
many universities cleaned up their own scientific research institutions: xiamen university of technology revoked 28 at one time


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the research department of xiamen university of technology recently issued a notice stating that according to the requirements of the provincial department of education, in order to further optimize the school's scientific research resource allocation, improve the operating efficiency and innovation capabilities of scientific research institutions, and improve the standardized management of self-established scientific research institutions, after self-inspection and reporting by the secondary colleges (departments) and review by the school's scientific research department, it has been decided to revoke 28 self-established scientific research institutions. the revoked scientific research institutions should stop carrying out any activities in the name of the institution.

these self-established scientific research institutions include: institute of applied technology of mechanical and automotive engineering, automotive safety and insurance technology center, local development research center, institute of environmental engineering, fujian-taiwan tourism development institute, xiamen local history institute and institute of traditional chinese painting.

screenshot of xiamen university of technology website on the list of revoked self-established scientific research institutions

the research department of xiamen university of technology also stated that the secondary colleges (departments) will strengthen the management and evaluation of self-established scientific research institutions, confirm and retain the names, persons in charge, members and other information of self-established scientific research institutions, and implement the "one institution, one account" file management; regularly assess self-established scientific research institutions, adjust or revoke self-established scientific research institutions that do not meet the requirements, and further improve the normative management of self-established scientific research institutions.

shaanxi university of science and technology is also standardizing its own scientific research institutions.

the university's science and technology department issued a notice on september 1 stating that the university will use a combination of annual assessment and periodic evaluation to uniformly supervise its own research institutions, with a five-year evaluation cycle. based on the annual report, a number of research institutions will be selected for spot checks and evaluations each year. based on the annual report and periodic evaluation results, the university will dynamically adjust the research institutions within the university.

the notice clearly states that scientific research institutions with weakened research capabilities, long-term lack of results, and failure to meet development requirements will be cleaned up and rectified. scientific research institutions that have not carried out substantive scientific research activities for three consecutive years will be revoked;

rectify and merge scientific research institutions with overlapping scientific research personnel, equipment, and research sites, the same research objects, similar research directions, and too much overlap in research fields;

for research institutions with rigid systems and mechanisms, too broad or too narrow research directions, lack of cutting-edge and demand-oriented research content, and obvious disconnection from current economic and social development, and weak scientific research capabilities, adjust their construction ideas, research directions, and research content to make them in line with the current development status. problems such as the inaccurate grasp of the direction of discipline development by the person in charge, overage and over-term appointment, lack of overall coordination of academic leadership, and inability to work full-time in research institutions can be solved by replacing the person in charge, actively applying for cancellation, and rectifying and merging with similar institutions.

in addition, the research department of shandong university of finance and economics and the science and technology department of nanjing university of chinese medicine announced on august 26 and august 27 respectively that they would launch a "look back" on the standardized management of their own research institutions.

among them, shandong university of finance and economics stated that last year, all units had conducted a comprehensive survey of the existing self-established scientific research institutions, filed them one by one, and established a ledger of the college's self-established scientific research institutions. now the focus is on in-depth investigation of self-established scientific research institutions that are in name only, duplicate construction, and scattered resources. on the basis of the investigation, the school will strengthen the performance appraisal and dynamic management of various scientific research institutions in accordance with the relevant regulations on the management of scientific research institutions. according to the results of the assessment, the scientific research institutions will be cleaned up and rectified, so that there will be reason and evidence, and there will be both entry and exit. scientific research institutions that have no substantive scientific research activities for a long time, have not been included in the school's filing management, or other schools believe that they should be included in the scope of cleanup and rectification should be cleaned up and revoked in a timely manner. for other scientific research institutions with obvious problems in construction and management, they should be rectified through integration, reorganization, rectification, etc.

the school stated that the purpose of conducting a "look back" on the standardized management of self-established scientific research institutions in universities is to improve the effectiveness of organized scientific research and innovation and enhance the core competitiveness of the school's scientific research.

nanjing university of chinese medicine introduced that according to the requirements of the "notice of the office of the provincial department of education on conducting a "look back" on the standardized management of self-established scientific research institutions of colleges and universities", in order to consolidate the interim results of the standardized management of our school's self-established scientific research institutions (referring to scientific research institutions established by colleges and universities independently or in cooperation with enterprises, including scientific research platforms, research institutes, centers, etc. at the school level, college level and below, excluding scientific research institutions established by national departments, provinces and cities relying on or entrusting schools), after research, it was decided to conduct a "look back" on the standardized management of self-established scientific research institutions.

the school will focus on verifying whether each unit has established a comprehensive filing management system for self-established scientific research institutions, whether there is a dynamic management "entry and exit" mechanism, whether a complete classification evaluation and multi-incentive mechanism has been established for different types and development directions, etc. focus on checking whether each unit has made overall planning for its own scientific research institutions, whether it has integrated and optimized resources in accordance with its own characteristics, whether it has strengthened supervision and constraints on construction and development, etc. focus on checking whether each unit has promptly cleaned up and revoked self-established scientific research institutions that have not had substantial scientific research activities for a long time, whether institutions with obvious problems in construction management have been rectified, whether units without standardized management systems have established special systems in a timely manner, and the operating status of each institution after cleaning up and rectification.