
cloud news observation|why do we need good teachers?


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teacher, thank you for your hard work!
september 10th is the 40th teachers' day in our country.
the national education conference was held in beijing from the 9th to the 10th. on behalf of the party central committee, general secretary xi jinping extended holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to teachers and educators across the country. he stressed the need to improve the political, social and professional status of teachers, strengthen the protection of teachers' treatment, increase the standard of teaching years allowance for primary and secondary school teachers, implement and improve the policy of living allowance for rural teachers, and promote the reform of the salary system in colleges and universities.
it is a blessing in life for a person to meet a good teacher, it is an honor for a school to have a good teacher, and it is the hope of a nation for a nation to continuously produce batches of good teachers.
education is long-term and lagging, like a closed loop. when we were students, we felt that some of the knowledge in the textbooks was very common, some was difficult to understand, and some was far from life... but many years later, in a moment, you suddenly realized something, just like being "hit" by a bullet. at that moment, we always miss a certain teacher.
who doesn’t want to meet a good teacher?
yunnan daily data map
in 2008, zhang guimei founded the only free girls' high school in china, which is dedicated to girls from poor families. over the past 16 years, more than 2,000 girls from the mountains have entered universities from this school. with her tenacious and persistent struggle and selfless love, teacher zhang interprets the original mission of communist party members, cultivates students' character of not fearing hardships and enduring hardships, and establishes students' ambition to remember the party's kindness and repay society.
zhang guimei once said that her role model was jiang jie, and she started by playing jiang jie and learning from her to becoming someone like jiang jie. looking back, zhang guimei's students have also followed in her footsteps: in 2021, zhou yunli, who graduated from huaping girls' high school, gave up her job in the county after graduating from the teacher training program and resolutely chose to return to her alma mater to teach.
at that moment, “when i grow up i will become you” became concrete.
academician zhu youyong once patiently enlightened his students: "as scientific and technological workers, our scientific research is not only carried out in the laboratory, but also in the fields. papers cannot only be written on paper, but also on the land."
back in 1977, zhu youyong was admitted to yunnan agricultural university to study plant protection. during his postgraduate studies, his supervisor asked him a question: "looking back at the history of world agricultural development, the reliance on pesticides has not exceeded 100 years. how did you control pests and diseases when there were no pesticides?" he didn't know how to answer at the time, and this unanswerable question became his main research direction. do dean zhu's students have "unanswerable questions" now?
on the eve of the 40th teachers' day, nong jiagui, a teacher at luosongdi primary school of beining central school in liancheng town, guangnan county, was selected into the list of national teaching role models in 2024. in 1986, nong jiagui went to the "leprosy village" that everyone avoided and became the only teacher at luosongdi primary school. for 38 years, he not only taught children, but also opened an adult night school to help villagers with illiteracy; helped villagers with disabilities repair electrical appliances and purchase daily necessities; led villagers to build a road to wealth... because of nong jiagui's "teaching and solving doubts", the villagers of luosongdi village have dignity, courage, and confidence in pursuing a better life.
data map
at a school in zhenxiong county, the head teacher, mr. li, stopped the evening reading class and asked the students to go to the corridor to appreciate the colorful clouds. that lesson taught them to learn to discover and feel the beauty in life;
in a rural primary school in yiliang county, each outstanding student will be rewarded with a piglet, and the children will truly feel the significance of hard work;
in wantang primary school in pingbian county, teachers take good care of children's eyes. in recent years, the myopia rate of students in this school has been zero. only when you grow up do you realize how much kindness your teachers have given you.
at gree primary school in nujiang prefecture, volunteer teachers from zhuhai carved chinese characters on the stone steps of the school for lisu children; a teacher in the diqing mountainous area applied facial cream to each student; at a rural primary school in binchuan county, volunteer teachers formed a band with children from the deep mountains...
“those who teach by example are followed; those who teach by words are discussed.” use wisdom to ignite wisdom, use personality to lead personality, use will to inspire will, and use true feelings to spread true feelings. the teacher's positive words and deeds will have a positive impact on students' lives.
from the perspective of a particular place or region, focusing on education means focusing on development.
in june 2023, yunnan held a provincial education development conference, and clearly proposed to maintain the strategic awareness that "without education, yunnan will not be prominent; without education, yunnan will not prosper", and to establish the orientation that "leaders who do not attach importance to education are not good leaders, and leaders who do not grasp education well are not qualified leaders."
yunnan daily-yunnan news reporter gao wushuang photographed
in recent years, yunnan has launched a series of powerful measures to strengthen the construction of the teaching staff.
implement special recruitment for teachers to recruit 32,000 teachers at one time.26,200 special post teachers have been recruited since 2018
1,600 training places are arranged annuallyimplement local special projects for outstanding teachers and provincial public-funded normal student programs to fill the gap in the primary and secondary school teacher team.
promoting compulsory education teacherscounty management school recruitment", promote the exchange and rotation of teachers and principals, and balance the allocation of teacher resources.
coordinate the implementation of five-level training projects at the national, provincial, state, county, and school levels, and carry outa 5-year cycle of no less than 360 hourstraining for all teachers.
national training program"we have achieved full coverage of teachers in 85 formerly contiguous impoverished counties and villages.
implement the provincial "10,000 principals training program" and "compulsory education young teachers training program",train 10,000 outstanding principals and 30,000 young teachers in 5 years
various places have carried out projects such as rural teacher training, team training, and sending teachers to the average of 100,000 primary and secondary school and kindergarten teachers are trained each year
the yunnan provincial department of education, together with the finance, human resources and social security departments, urged all localities not to flexibly reduce the "three guarantees" expenditures during implementation.ensure that the average salary income level of compulsory education teachers is not lower than the average salary income level of local civil servants
the differentiated policy on living allowance for rural teachers has achieved full coverage of 85 formerly contiguous poverty-stricken counties.
since 2018, the provincial party committee and government50 million yuan will be allocated annually to reward 500 outstanding rural teachers who have taught for more than 20 years., encouraging rural teachers to teach for a long time and throughout their lives.
this year, yunnan selected and promoted 10 most beautiful teachers to pay tribute to all the people's teachers who are rooted in the yunnan land and devoted themselves to teaching and educating people.
on september 9, provincial party secretary wang ning and governor wang yubo inspected universities and special education schools in kunming, bringing their care to the front line of education and teaching, and conveying the clear direction of "promoting high-quality development of education in the province" to party committees and governments at all levels.
from the self-improvement of "never tired of learning, never tired of teaching" and "teaching and learning benefit each other", to the self-reflection and self-discipline of "learning to be a teacher and behaving as a role model for the world"; from the cultivation of the ability to "teach and impart knowledge and resolve doubts", to the value pursuit of "carrying on the lost knowledge of the sages and opening peace for all generations"... the chinese nation has respected teachers and education since ancient times.
at the beginning of reform and opening up, in order to highlight the basic and strategic value functions of teachers, especially primary and secondary school teachers, the party central committee approved the establishment of "teachers' day" and, through a series of policy measures such as "special teachers" selection and continuous increase in teachers' salaries, created a good social atmosphere of respecting teachers and valuing education in the whole society, and promoted the development and growth of the teaching staff.
in the new century, my country began to implement the "free teacher training" program and the "special posts for primary and secondary school teachers in rural schools", which enabled a large number of high-quality and academically competent young people to join the teaching team and become the main force for the reform and development of my country's education, effectively promoting the development and improvement of education.
the report of the 20th party congress will“education, technology, and talent”the three-in-one deployment emphasizes that "we must adhere to the priority development of education, self-reliance in science and technology, and talent-driven development, and accelerate the construction of a strong country in education, science and technology, and talent." building a strong country in education by 2035 is an important decision and deployment made by the party central committee, and it is a "major issue of the country" that general secretary xi jinping is thinking about and eagerly looking forward to.
to demonstrate the "great cause of the country", we need the "unique chinese spirit of educators" - the ideals and beliefs of having a big heart and serving the country with sincerity, the moral sentiment of setting an example for scholars and behaving as a model for the world, the wisdom of educating people to enlighten their minds and teach them in accordance with their aptitude, the attitude of studying hard, practicing diligently, seeking truth and innovation, the benevolent heart of enjoying teaching, loving students and being willing to make sacrifices, and the pursuit of spreading the truth with the world in mind and educating people with culture.
image reproduced from @all-china students' federation
on september 2, at the opening ceremony of beihang university, gui haichao, as a teacher representative, sent a message to the freshmen of 2024.
do you still remember that on may 30, 2023, the shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft was successfully launched into space, and gui haichao became a role model in the hearts of countless students? do you remember that in 2003, the shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft was successfully launched, and yang liwei became the first chinese man to fly into space? at that time, listening to the campus radio, a seed sprouted in the heart of the 17-year-old gui haichao.
it takes ten years to grow a tree, and one tree shakes another tree; it takes a hundred years to cultivate people, and one generation influences another generation.
yunnan daily-yun news produced
yunnan daily-yunnan news reporter: chen chuangye
reviewer: huang jialun cai fei