
first lesson of the new semester: secretary and principal say | xia guangping, principal of nanjing jinling middle school: creating unlimited possibilities in the new campus life


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hello, new semester! as the school starts, yangzi evening news and youth aspirations media platform have launched a special column called "first lesson of the school year: what the secretary and the principal say". let us start a new journey full of energy with the words of the secretary and the principal.
creating unlimited possibilities in new campus life
xia guangping, principal of nanjing jinling middle school
dear teachers and students:
hello everyone!
the grass is still green, but the white dew has already filled the courtyard. in september, we meet again on the familiar jinling middle school campus. in the new school year, we welcome new companions: more than a thousand new students full of hope will unlock their most "valuable" youth here, and more than 30 new teachers with dreams will start their educational careers here. on behalf of the school, i would like to extend a warm welcome to you and wish you a new chapter of self-realization in jinling middle school.
new power always brings new possibilities. in the paris olympics this summer, we saw the infinite possibilities of youth in the most concrete way: it was 20-year-old pan zhanle who helped the chinese team rewrite the history of the men's 4×100m medley relay with a magical reversal; it was 19-year-old sheng lihao who showed calmness and composure far beyond his age in the shooting competition that most required a "big heart"; it was 18-year-old deng yawen who bravely faced three life turning points and used a gold medal to let more people know about the extreme sport of freestyle bmx; it was 16-year-old gymnastics star zhang yihan, who used the vitality and confidence that overflowed the screen during the competition to make people believe that the greatest value of sports lies in itself.
the possibilities of youth are not only outstanding achievements, but also the persistence in pursuing infinite possibilities. how to create a future with infinite possibilities? this is a question that jinzhong people have been exploring and practicing.
at this year's two sessions, "new quality productivity" was written into the government work report for the first time and was listed as the first of the ten major tasks for the whole year. "new quality productivity" has three characteristics: high technology, high efficiency, and high quality. in the context of the era of digital education, we hope to build a new quality campus life with new quality education and create a future with infinite possibilities.
the newness of new quality education is first reflected in its focus on the cultivation of thinking and quality. at the 2024 china "big data expo", black technology "group debuted": an intelligent coffee master operated a robotic arm to hand-make a cup of coffee in just 60 seconds, and can produce thousands of varieties. the driverless minibus without a cockpit, steering wheel, pedals and rearview mirror can flexibly avoid pedestrians and vehicles and provide shuttle services on real roads. it can be seen that with the development and maturity of artificial intelligence, knowledge and skills have gradually become replaceable human "talents". and what artificial intelligence cannot replace the most is precisely our thinking and quality. secondly, the newness of new quality education is reflected in its problem-centeredness. traditional education focuses on the accumulation of knowledge, often systematically learning step by step and gradually, and establishing a pyramid-like knowledge structure, while new quality education focuses more on problem-centered on-demand learning, allowing us to establish a spider web-like knowledge structure based on understanding our own learning needs. third, the newness of new quality education is reflected in its focus on lifelong learning. as the saying goes, “only after learning do we know our shortcomings, and only after teaching do we know our difficulties.” today, when the total amount of knowledge is growing explosively and the speed of knowledge updating is accelerating, it is even more necessary to provide learners with continuous learning resources and create an environment for continuous learning.
professor zhu zhiting of east china normal university believes that six new qualities should be cultivated through complex thinking, technical thinking, and innovative thinking, namely, lasting learning interest and digital intelligence-enhanced learning ability, common subjectivity and collaborative creation skills, humanistic literacy and technological ethics integration, exploration interest and interdisciplinary learning ability, creative thinking and future adaptation skills, global vision and cross-cultural understanding. these qualities may sound abstract, but when they are combined with campus life, you will find their charm.
let's take this semester's "book festival" series of activities as an example: when you talk with the protagonists of different books, your empathy and moral sense are constantly enhanced, your humanistic literacy is improved, and your values ​​are established; when you walk into the reading booth to record, the complete equipment and quiet environment will prompt you to recite more words and express deeper emotions; when you carefully study the textbooks, you will find that the same scientific problem can be explained from the perspectives of different disciplines, so you break the boundaries of disciplines and conduct research and learning from multiple perspectives; when you exchange your reading experience with your peers or read book reviews, you will understand the diversity of cognition and learn to tolerate differences, which is the basis for the formation of your global vision. for our jinzhong students, new quality literacy is not unfamiliar, because our student development goals have distinct "new quality" characteristics, that is, the integration of humanities and scientific literacy, with a complete personality and creative spirit.
teachers and students, in the new school year, i hope that each of us can become an active builder of a new quality campus life and discover our own infinite possibilities in continuous exploration. i also wish the 12th reading festival of jinling middle school a complete success. i wish all teachers good work and good health, and i wish all students happy learning and successful practice. thank you!
correspondent gu jian and ma nan
yangzi evening news/ziniu news reporter li chen
proofread by tao shangong