
many primary schools put ice cubes in classrooms to cool down! some parents' committees organized parents to donate air conditioners. is it to improve conditions or to endure hardships? different considerations


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recently, many provinces and cities in the south have experienced high temperature weather, with temperatures in some areas reaching as high as 43°c.

at present, primary and secondary schools in many cities including hunan, anhui, jiangxi, sichuan, chongqing, etc. have urgently suspended classes or delayed the start of school.

many primary schools use ice cubes to cool down

parents in chengdu, sichuan, wuhan, hubei, changsha, hunan, huangshan, anhui and other places posted on social platforms that due to the hot weather, the primary and secondary schools where their children are studying have no air conditioning and cannot hold classes normally. some schools have purchased ice cubes and placed them in the classrooms. some parents even organized themselves to deliver ice cubes to their children's classes in an effort to cool down.

on september 2, it was the first day of school for all primary and secondary school students in changsha. due to the high temperature, teachers and parents of some schools brought ice into the classroom to cool down, which continued to attract attention.

subsequently, the liuyang education bureau of changsha city issued an emergency notice stating that adjustments would be made to the education and teaching work of all primary and secondary schools (kindergartens) in the city during the high temperature period, and after-school services would be suspended in the first week of school due to the high temperature.

it is reported that many schools had made teaching arrangements and adjustments due to the high temperature that afternoon.

a school in changsha uses ice cubes to cool down classrooms. source: sanxiang metropolis daily

a school in chengdu uses ice cubes to cool down classrooms. image source: poster news

some schools in hunan, anhui, sichuan and chongqing have suspended classes urgently

on september 2, affected by the high temperature weather, many places issued emergency notices, announcing suspension of classes and delayed start of school.

according to rednet, the reporter learned from the changde city education bureau in hunan that due to the recent continuous high temperatures, some teachers and students felt unwell on the first day of school. according to the meteorological department's forecast, the city will continue to have sunny, hot and high temperature weather in the next few days. after research, wuling district of changde city decided to suspend offline classes in district primary schools from the afternoon of september 2 to september 5 (thursday). students will stay at home and teachers will teach online. offline classes will resume on september 6 (friday).

at the same time, the education bureau of hanshou county and the education bureau of li county of changde city have also issued the "notice on adjusting class time".

in addition to hunan, on september 2, the education bureau of jiujiang city, jiangxi province, issued an emergency notice that due to the high temperature, starting from the morning of september 3, all public and private primary schools and kindergartens in principle will be suspended, and classes will officially resume on september 9 (next monday). whether junior and senior high schools need to suspend classes will be determined by local schools based on actual conditions and heatstroke prevention and cooling conditions.

according to sichuan daily, at 10 a.m. on september 2, the chengdu meteorological observatory updated the high temperature orange warning signal to a high temperature red warning signal. that day was the day when all primary and secondary schools in the city officially started classes. according to the deployment, some schools have issued notices to parents to adjust their teaching arrangements.

previously, due to the continued high temperature, zigong, nanchong, suining, luzhou, leshan, meishan, ziyang and other places in sichuan have announced the postponement of school opening. some universities in chongqing have also announced the postponement of school opening.

a primary school asks parents to donate air conditioners? latest response

recently, some netizens posted news that a primary school in xiangtan, hunan asked parents of students to donate air conditioners and electricity bills, which aroused attention.

pictures of relevant documents show that an agreement drafted by tianyi jinxia primary school requires parents of students to donate air conditioners. each class can only donate one cabinet air conditioner with a power of no more than 3 horsepower (gree and midea are recommended brands), and the installation of the air conditioner, dedicated sockets, installation of electric meters, and wiring are all the responsibility of the donor.

in addition, the electricity bills required for each class are settled on schedule by the donors according to the prices stipulated by the state, and the school pays the electricity bills into a non-tax account.

regarding this matter, on the morning of september 4, the reporter contacted tianyi jinxia primary school, and the relevant person in charge said that the agreement does exist. "some parents are willing to donate, so they can donate. the school does not force them. some classes may be organized by the parent committee, and some classes are donated by individual parents. our school only accepts individual donations from family members, not donations from the parent committee. whoever donates signs the agreement."

staff from the xiangtan county education bureau responded that they would record and report the relevant situation and handle it after investigation and verification.

according to the huashang daily dafeng news, a teacher from tianyi jinxia primary school once responded to netizens and said that the matter of asking parents to donate air conditioners was organized by the parents' committee and the school was not involved.

a staff member of xiangtan county education bureau said that the donation of air conditioners was initiated by the parents' committee and was purely voluntary. the education bureau would not make unified arrangements and the school would not force the organization.

according to jinyun, the xiangtan county education bureau said that if every classroom is equipped with air conditioners, the school's circuits may not be able to support them, and said, "if parents disagree, they can refuse, and the school cannot organize it uniformly."

improve conditions or improve quality? different parties have different concerns about installing air conditioners in classrooms

it is not just parents in xiangtan who want to install air conditioners for their children. according to da wan news, recently, parents of students in chizhou have called on the government to install air conditioners in primary school classrooms as soon as possible. "offices have air conditioners, so classrooms should also be equipped with air conditioners."

the main person in charge of the education and sports bureau of guichi district, chizhou city said that due to historical reasons, most primary school classrooms across the country are not equipped with air conditioners. after encountering this year's rare "autumn tiger" weather, it is indeed a trouble for children. "after all, the current growth environment for children is very different from before."

relevant officials introduced that, realistically speaking, there are still many constraints on installing air conditioners in primary school classrooms: first, the cost is not a small number, which requires the overall planning of government departments; second, many classrooms built in the early stage need to be equipped with air conditioners to transform the power supply lines and even the power supply voltage of the entire campus, which involves factors such as safety and construction, and the operation is not easy. "despite the difficulties, leaders at all levels attach great importance to this, and we have been studying, reporting and striving to promote solutions."

not only in chizhou, but also on various social media, many parents of primary school students in wuhu, hefei, ma'anshan and other places in anhui province have made similar appeals: they hope that local education departments can actively promote the installation of air conditioners in primary school classrooms as soon as possible so that children can have a comfortable learning environment in school classrooms. some parents even suggested that they could spontaneously organize fundraising for the installation.

it is understood that some primary schools in sichuan, hunan and other places are urgently looking for ways to install air conditioners. a parent in chengdu, sichuan, posted that some air conditioners have arrived at individual schools and are being prepared for installation.

however, some parents and the public expressed different opinions: "it's not that exaggerated. although it is hot, we have survived the dog days of summer, and we can take this opportunity to cultivate their hardworking spirit." these parents believe that although the high temperature this time is abnormal, students should be encouraged to cultivate perseverance and be patient. in addition, if you plan to install air conditioners, you will face many practical problems such as how to reasonably share the electricity costs of air conditioners and daily maintenance of equipment.

(qilu evening news·qilu one point client editor peng qian compiled cover news, poster news, jinyun, sichuan observation, etc.)

(source: qilu evening news·qilu one point)

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