
after the taiwan military fighter plane crashed into the sea, the island's voices of self-review grew louder


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this article is transferred from [watching the taiwan strait];
a mirage 2000 fighter jet of the taiwan air force crashed into the sea while performing a night flight training mission on the evening of the 10th. the pilot parachuted out and was rescued and sent to the hospital, but the taiwanese media called it the "most circuitous rescue". this accident is also the ninth major accident of this type of aircraft in its nearly 30 years of service.
the twists and turns of the rescue not only stuck the pilot
it also blocked the confidence of the people on the island in the taiwan military
after the accident, the pilot fell into the sea and drifted. taiwanese media revealed that the taiwan military sent a helicopter to search and rescue, and found the pilot xie peixun who had been drifting on the sea for nearly 2 hours. unexpectedly, the rescue process was full of twists and turns and dangers.
originally, the fastest option was to transport the helicopter to the taiwan military hospital in hsinchu, but the helicopter encountered an equipment failure and the basket could not be recovered. the pilot had no choice but to jump into the sea and was relocated by a 35-ton boat from the taiwan coast guard.
the boat planned to send the pilot directly back to nanliao fishing port, but due to low tide, it could not enter the port. it had to be lifted back to the base by helicopter, but because the rear deck of the 35-ton boat was too small, the helicopter could not be lifted successfully. as a result, the pilot was taken to another 100-ton boat of the taiwan coast guard department, and finally sent to a general hospital in taichung port for observation and treatment.
the rescue ship did not dock until around 1 a.m. on the 11th, and the rescued pilot was sent to the hospital two hours later than expected.
"this rescue mission was truly a complete mess." public opinion on the island criticized that after the pilot fell into the sea, all parties were unable to coordinate operations smoothly, which really requires a thorough review.
taiwan’s united daily news published a commentary saying that at the critical moment of saving lives, key search and rescue equipment and technology encountered difficulties and many twists and turns, so that the taiwan military’s response to informing the outside world about the search and rescue progress on the night of the plane crash was unusually "slow."
the commentary said that the taiwan military, whose defense budget has hit record highs, has such poor basic equipment and technology. "this time, not only the safety of the escaping pilots is at stake, but also the public's confidence in the taiwan military."
old equipment is in the spotlight again
taiwan's public opinion calls for improving cross-strait relations as the priority
the taiwan air force simply explained the cause of the accident as "engine failure". currently, the mirage fleet has been grounded for inspection and will not resume training missions until the evaluation is completed.
regarding the accident of another taiwan military fighter jet, taiwanese media person zhao shaokang said in an interview recently that the crashed fighter jet had been in service for nearly 30 years and could be said to be very old. in addition, the missions have been frequent recently, and the mental pressure on taiwan military pilots is also very high.
"the two sides of the taiwan strait need to find a way to resolve the issue peacefully," zhao shaokang said, adding that a political solution is more important than a military one. "the fundamental solution is to make the two sides more peaceful and the atmosphere more relaxed."
in response to the frequent accidents of the taiwan air force, taiwan’s "china times" also published an article pointing out that lai ching-te’s cross-strait policy rhetoric has made the taiwan air force’s military situation more serious, and the pressure on pilots on the island can be imagined.
in fact, this is the ninth major accident of the mirage 2000 fighter jet since it entered service in the taiwan military. according to statistics, five pilots have died in the accident and seven aircraft have been damaged. military experts on the island pointed out that the maintenance infrastructure of the taiwan military is quite old. if it is not updated in time, the probability of accidents of related precision equipment will increase.
the dpp authorities are trying to "use force to seek independence" and are gradually tying taiwan to the "taiwan independence" chariot, and coercing the taiwanese people to be cannon fodder for "taiwan independence". more and more taiwanese people have seen clearly that "taiwan independence" equals war, and there is no peace in division. buying more weapons will not bring security, but will only lead the war to taiwan. improving cross-strait relations is taiwan's greatest security guarantee.