
ministry of human resources and social security: gradually delaying the statutory retirement age is related to the overall economic and social development


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on september 13, the general office of the standing committee of the national people's congress held a press conference. at the meeting, wang xiaoping, minister of human resources and social security, said that the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age involves the vital interests of the majority of employees and the overall economic and social development. it is of great significance for actively responding to population aging, fully developing and utilizing human resources, and supporting china's modernization with high-quality population development.
the press conference. photo by liu lu, a reporter from the paper
wang xiaoping introduced that the 20th cpc national congress and the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee put forward clear requirements for the implementation of a gradual delay in the statutory retirement age. after in-depth research and discussion, fully soliciting opinions from various regions, relevant departments, and people's organizations, and widely listening to the opinions and suggestions of front-line workers, employers, experts and scholars, and deputies to the national people's congress and cppcc members, and comprehensively considering factors such as my country's life expectancy, health level, population structure, national education level, and labor supply, a plan for gradually delaying the statutory retirement age was studied and formulated. recently, the state council proposed a motion on the "decision on the implementation of a gradual delay in the statutory retirement age (draft)". today, the 11th meeting of the standing committee of the 14th national people's congress reviewed and passed it.
wang xiaoping pointed out that the delay of the statutory retirement age is based on my country's development reality, fully considers social concerns, reflects the principles of voluntariness and flexibility, and adopts a gradual approach. the design of the plan has the following characteristics: first, it insists on small-step adjustments and gradual implementation. from 2025, it will take 15 years to gradually adjust the statutory retirement age for male employees to 63 years old, and the statutory retirement age for female employees to 58 and 55 years old respectively, which will take a long time to implement.
second, we insist on flexible implementation and voluntary choice. we fully respect the wishes of employees and allow them to choose flexible early or delayed retirement under certain conditions, with a maximum of no more than three years and not lower than the original statutory retirement age.
third, we will adhere to classified advancement and orderly connection. we will start simultaneously and delay the statutory retirement age for male and female employees in a differentiated manner, and connect with the current retirement age policy.
fourth, we will adhere to overall planning and coordination, encourage and support workers to find employment and start businesses, protect the basic rights and interests of all types of workers, and improve the elderly care and childcare service system.
wang xiaoping made it clear that the gradual delay of the statutory retirement age is closely related to the people. we will earnestly implement the requirements of the decision, build consensus widely, carefully organize and implement it, and advance it steadily and orderly.
the paper reporter liu lu
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)