
inheriting the teaching tradition and igniting passion - tangxi school celebrates the 40th teachers' day commendation conference


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huasheng online, september 5 (correspondent li yunqi) the september breeze gently tells the story of the fragrance of peaches and plums filling the world. to celebrate the 40th teachers' day, widely publicize the image of the "four-good" teachers of the people's teachers in the new era, further promote the spirit of educators, promote the noble ethics of the people's teachers, and fully demonstrate the achievements of the struggle of education and sports workers. tangxi school in suxian district held a teacher commendation meeting on september 4, sending a sincere blessing to the hard-working teachers, expressing gratitude for the hard work of all educators, and respect for their lofty qualities.
tangxi school attached great importance to this teacher commendation conference and invited wang yonggang, member of the party committee and deputy director of the district education bureau, lin junqi, secretary of the wangxian village committee, wu hua, secretary of the tangxi village committee, li hongliang, secretary of the liangjiangkou village committee, wu yuheng, secretary of the heping village committee, and hao zhichao, secretary of the changchong village committee to attend the meeting.
at the beginning of the meeting, secretary liao chuxia delivered a teachers' day speech, expressing holiday blessings to all teachers in the warmest and most sincere language, and giving hopeful messages. he hoped that teachers would work hard to promote the spirit of educators, bear their mission in mind, stand well on the podium, and contribute their own strength.
afterwards, wu hua, secretary of the tangxi village committee, read out the list of teachers to be commended. a total of 12 teachers were commended at the school level, including 3 advanced workers, 4 outstanding teaching experts, 3 outstanding class teachers, and 2 individuals with advanced teacher ethics. liu jing, a representative of outstanding teachers, and lin junqi, secretary of the wangxian village committee, spoke successively. the leaders presented awards to the outstanding teachers and expressed their sincere congratulations.
finally, wang yonggang, deputy director of the suxian district education bureau, made a summary speech. he pointed out that this teacher commendation conference was of great significance and had extraordinary results. he hoped that the leaders of tangxi school would continue to lead the school to overcome difficulties and continue to achieve good results. in the future education and teaching, they would take on the mission of "working hard in the teaching field and strengthening the country" and become a veritable education model.
the road ahead is long and arduous, but if you keep going, you will reach your destination; if you keep going, you will have a promising future. this commendation and summary meeting inspired the confidence and fighting spirit of the teachers, and also made them realize the importance, care and support of the suxian district education bureau, village committees and schools for education. the teachers expressed that they would take the advanced as an example, be more loyal to their duties, make selfless contributions, and contribute to the future of the motherland.
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