
zheng qinwen and others are planned to be awarded great merit. what kind of reward is this?


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written by li yan

on september 9, the hubei provincial sports bureau website released the "notice on the proposed recipients of special awards for hubei provincial institutions participating in the 33rd summer olympic games."

there are six people on the list of individuals who are expected to be awarded for outstanding merit, including zheng qinwen, wang zongyuan, chang yani, sun jiajun, liu shiming and zheng shan.

among them, zheng qinwen won the first singles gold medal in the olympic tennis event for china in the recent paris olympics.

what kind of reward is it to commend athletes and coaches for their outstanding achievements?

in 2018, the central organization department and the ministry of human resources and social security issued the "regulations on rewards for staff of public institutions", which clarified the relevant standards for collective rewards for public institutions and individual rewards for staff of public institutions.

the regulations point out that staff members and collectives of public institutions can be rewarded, commended, awarded great merits, and given titles.the regulations also specify that individuals who have received commendations or major merits will be awarded medals and groups will be awarded plaques. a one-time bonus will be given to staff members of public institutions who have received commendations, commendations or major merits.the region or unit where the award winner is located may add other material rewards upon approval.

the awards from hubei provincial sports bureau are divided into two categories: collective awards and individual awards. including zheng qinwen, a total of 24 staff members of public institutions are expected to receive individual awards, while the tennis management center of hubei provincial sports bureau and other units are expected to receive collective awards for public institutions.

in addition to hubei province, many provinces recently announced the decision to commend the athletes of the paris olympics.

the shanghai municipal human resources and social security bureau issued a public notice, proposing to commend 23 athletes and coaches including fan zhendong and chen yuxi for great merit;

the guangdong provincial party committee and the provincial government announced that the athletes and their coaches who won the first to third place will be awarded with great merit;

the jiangsu provincial party committee and the provincial government issued a document, deciding to award great merit awards to 11 athletes including sheng lihao and 2 coaches including yao ye.

how much bonus can be obtained for great merit? the implementation standards vary from province to province and unit to unit.

public reports show that in early 2020, the organization department of the zhejiang provincial party committee and the provincial department of human resources and social security issued a relevant notice, stating that the bonus standard for public institution staff who received commendations, merits, and major merits was 1,500 yuan for commendations, 3,000 yuan for merits, and 6,000 yuan for major merits. at the same time, each unit can organize health examinations, recuperation and other activities for personnel who received merits and above.

the bonus standards for staff members of public institutions in jiangsu province are 1,500 yuan for commendation, 4,500 yuan for merit, and 9,000 yuan for great merit. the "implementation rules for rewards for staff members of public institutions in jiangsu province" also point out that the bonus standards are determined by the comprehensive personnel management department of the provincial public institutions in conjunction with the provincial finance department, and are adjusted in a timely manner according to the level of economic and social development in the province.

the hubei provincial government website disclosed that at the end of 2019, the organization department of the hubei provincial committee of the communist party of china and the provincial department of human resources and social security jointly issued the "notice on the implementation of the regulations on rewards for public institution staff" to clarify:

the one-time bonus standards for staff of public institutions are set at 1,500 yuan for commendation, 3,000 yuan for merit, and 6,000 yuan for major merit. the funds required for the approved rewards are included in the fiscal budget and are not included in the total performance salary of the staff member's unit.

the "notice" also mentioned that all localities and units are encouraged to give more care and concern to the award winners in their work and life by organizing work seminars, physical examinations, recuperation and other activities.