
lai ching-te stirs up sino-russian relations, demands that china retake russian-occupied territory, russia gives lai a new name


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lai ching-te has been trying to sow discord between china and russia, demanding that the mainland tear up the treaty of aihui and take back the territory occupied by tsarist russia. the russian foreign ministry has responded solemnly and renamed lai ching-te. how did russia respond to lai ching-te's questioning? what was so absurd about lai ching-te's statement? what did the russian foreign ministry call lai ching-te differently?

recently, taiwan leader lai ching-te, in an interview, once again promoted his "anti-unification" argument and even questioned the mainland, claiming that since the mainland emphasizes territorial integrity, why not tear up the "aihui treaty" and take back the land that was occupied by russia?

lai ching-te's remarks have two purposes. the first is to use absurd logic to try to deny the legitimacy of the mainland's unification of the two sides of the taiwan strait. the second is to provoke relations between china and russia and cooperate with the west's containment strategy against china and russia.

we noticed that after lai ching-te's speech was released, the british media immediately followed up and made some analysis, and finally concluded that china did not dare to attack because russia was too powerful, and taiwan was relatively weak and looked easy to bully.

in response to this, the taiwan affairs office of the state council made a clear response on september 5, bluntly stating that lai ching-te was talking nonsense and his arguments were a typical case of shifting concepts and confusing right and wrong, fully exposing his intention to seek "taiwan independence", split the country and undermine peace in the taiwan strait.

the relevant public opinion immediately attracted the attention of russia, and russian foreign ministry spokesperson zakharova also made a detailed response to lai ching-te's remarks.

first, there is the so-called territorial dispute between china and russia. zakharova mentioned that china and russia had reached a consensus in the treaty of good-neighborliness and friendly cooperation signed in 2001, and both sides clearly renounced any territorial claims against each other, which is also the basis of china-russia bilateral relations. then in 2004, china and russia signed the supplementary agreement on the eastern section of the china-russia border, which completely resolved the border differences between the two sides.

it should be added that it is absurd for lai ching-te to equate the taiwan issue with the sino-russian territorial dispute. after world war ii, there was a clear international agreement requiring japan to return taiwan to china. therefore, we say that the taiwan issue is china's internal affairs, not an international issue.

secondly, zakharova emphasized that russia has always adhered to the one-china principle and that the leaders of the taiwan region have no right to make any statements on behalf of beijing. she also suggested that lai ching-te take a constructive attitude towards the proposals on peaceful reunification put forward by the leadership of the people's republic of china.

in fact, lai ching-te’s remarks are still an internal issue of china, so the response of the russian foreign ministry itself was somewhat "overstepping the line". however, zakharova’s statement brought the topic back and turned the tables on lai ching-te.

in addition, russia has also been extremely sarcastic towards lai ching-te.

in her response, zakharova mentioned that she hopes lai ching-te will not overestimate his own abilities when he is staring at other people's things. being instigated and promoting "taiwan independence" will not bring any benefits to him personally or the people of taiwan.

taiwanese media also noticed the hidden meaning in zakharova's words, because in russian, the writing and pronunciation of lai ching-te's surname and "barking" are very similar, so when zakharova said lai ching-te "barked" in her response, it was even more ironic.