
internet public security affairs: chongming "one-stop service" police help to upgrade services to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises


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"we old people sometimes feel overwhelmed when we encounter intelligent systems. the police taught us how to operate them step by step, which made us feel more efficient. i really like the police officers in our police station!" in september this year, when mr. chen, who lived in changxing island, chongming, handled the household registration transfer, he deeply felt the convenience of the police station's first-contact "guide" service mechanism. the police patiently answered various questions. with the help of the police step by step, mr. chen quickly completed the business.
police officers assist, "caring mode" service is more considerate
photo caption: exit and entry police provide assistance services to applicants at the smart endorsement machine and acceptance window in the application hall (photo courtesy of chongming public security bureau)
since the beginning of this year, in combination with the actual work of facilitating the convenience of the people and enterprises in the jurisdiction, relying on the upgrading of "internet + public security government services", the chongming branch of the shanghai public security bureau has established an "intelligent + manual" efficient service mechanism. while improving service efficiency through intelligence and facilitating the rapid completion of business through intelligent processing by the people and enterprises who can smoothly use the intelligent system, the first "assistant guide" position has been set up in 20 police stations in the district, and relevant station leaders and police officers who are familiar with the business and have high quality have been selected to serve as guides, providing the public with window guidance, business consultation and other pre-services, and adhering to the traditional contact "care model" and intelligent services at the same time.the "top leaders" of each unit took the lead in going down to the reception windows for the masses, accepting the difficulties encountered by the masses in handling business at the windows, and tracking the progress throughout the process until the problems and demands are answered and resolved. since the beginning of this year, chongming branch has solved more than 900 business cases for the elderly and those who are not convenient to use the intelligent system through the assistance of police officers. through the "online manual assistance and answering mechanism", more than 3,800 online consultations on high-frequency matters such as "residence permit application" have been achieved, and the satisfaction rate of the masses and enterprises has always remained above 99%.
upgraded service, "front-end assistance" service is more convenient
"now, the qualification approval for special industries can be handled directly at the comprehensive window of the district administrative service center. if we encounter any problems, there are police officers to help us. this is much more convenient for us than before." in august this year, mr. zhang, who opened a homestay in chongming, fully affirmed the service measures promoted by the chongming branch for the convenience of the people and the benefit of enterprises at a police-enterprise communication meeting.
photo caption: the assistant police officers of changxing police station provide information and solutions to the people who "can't get things done".
in order to further optimize the business environment, the chongming branch has fully implemented the "pre-emptive assistance" policy. by providing a list of required materials in advance for the business needs of the public and enterprises, the public can get things done in one go with less trips. at the same time, it has promoted all public security administrative approval matters involving enterprises to be settled in the unified comprehensive window of the district administrative service center, realizing a "one-stop" processing of unified acceptance, internal circulation review, and on-site issuance of certificates. relying on the two major enterprise protection workstations "blue whale" and "yingdun", "passage of key transport vehicles and compliant supervision vehicles in prohibited goods areas" and "registration of homestays" and other high-frequency matters that have no catalog but are applied for by enterprises will be handled through one network. a processing procedure notice will be provided at each enterprise protection workstation to clarify the required application materials and really facilitate the processing of enterprises.actively explore the "internet + police service" model, and launch online appointment and online consultation functions for window services through the window service platform, so that people can consult and make appointments at home, and reduce the waiting time for people and businesses on site.
improve skills, "competition" service is more efficient
"from submitting the application to obtaining the approval result, the whole process was efficient and smooth. the assisting police officers were enthusiastic in providing service, and there was no cumbersome process as expected." in september this year, in a practical competition for young people in window business at the chongming branch police station, the young corporate representative mr. wang gave a thumbs up to the skilled window police officers.
since the beginning of this year, the chongming branch has also carried out practical competitions to improve the professional capabilities of window service police officers and select the top ten government service stars in 2024. the window units of the branch have conducted analysis and judgment on the problems reported by the masses one by one, improved the closed-loop management mechanism, and ensured that every problem is verified to the bottom. corporate representatives are also invited to participate in government service drills, collect opinions and suggestions, and continuously optimize service processes to ensure that each service can accurately meet the needs of the people. relying on the improvement of the professional capabilities of police officers, we will fully promote the transformation and upgrading of the "one-stop service", improve the level of online and offline services, help improve the quality and efficiency of grassroots government services, and continuously optimize the business environment. correspondent xu peng, yao jiawei, xinmin evening news reporter jie min