
does playing with mobile phones cause brain cancer? who debunks the rumor! but beware of these diseases


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expert interviewed: ruan jian, deputy chief physician of the department of neuro-oncology, affiliated cancer hospital of chongqing university

song xi, deputy chief physician of the department of general medicine, nanjing first hospital

ye xuechen, reporter of global times health client

"mobile phones have radiation, which is bad for the brain" and "putting your phone next to your pillow when you sleep will cause brain cancer"... such claims that mobile phones cause cancer have been popular for a long time. recently, a systematic evaluation conducted by australian researchers commissioned by the world health organization stated that there is no evidence to show a relationship between mobile phone use and brain cancer.

the assessment was led by the australian radiation protection and nuclear safety agency, with participants from 22 countries, covering 63 high-quality research results from 1994 to 2022. the report shows that mobile phone radiation does not increase the risk of brain cancer or other head and neck cancers as the time of mobile phone use, cumulative call time or cumulative number of calls increases.

ruan jian, deputy chief physician of the department of neuro-oncology at the affiliated tumor hospital of chongqing university, said in an interview with the reporter of the global times health client: "according to current research, there is no clear causal relationship between the pathogenesis of brain cancer and the use of mobile phones." known carcinogenic risk factors are ionizing radiation, including x-rays, ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, etc., which have high radiation frequency and high energy, and can damage human dna and cause damage to the body. however, mobile phones emit a kind of electromagnetic radiation with relatively low power and low energy, which generally cannot damage cell structures. my country stipulates that the specific absorption rate (a measure of the degree of harm of electromagnetic waves to the human body) shall not exceed 2 watts per kilogram. the lower the specific absorption rate, the less radiation is absorbed by the brain. according to relevant tests, the specific absorption rate of some common brands of mobile phones is between 0.13 and 1.79 watts per kilogram, which is within the safe range, and long-term exposure will not have a significant impact on brain health.

moreover, according to cancer incidence statistics, although the use of mobile phones and other wireless devices has increased significantly in the past two decades, the incidence of brain cancer has remained basically unchanged. ruan jian reminded: "it is important to remind you that although mobile phones do not cause brain cancer, long-term use can still cause a series of other diseases, so they should be used in moderation."

song xi, deputy chief physician of the general medicine department of nanjing first hospital, gave a detailed analysis of the harm that long-term use of mobile phones can cause to the body.

eye diseases. when people focus on looking at the screen, they will unconsciously reduce the number of blinks, causing the eyeballs to lose moisture, thus causing dry eyes, myopia and other problems. if you lie sideways for a long time, it will also cause asymmetric vision. looking at the phone for a long time in a dark environment or setting the phone brightness too dim can easily lead to visual fatigue and other eye diseases.

cervical spondylosis: leaning your body or looking down at your phone for a long time can cause shoulder and back pain and numbness, and change the normal curvature of the spine.

anxiety. keeping your phone in your hand can also cause psychological problems. studies have found that playing with your phone for a long time before going to bed increases the risk of depression by 20% and anxiety by 14%.

in addition, staying up late to watch the phone for a long time, physical fatigue and emotional excitement can easily cause blood pressure fluctuations and even hypertensive emergencies. if the blood vessels are poorly developed and the person is addicted to the phone and sits for a long time, it is easy to cause varicose veins in the lower limbs, and in severe cases, lower limb venous thrombosis may occur.

song xi suggested that people should use their phones in moderation. after using their phones for 30 to 60 minutes, they can look into the distance or stretch their bodies appropriately. in terms of posture, they should hold their phones at eye level, and not lower their heads, tilt their heads, or look at them from a close distance. ▲

editor: pan zihu

editor-in-chief: zhang mian