
central commission for discipline inspection: officials will be out if they attend these 20 types of dinner parties!


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the central commission for discipline inspection reminds you not to attend these 8 types of dinner parties

1. no participation in banquets funded by public funds

interpretation:official receptions must be conducted with diligence and thrift, and extravagance and waste must be opposed, and the scope and standards of receptions must be strictly controlled. receptions with public funds that exceed the scope and standards should be classified as banquets with public funds.

examples:yang xifeng, director of the shanghai planning and compilation center and party branch secretary, violated regulations by using public funds for food and drink. on august 21, 2014, after a relevant business meeting, yang xifeng organized 10 participants to eat and drink with public funds, spending 1,935 yuan on the meal. yang xifeng was given an internal party warning.

2. do not accept meals arranged by the company

interpretation:when conducting official activities at an enterprise, you must not accept reception arrangements or even banquets. if you really need the other party's assistance in making arrangements, you must pay for the meal yourself.

examples:zhao qingyang, deputy secretary of the party committee of the agricultural bureau of xixia county, henan province, and huang yan, director of the energy office, violated regulations by accepting banquets. on the morning of february 18, 2016, zhao qingyang and huang yan went to a farm in zhuogou village, danshui town to inspect a biogas project. at noon, the two accepted a banquet from the farm manager and drank white wine, which caused a negative impact in society. on february 25, 2016, the xixia county discipline inspection commission gave zhao qingyang a serious warning within the party and huang yan a warning within the party.

3. no disguised eating and drinking in the company is allowed

interpretation:official meals should be arranged at the company's internal reception venues or restaurants purchased by the government. it is not allowed to use the company's reception venues for disguised meals and drinks. it is not allowed to participate in banquets organized by the company, and it is not allowed to ask the company to pay for the company's or individual's banquets.

examples:four leading cadres of the second geological brigade of the xinjiang uygur autonomous region geological and mineral bureau violated regulations by accepting banquets from project contractors. zhao jiayang, party secretary and deputy brigade leader of the second geological brigade of the xinjiang uygur autonomous region geological and mineral bureau, and deputy brigade leader zhang chunjiang, chief engineer feng changrong, and deputy brigade leader shi yujun, have twice accepted banquets and other services arranged by project contractors. the party committee of the autonomous region geological and mineral bureau has given the four people a serious warning within the party, removed zhao jiayang from his current position, and revoked feng changrong and shi yujun's qualifications as candidates for investigation of deputy director-level leading cadres.

4. do not accept meals arranged by the management service object

interpretation:meals arranged by parties, petitioners, interested parties, and management service recipients should be rejected. meals where the identities of the invitees, motives, and scope of the invitees are unclear should also be avoided.

examples:wang xiang, former director of xiangpu town central hospital in congyang county, anhui province, and others violated regulations by accepting meals and entertainment from the objects of management and service. on the afternoon of march 31, 2016, wang xiang led his office director fang jun to the county government service center to assist in handling administrative approval matters such as the change of xiangjin village health center. afterwards, wang xiang and fang jun violated regulations by accepting meals and entertainment activities arranged by rural doctors in the jurisdiction, causing adverse social impact. wang xiang was given a two-year probationary period and was dismissed from his position as director of xiangpu town central hospital; fang jun received a serious warning within the party and was removed from his position as office director. the cost of the illegal meals and entertainment was borne by the person himself.

5. do not accept invitations to meals that may affect the performance of official duties

interpretation:when performing specific official duties, except for normal official receptions, all other meals and invitations that may affect normal official activities should be rejected, and one must not take the opportunity to eat and drink excessively.

examples:wu yunqilu, director of the execution bureau of the zhengxiangbai banner people's court of xilin gol league, inner mongolia, and li yong, deputy director, accepted illegal meals and other issues. when wu yunqilu and li yong went to zhangjiakou to execute a construction contract dispute case, they had a meal with the applicant li, and the meal was settled by li, costing 1,200 yuan. after the meal, wu yunqilu, li yong and li and others went to a certain entertainment venue in zhangjiakou. on march 8, 2016, the zhengxiangbai banner people's court gave wu yunqilu and li yong administrative warnings and ordered them to return the 1,200 yuan meal fee paid by li. on march 22, 2016, the zhengxiangbai banner discipline inspection commission issued a notice of criticism to the above two people and enke, the deputy president of the zhengxiangbai banner people's court who was responsible for the main responsibility.

6. it is not allowed to use public funds to entertain private guests

interpretation:the objects of official reception refer to those who come to the unit to attend meetings, conduct inspections and investigations, carry out tasks, study and exchange, inspect and guide, ask for instructions and report work, and other official activities. they are received according to regulations after approval. no official reception shall be arranged for anyone other than the above-mentioned objects.

examples:the issue of tan jian, director of the central hospital of futang town, lianshan county, qingyuan city, guangdong province, using public funds for food and drink. tan jian took advantage of his position and used public funds to entertain his relatives and friends at multiple restaurants 18 times, causing adverse social impact. tan jian was given a serious warning within the party and the illegal funds were recovered.

7. do not attend lavish weddings, funerals or other celebrations

interpretation:in organizing weddings and funerals, we should advocate simplicity and avoid extravagant celebrations and extravagant feasts. we should not blindly support others' extravagant weddings and funerals, but should consciously avoid them.

examples:li yanzhong, deputy manager of shanxi coal transportation and sales group taiyuan qingxu co., ltd., held a lavish wedding banquet for his son. on october 23 and november 1, 2015, li yanzhong hosted two banquets for a total of 450 people while organizing his son's wedding, and accepted gifts of 54,750 yuan, including 228,500 yuan from colleagues and those he managed and served. after a discussion at the qingxu county discipline inspection commission standing committee meeting on april 8, 2016, it was decided to give li yanzhong a serious warning within the party; jia jian, secretary of the party branch who failed to perform his principal responsibility, and zhang zhigang, the person in charge of discipline inspection who failed to perform his supervisory responsibility, were given a warning within the party.

8. you are not allowed to attend any banquets that are intended to raise money.

interpretation:taking advantage of the opportunity of hosting various banquets to accept gifts from people with whom you have no normal personal relationship is an act that violates the provisions of integrity and self-discipline. public officials should neither host nor attend such banquets that are intended to collect money.

examples:yang shangdong, deputy head of jiaba township, kangding city, ganzi prefecture, sichuan province, violated regulations by accepting invitations to dinner. in june 2015, yang shangdong introduced a post-disaster reconstruction project to a local resident in the name of the township head and accepted his invitation to dinner, spending 2,000 yuan. in addition, yang shangdong also had other disciplinary problems. after being reported, yang shangdong's family took the initiative to return the 2,000 yuan to the resident. in march 2016, the kangding municipal commission for discipline inspection gave yang shangdong a one-year probationary period; in april 2016, the kangding municipal supervision bureau gave yang shangdong an administrative dismissal.

in addition, these 12 types of dinner parties need to be vigilant

in addition to the 8 types of dinner parties mentioned above, public officials still need to be wary of the following 12 types of dinner parties!

1. it is forbidden for superiors and subordinates to treat each other to meals.

interpretation:if a superior or subordinate unit is required to arrange a reception for a business activity, the dispatching unit shall issue an official letter to the receiving unit, and the receiving unit may arrange a working meal once, and strictly control the number of people accompanying the meal. other mutual meals without substantive business activities should not be arranged between superiors and subordinates.

2. business meals are not allowed to be arranged between people in the same city

interpretation:for official activities between departments in the city or the same county (district), individuals should arrange their own meals. they are not allowed to use public funds to pay for meals, nor are they allowed to accept public funds for entertainment.

3. do not accept invitations to dinner from grassroots units

interpretation:when carrying out official activities at grassroots units such as townships, if reception arrangements are indeed necessary, in principle, meals should be eaten in the township's "integrity kitchen" and other internal canteens of the units, and the grassroots units should not be asked to arrange banquets.

4. no reception from other places is allowed

interpretation:when conducting official activities outside the jurisdiction, meals should be arranged by the parties themselves in accordance with the relevant provisions of official business trips. if it is really impossible to arrange meals by yourself due to limited conditions, the other party can arrange meals according to the official reception standards after issuing an official letter, but you may not accept meals in other places outside the official activity area.

5. do not accept invitations to dinners arranged by village organizations

interpretation:in principle, when carrying out official activities at village-level organizations, you should arrange your own meals and not accept reception arrangements or even banquets. if you really need the other party's assistance in making arrangements, you should pay for your own meals.

6. it is not allowed to use public funds for meals and entertainment during official business trips

interpretation:when going out to attend meetings, inspections, study sessions, training and other activities, relevant disciplines should be strictly observed and not take the opportunity to treat each other to meals; nor should public funds be used for eating and drinking, nor should public funds be used to reimburse dining expenses that should be paid by oneself.

7. it is not allowed to participate in midnight snacks with the nature of official receptions

interpretation:late-night snacks shall not be arranged for official receptions. late-night snack expenses incurred for any reason shall be paid by the individual and cannot be reimbursed with public funds.

8. it is not allowed to entertain private guests in internal reception venues

interpretation:the unit's internal reception venues must be used for normal official receptions of the unit and must not be used to receive private guests of the unit's cadres and employees, nor may they be lent to personnel from outside units to receive private guests.

9. no disguised eating or drinking in internal reception areas is allowed

interpretation:it is not allowed to build new buildings, renovate, expand or renovate or decorate the internal reception venues of the unit beyond the standard under any name. at the same time, the internal reception venues must strictly follow the standards for official receptions and must not engage in excessive eating and drinking in disguise.

10. do not attend banquets arranged by private clubs or high-end entertainment venues.

interpretation:official receptions may not use private or corporate clubs or high-cost dining venues. public officials may not enter private clubs, let alone arrange meals or participate in meals arranged by others in private clubs or high-cost entertainment venues.

11. you are not allowed to attend alumni gatherings or hometown gatherings that violate regulations.

interpretation:when attending private gatherings, you should also pay attention to the participants. apart from normal social interactions such as guests visiting and friends gatherings, other dining activities that are obviously small-circle in nature and held in the name of class reunions or hometown associations should be explicitly refused or consciously avoided. you must not abuse your power for personal gain or use public funds to pay the bill.

12. do not attend other banquets that violate regulations or damage your image.

interpretation:when attending banquets or parties, we must abide by the party's rules and regulations and distinguish between time and place; we must also respect local customs and habits and pay attention to social impact. we should consciously avoid banquets that clearly violate discipline and public order and morality and may damage the image of the party members and cadres.

(source: central commission for discipline inspection and national supervisory commission website)
