
contributing chinese wisdom to deepen global public security governance written on the occasion of the 2024 global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang)


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from september 8th to 10th, the global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang) 2024 conference was held in lianyungang city, jiangsu province. the main forum and 12 sub-forums of the conference invited representatives of law enforcement departments and well-known experts and scholars from 122 countries, regions and international organizations to attend. more than 2,100 chinese and foreign guests had in-depth exchanges, discussed major plans and talked about the future around the annual theme of "win-win cooperation under changing situations: building a global public security community".

building a safer world is the strong desire of people of all countries, the common responsibility of all countries in the world, and the correct direction for the development of the times. the global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang) originated in china and belongs to the world. so far, the forum has held two consecutive conferences. in particular, at the 2023 forum conference, guests from all over the world gathered together to elaborate on the concept and proposition of improving global public security governance and put forward practical measures to implement the global security initiative.

over the past year, various forces in the public security field of various countries have continuously deepened their communication of concepts, strengthened policy exchanges, and reached important consensus through the forum, a major international exchange platform. they have worked together to build a global public security cooperation framework that is discussed, built and shared, and have made positive contributions to promoting the development of the global public security governance system in a more fair, reasonable and efficient direction.

demonstrate responsibility and build a cooperative network

continue to build an all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging cooperation mechanism

in september 2023, at the 2023 global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang), china proposed pragmatic measures in the field of public security, leaving a strong mark on deepening exchanges and cooperation in the field of global public security.

align with the benchmark and synchronize with the national strategy; resonate with the same frequency and keep pace with the diplomacy of major powers.

over the past year, china has actively implemented the global security initiative proposed by president xi jinping, adhered to the security concept of "common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable", held high the banner of "cooperation, innovation, rule of law and win-win", continuously deepened exchanges and cooperation in the field of public security, actively participated in global public security governance, and continued to contribute wisdom and strength to deepening global public security governance with practical actions of taking the initiative.

when the strength of many is combined, nothing can stop them; when the wisdom of many is combined, nothing can fail.

we will give full play to the guiding role of high-level mutual visits, and through visits, reception of visits, and exchange of letters, we will reach a series of consensus with the law enforcement agencies of relevant countries on deepening practical cooperation in the fields of combating transnational crime, pursuing fugitives and recovering stolen assets, and protecting overseas interests. we will continue to build an all-round, multi-level, and wide-ranging cooperation mechanism, and jointly build a public security cooperation network with the mission of building a community of responsibility.

actively participate in bilateral and multilateral mechanisms under the un framework, give full play to the role of mechanisms and platforms such as the shanghai cooperation organization, brics cooperation, "china + central asian five countries" and the global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang), vigorously promote and actively implement global security initiatives, and put forward a series of new concepts and propositions for security governance, which have been widely recognized by law enforcement agencies of relevant countries and relevant international organizations. so far, the chinese police have established pragmatic and efficient cooperative relations with law enforcement agencies of more than 100 countries and regions.

the river of friendship runs deep even when it is still. in 2023, china will take concrete actions to build a high-end dialogue platform and create a security cooperation network, contributing more to building a closer security community with a shared future.

work together to meet challenges and share the results of cooperation

active participation in global public security governance has achieved fruitful results

targeting online fraud, through police law enforcement cooperation, myanmar law enforcement agencies handed over 10 major criminal suspects in northern myanmar, including bai suocheng, to the chinese police at one time. so far, more than 50,000 suspects involved in fraud in northern myanmar have been arrested;

fox hunting thousands of miles away: with the successful extradition of zhang, a major economic crime suspect suspected of organizing and leading pyramid schemes, from thailand, the "fox hunting 2024" special operation has achieved another major victory;


in recent years, the chinese police have continued to increase their cooperation with law enforcement agencies around the world, launched a series of joint operations to combat transnational crime, and successfully captured a large number of important criminal suspects.

there is no absolutely safe paradise in the world. the destiny of mankind is always closely linked. in the face of global public security threats, no country can remain immune.

today, the changes of the century are accelerating, and various traditional and non-traditional security issues are becoming increasingly prominent. china has always called on countries around the world to work together to meet challenges and share the results of public security cooperation in the pursuit of the value of building a community of shared interests.

maintain a high-pressure crackdown! in response to prominent transnational crimes such as telecommunications network fraud, cross-border gambling, economic crimes, drug crimes, and kidnapping, murder, and other vicious crimes occurring abroad, the chinese police and law enforcement agencies of relevant countries have effectively strengthened pragmatic cooperation.

carry out joint special operations against transnational crimes with law enforcement agencies in laos, cambodia, thailand and other countries to severely punish all types of transnational crimes;

we will continue to carry out the joint anti-drug operation "safe passage" in the mekong river basin, jointly combat transnational drug crimes, and always pragmatically promote international cooperation in drug control;

to strengthen the national border security barrier, china's immigration management agencies actively maintain close communication and cooperation with counterparts in "asean and china, japan and south korea", and carry out regular cooperation in port border control and combating cross-border crimes;

we have been deeply involved in the governance of global intellectual property protection, and have continued to participate in joint operations such as the "pangu" operation to combat counterfeit drug crimes and the "opson" operation to combat food crimes under the framework of interpol, effectively addressing transnational infringement and counterfeiting crimes...

behind the swift and resolute joint operations and closely coordinated law enforcement cooperation, there are the powerful actions of the chinese police to actively participate in global public security governance and the firm determination of the global police to join forces to eradicate transnational crime.

a single person is easy to break, but a group is hard to destroy. security interests are always in your hands and in mine. in law enforcement cooperation, the chinese police always hold high the sword of law, share the results with law enforcement partners, and strive to create a lasting safe and stable environment for people of all countries.

in december 2023, the chinese police handed over li moumou, the korean main culprit in the "gangnam college road drug and beverage extortion case" to the south korean police; on july 10, 2024, at the request of us law enforcement agencies, the chinese police handed over scott, an american red-notice fugitive suspected of child sexual assault in the united states, to the us state department's diplomatic security bureau.

in the areas of drug control, repatriation of illegal immigrants, pursuit of fugitives, and combating transnational crime, the chinese police have actively participated and provided strong support to law enforcement partners in various countries.

share achievements and experiences and discuss cooperation plans

together we move towards a better tomorrow of lasting peace and universal security

"china is willing to share its public security governance experience with countries around the world, support the daily construction of the forum, establish a global law enforcement training system, and carry out regional and global actions to prevent and combat all types of transnational crimes." "contribute wisdom and strength to deepen global public security governance and jointly move towards a better tomorrow of lasting peace and universal security."

at the 2023 global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang), china's keynote speech showed a clear attitude and responsibility, which resonated strongly inside and outside the venue. the conference also adopted documents such as the "public security" concept document, the "initiative to deepen cooperation and protect global public security", and the "global public security index research consensus", and formed fruitful results such as the "global public security cooperation forum (lianyungang) data security consensus" and the "future excellent talent training program action initiative in the global public security field", providing the international community with public security products that meet the characteristics of the times.

discuss the security situation, share security concepts, and discuss security countermeasures. behind the active sharing of the achievements and experiences of building a "rule of law china" and a "safe china" is the continuous efforts made by the chinese police to promote global security governance.

over the past year, the chinese police have continuously built platforms, pooled resources, and used exchanges to enhance law enforcement capabilities as an opportunity to continuously build bridges for external cooperation.

relying on advantageous resources, we have organized multiple law enforcement training programs for law enforcement departments of various countries, shared law enforcement experience, and continuously strengthened cooperation in law enforcement capacity building;

deepen the security cooperation between china and laos railway, consolidate the joint police patrol mechanism with serbia and croatia, and solidly carry out law enforcement and security cooperation on china-europe trains, so as to ensure common development with common security;

we actively held high-level seminars on immigration management policies of asean and china, japan and south korea, produced important results such as the "initiative of the national immigration administration of the people's republic of china on regional immigration governance", and put forward the "china solution" for regional immigration governance.

over the past year, the chinese police have adhered to the concept of "cooperation to promote security, security to ensure development", taken the initiative to assume international responsibilities in the field of law enforcement, and demonstrated the image of a responsible major country through proactive and practical actions.

the first chinese peacekeeping police force to the united nations central african republic mission went to the central african republic to start its peacekeeping mission. the tenth chinese peacekeeping police force set out to the united nations south sudan mission... chinese police stepped onto the frontline of international peacekeeping with an image of justice, professionalism, civilization and confidence, and effectively maintained regional security and stability.

we continue to strengthen the construction of cooperation mechanisms for protecting overseas interests with relevant countries, sign relevant cooperation documents, establish liaison hotlines, and clarify cooperation procedures. the chinese police are fully coordinating with foreign law enforcement agencies to strengthen the protection of our overseas institutions, personnel and interests in accordance with the law.

let the cake of cooperation grow bigger and bigger, and let the power of security grow stronger and stronger.

today, the clock of global public security cooperation once again points to the "lianyungang moment". at the 2024 general assembly of the forum, standing at a new starting point, the chinese police will continue to uphold the concepts and principles of the global security initiative, work hand in hand with police from various countries, and work together to strive for the goal of "making the world safer".