
qidong urban management removes old advertisements to improve the city's image


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huasheng online news (correspondent: li rende) in order to further improve the living environment, enhance the city's image and quality, consolidate the achievements of the creation of civilized cities and sanitation in a normalized manner, welcome the "national day" and the "third hunan tourism development conference", and optimize the business environment, recently, the qidong county urban management and law enforcement bureau launched an operation to clean up dilapidated and incomplete advertisements and shop signs.
according to relevant personnel of the qidong county urban management administrative law enforcement brigade, in order to "welcome the national day, protect tourism development, reduce accidents, and ensure safety" and strengthen the management of the city's appearance and beautify the environment, the brigade's outdoor advertising law enforcement squadron and yongchang, hongqiao, yuhe, and baihe law enforcement squadrons have organized a comprehensive cleanup and removal of old, damaged, faded, outdated public service billboards, door advertisements, illegal billboards and signboards erected by businesses privately, and other outdoor advertisements and store signs and store signs on the main and secondary roads, national highway 322, walls and roofs within the county area since august. at the same time, safety inspections are carried out on advertising facilities and rectification notices are issued to advertising owners (individuals). outdoor advertisements that fail to meet the inspection and have safety hazards shall not be used any longer. as of press time, a total of 5 cranes have been dispatched to remove more than 40 large outdoor advertisements and wall advertisements, totaling 800 square meters; more than 100 damaged and old door advertisements, totaling more than 1,000 square meters, have been removed, and 13 rectification notices have been issued.
during the demolition process, law enforcement officers strictly abided by the law enforcement process, analyzed and predicted in advance, set up warning tapes, set up safe areas, and guided vehicles and people passing by. by inviting construction personnel from a third-party professional company to use professional machinery and cleaning tools to carefully demolish the buildings, safety hazards were eliminated and the demolition work was ensured to be carried out safely and smoothly. at the same time, law enforcement officers also publicized the relevant laws and regulations on outdoor advertising to merchants and citizens, requiring merchants to replace damaged and hidden dangers plaques in a timely manner, strictly implement the "three guarantees in front of the door" system, jointly improve the city's "appearance", and effectively maintain the good image of the civilized propaganda position in the jurisdiction.
in the next step, the urban management law enforcement brigade will further standardize the approval and management of outdoor advertisements, increase patrol efforts, continue to promote the rectification of illegal outdoor advertising signs, eliminate safety hazards of outdoor advertising facilities, protect the "safety above the heads" of citizens, and strive to create a clean, orderly, civilized and beautiful urban environment to help qidong's high-quality economic development.
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