
xiaopeng huitian's split flying car "land aircraft carrier" debuts in guangzhou


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on the afternoon of september 3, the xiaopeng huitian "land aircraft carrier" flying car advanced tasting meeting was held in guangzhou development zone and huangpu district. the xiaopeng huitian split flying car "land aircraft carrier" real car was unveiled in guangzhou for the first time and conducted a public test flight, demonstrating the application scenarios of the new species of flying cars in the future.
it is understood that in july this year, guangzhou development zone and xiaopeng huitian signed an investment cooperation agreement. xiaopeng huitian's flying car r&d, intelligent manufacturing and sales center was established in guangzhou development zone, and the flying body of the "land aircraft carrier" flying car was produced. the "land aircraft carrier" will make its first public manned flight at the "china (zhuhai) air show", one of the four major air shows in the world, in november this year, and will participate in the guangzhou international auto show in november. it is planned to start pre-sale at the end of this year.
the "land-based aircraft carrier" aircraft is actually flying. photo provided by the company
the flying body of the "land aircraft carrier" flying car. photo by li jianfeng
new species released
the only car in the world that can fit an "airplane"
imagine flying cars, starting from guangzhou development zone and huangpu district, soaring into the sky. this is not only a revolutionary leap in the transportation industry, but also a bold exploration of the trillion-level "low-altitude economy". today, the flying cars once described in science fiction have become a reality.
xiaopeng huitian is currently the largest flying car company in asia and an ecological enterprise of xiaopeng motors. in october 2023, xiaopeng huitian first announced the split flying car "land carrier" under development. less than a year later, the first real car display of the product was held at the advanced tasting meeting on the 3rd. as xiaopeng huitian founder zhao deli slowly pulled open the curtain, the domineering appearance of the "land carrier" gradually emerged.
the "land aircraft carrier" adopts a minimalist and sharp cyber mecha design. the whole vehicle is about 5.5 meters long, 2 meters wide and 2 meters high. it can be parked in a standard parking space and can be driven into the basement. it can be driven on land with a c license. the "land aircraft carrier" is divided into two parts: the land body and the flying body. the land body is also called the land "mothership". it adopts a three-axle six-wheel design, which can achieve 6×6 all-wheel drive and rear-wheel steering, and has good carrying capacity and off-road capabilities. the land "mothership" overcomes unprecedented engineering design difficulties and creates the world's only car trunk that can accommodate an "aircraft", and still provides a spacious and comfortable four-seat passenger space in the car. the flying body adopts an innovative configuration of six-axle six-propeller double ducts. the main structure of the fuselage and the propeller blades are made of carbon fiber materials, which take into account high strength and light weight. the 270° panoramic cockpit can provide users with a wide flying field of vision.
in addition to the actual vehicle display, the event also showed the guests the actual flight process of the "land aircraft carrier". the aircraft took off vertically on the lawn and landed smoothly after flying around the lake. this depicts a typical use scenario of the "land aircraft carrier" in the future: when friends and family travel together, in addition to outdoor camping, they can also experience low-altitude flight in beautiful places, changing a new perspective and seeing the beautiful scenery from the air.
hard-core power technology
realize free movement and flight
through self-research, xiaopeng huitian has developed the world's first on-board automatic separation and combination mechanism, which can realize the automatic separation and combination of the land body and the flying body with one-button operation. after separation, unfold the 6 arms and rotors of the flying body to start low-altitude flight. after the flying body lands, fold the 6 arms and rotors, and use the automatic driving function and automatic separation and combination mechanism of the land body to achieve precise docking and combination with the flying body. this groundbreaking innovation can solve the two major pain points of traditional aircraft during use: "difficult to move" and "difficult to store". the land body is not only a mobile platform, but also a storage and energy replenishment platform. it is a veritable "land aircraft carrier" that allows users to "move as they wish and fly freely."
it is reported that the land-based "mothership" is equipped with the world's first 800v silicon carbide extended-range power platform, with a comprehensive cruising range of over 1,000km, which can easily meet the needs of long-distance travel. the land-based "mothership" is also a "mobile supercharging station" that can provide ultra-high-power energy to the aircraft while driving or parking, and can achieve 6 flights with full fuel and full power. at the same time, the aircraft is equipped with a full-domain 800v silicon carbide high-voltage platform, and the flight battery, electric drive, electric duct, compressor, etc. are all 800v, thereby achieving lower energy consumption and higher charging speed.
not only that, users do not need to consider the difficulty of learning. users with no basic knowledge can also achieve "get started in 5 minutes and become an expert in 3 hours". the "land carrier" aircraft supports both manual and automatic driving modes. traditional aircraft operations are extremely complicated, and the comprehensive learning cost for users is very high. therefore, xiaopeng huitian pioneered a single-lever control system that can be controlled with one hand, abandoning the complex control method of "two hands and two feet" of traditional aircraft, helping users to achieve free flight.
zhao deli, founder of xiaopeng huitian, said: "while creating safe and intelligent low-altitude travel products such as flying cars for users, the company is also working with partners across the country to quickly promote the construction of 'land aircraft carrier' application scenarios." so far, xiaopeng huitian has signed cooperation agreements with more than 70 flight camps and plans to complete the layout of more than 200 flight camps by the end of the year. xiaopeng huitian hopes that users in core cities across the country can reach the nearest flight camp within a 30-minute drive, and some cities can be reached within two hours at most, realizing the freedom of "going whenever you want and flying whenever you want".
zhao deli, founder of xiaopeng huitian, introduces the highlights of the "land aircraft carrier" product. photo by li jianfeng
improve the industrial chain
seize the commanding heights of future low-altitude development
the financing signing of xiaopeng huitian is one of the results of guangzhou development zone and huangpu district actively cultivating the low-altitude industrial ecology and releasing investment attraction. on july 4 this year, at the guangdong province low-altitude economic high-quality development conference, guangzhou development zone, huangpu district and xiaopeng huitian signed a cooperation agreement, announcing the establishment of the world's first large-scale mass production flying car factory, which is also the largest investment cooperation project in the field of flying cars in asia to date.
with the official landing of the xiaopeng huitian "land aircraft carrier" today, flying cars have moved from concept to reality, from the laboratory to the market. the guangzhou development zone and huangpu district are promoting the "accelerated flight" of flying cars, which indicates that they are seizing the commanding heights of future low-altitude economic development with unprecedented determination and action.
as a revolutionary and epoch-making product, flying cars are required to operate freely in two different environments, land and air, which poses unprecedented challenges to research and development, production, application, etc. for regional development, this provides a rare opportunity for the extension and improvement of the industrial chain.
since 2023, guangzhou development zone and huangpu district have actively seized the opportunities of intensive innovation and rapid growth of strategic emerging industries in the low-altitude economy, competed for the trillion-level new track of the low-altitude economy, vigorously cultivated leading enterprises, promoted the continuous extension of the industrial chain upstream and downstream, and quickly realized the implementation of low-altitude economic application scenarios, taking the low-altitude economy as an important starting point for developing new regional productivity. with the realization of xiaopeng huitian's flying car, the district has taken a step further on the road to building a "sky city".
at present, the scale of low-altitude economy industry in guangzhou development zone and huangpu district ranks among the top in china, with more than 50 enterprises in the field of low-altitude economy, with an annual output value of more than 13 billion yuan, and a complete industrial chain ecosystem, from r&d design and raw materials, parts manufacturing and integration to application and services. with low-altitude economy as the wings, guangzhou development zone and huangpu district are about to soar and build a modern "sky city".
he minhui, reporter of and yuexuexue
correspondent yang chen and fan minling