
the 80s female cadre who was dismissed confessed in tears: she was the housekeeper of a "million-dollar treasury" and bought a lot of luxury goods to gain face


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on september 10, clean sichuan published "the "small treasury" seeks personal gain, and the "housekeeper" is thrown into prison", the details are as follows:

huang qi, female, han nationality, was born in october 1980 in guanghan, sichuan. she started working in may 2002. she was once the deputy head of beiwai township, guanghan city, a member of the party working committee, a member of the united front work committee, and a deputy director of the office of jinyan sub-district, guanghan city, and a member of the party committee and the secretary of the party committee of the guanghan municipal natural resources bureau. in may 2023, she was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the guanghan municipal commission for discipline inspection and supervision.

huang qi, former member of the party committee and secretary of the party committee of guanghan natural resources bureau

in july 2023, huang qi was expelled from the party and removed from public office for serious violations of party discipline, violations of duty and suspected bribery; in october 2023, huang qi was sentenced to three years in prison and fined rmb 250,000 for the crime of accepting bribes.


my boss trusted me, so he arranged for me to manage the "small treasury" and control the power of "allocation" of off-book funds. i enjoyed that feeling very much at that time...huang qi frankly admitted that she had made mistakes. at that time, she did not realize that setting up a private "small treasury" violated national laws, and she was even happy to manage it, and eventually went further and further down the road of no return.

seeking performance, willing to be the steward of the "million-dollar treasury"

as the 2020 spring festival approached, huang qi, then deputy director of the jinyan subdistrict office in guanghan city, received for the first time a 10,000 yuan cash "hardship fee" from zhong (handled in another case), who had just been transferred to the position of secretary of the subdistrict party working committee. "i was surprised and curious, surprised that this leader was so generous, and curious about what kind of style this leader had." huang qi was amazed at zhong's generosity. although he was worried about getting into trouble with the money, he was more afraid of offending his leader, so he accepted the money.

gradually, huang qi came to believe that zhong was not only generous but also took care of his subordinates. in her later work, she was obedient and flattering, hoping to gain zhong's approval. after zhong took office in jinyan subdistrict, he continued to use the practice of setting up a "small treasury" to win people's hearts when he was the "top leader" in other towns. when he was looking for a manager for the "small treasury", he saw huang qi's initiative to "work for him" and felt that she was "reliable", so he made her the custodian of the "small treasury".

100,000 yuan, 200,000 yuan, 500,000 yuan, 1 million yuan... the "sponsorship fees" given by the business owners in the jinyan street area were continuously delivered to huang qi, enriching the "small treasury" she managed, with the accumulated funds reaching more than 2.4 million yuan.

when huang qi learned that the source of the money in the "small treasury" was not legitimate, she neither refused nor exposed it. she only wanted to rely on the approval of her superiors to help herself get promoted. she obeyed all the arrangements and instructions that were suspected of violating discipline and laws and had no stance at all.

"i accepted the money as required. what he bought, what he used, and how much he gave to whom were all at my disposal." under zhong's instruction, most of the money was used to illegally distribute performance bonuses to team members and some cadres, travel, dinners, etc. "when it comes to expenses that cannot be reimbursed by fiscal funds, everyone will think of me, and zhong will also ask them to come to me to discuss how to spend the 'small treasury' funds." with the power to allocate funds, huang qi was tacitly regarded as the "second in command of the street."

indulging in power and money transactions for selfish desires

huang qi, who was born in an ordinary working-class family, has a successful career and life through hard work. huang qi's husband has a good family background and a successful career. after marriage, he not only provides her with generous material conditions, but also often takes her to high-end "circle of friends" gatherings. the generosity of her friends makes her feel inferior. she longs for recognition and wants to make a career to prove herself.

in 2016, huang qi served as the deputy head of beiwai township in guanghan city. due to the jurisdiction of enterprises in the area, she had frequent contact with business owners. before the spring festival in 2017, when faced with a 1,000 yuan shopping card sent by businessman li, "although i was not short of money, i still accepted it out of courtesy." since then, 1,000 yuan gas cards, 3,000 yuan gifts, 10,000 yuan shoulder bags... "personal relations" increased, and huang qi gradually tasted the "sweetness" brought by power.

in 2020, huang qi became the "second in command of the street" as he wished, with a holiday allowance of 20,000 yuan, a birthday gift of 30,000 yuan... in just one year, he personally received 190,000 yuan in "hardship fees" from zhong from the "secret fund". the "hardship fees" given by zhong and the "thank you fees" from the businessmen were like sharp blades that cut open huang qi's greed.she used the money to buy a lot of luxury brand clothing and women's bags, earning enough face in front of her friends.

in the first half of 2021, jinyan subdistrict launched the pingqiao river renovation project in its jurisdiction. huang qi "cooperated" with zhong to skip the handling process and designated zhong's fellow villager tang to undertake the project. he also used his position in charge of gravel resources to "turn a blind eye" to tang's suspected theft of gravel, which led to tang privately selling the remaining gravel after reinforcing the riverbank and making a profit of more than 3 million yuan. afterwards, tang gave zhong 1 million yuan in cash to thank him for his "care", and huang qi received 400,000 yuan from it.

upon investigation, it was found that huang qi used his position to collude with others to accept a total of 1.17 million yuan in cash from business owners, businessmen and subordinates in the area, and he personally received 770,000 yuan.