out that when communicating with children, try to avoid using hard control measures such as "how could you do this? it's not good to lose your temper. you can't lose your temper." you can say "i feel your bad mood. can you tell me what happened?" try not to use accusatory language, such as "you are always so careless" and "why are you so disobedient?" you can say "let's find a way together. how can we not make the same mistake next time?" some parents even use offensive language, such as "how could i give birth to such a bad child? why are you so stupid? do you have no ears?", etc., which aggravates the child's emotional problems. of course, you should also avoid flattering language, such as "good baby, i will help you teach him a lesson, coaxing and cheating, and let the child do whatever he wants."
it is reported that stable emotions are conducive to the establishment of parent-child relationships and can also keep children's brains in the best condition. facing the study and life in the new semester, parents can make use of their children's strengths, avoid nagging, and work together to understand and deal with their children's emotional problems, helping their children to smoothly pass the adaptation period and grow up healthy and happy both physically and mentally.
text|reporter li chunwei correspondent li yuhong qu xinphoto: provided by the correspondent