
chinese embassy in the philippines: the united states is not a party to the south china sea dispute and has no right to interfere in the south china sea issue between china and the philippines


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beijing news: on september 15, a spokesperson for the chinese embassy in the philippines answered reporters' questions regarding the erroneous remarks made by the us ambassador to the philippines regarding the south china sea.

q: the us ambassador to the philippines recently claimed in an interview that china's "nine-dash line" in the south china sea is a "cartoon" and does not conform to international maritime law. the us stands with its ally the philippines in upholding international law. what is the embassy's comment?

a: china's sovereignty and rights and interests in the south china sea were formed in the long-term historical practice and have sufficient historical and legal basis. china was the first to discover, name and develop and utilize the south china sea islands and relevant waters, and was the first to continuously, peacefully and effectively exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over the south china sea islands and relevant waters, thus establishing its territorial sovereignty and relevant rights and interests in the south china sea. after world war ii, china recovered the south china sea islands illegally occupied by japan and resumed the exercise of sovereignty. in order to strengthen the management of the south china sea islands, the chinese government officially announced the "location map of the south china sea islands" in 1948, which marked the south china sea dotted line.

during world war ii, the united states participated in issuing the cairo declaration and signed the potsdam proclamation, legally recognizing china's sovereignty over the south china sea islands. after the war, the chinese army recaptured the south china sea islands on warships provided by the united states. in the 1950s, the united states repeatedly applied to the taiwan authorities of china to request survey ships to operate in the south china sea and was approved. however, the united states now questions china's claims in the south china sea out of geopolitical self-interest and slanders the "nine-dash line" in the south china sea as a fictitious "cartoon." based on the above historical facts, if the "nine-dash line" is a "cartoon", then didn't the united states also play an important role in this "cartoon"?

the united states has always used international law when it suits it and abandoned it when it does not. we can't help but ask, if the united states really values ​​international law, why doesn't it effectively safeguard the post-world war ii international order established on the basis of the cairo declaration and the potsdam proclamation? why hasn't it joined the united nations convention on the law of the sea so far, but uses the convention to constrain other countries and forgive itself?

the united states is not a party to the south china sea dispute and has no right to interfere in the south china sea issue between china and the philippines. we urge the united states to stop sowing discord and inciting confrontation, respect china's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the south china sea, stop all words and deeds that are not conducive to peace and stability in the region, and stop being a troublemaker for peace and stability in the south china sea.

editor: liu jiani