
worthy of being called "bollywood", india has produced another suspense masterpiece


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in a police station in india, a middle-aged man refused to leave, saying that his house was robbed by three people and he wanted to call the police. the police officer asked him if he had any property loss, and he claimed that he had lost a trash can, and the trash can had a special name.

the police asked if there were any valuables or important documents in the trash can, but the uncle said there was nothing in it. so is this trash can expensive? it turned out to be only 350 rupees, which is about 25 yuan in rmb. the police chief was overwhelmed when he heard it. he immediately took out the money and put it in front of the uncle, waved his hand and told him to leave quickly, turn left and buy a new one.

the uncle should have stopped at the police station because he didn't pay a penny and could take the money away. but he didn't leave and said that if the sheriff didn't handle it, he would report it to his superiors. as expected, the uncle received a beating with indian style.

after being beaten, the uncle said that if the police could help him find a trash can, he would give 700,000 rupees as a thank you fee. 700,000 rupees, nearly 60,000 yuan, just to find a trash can. the police chief's blood pressure was completely relieved, and his fighting spirit to eliminate harm for the people was immediately high. he immediately promised to help the uncle find his lost property.

the above plot is from a new indian filmkarma, a revenge film with multiple twists and turns involving a trash can.

current film douban rating8.4, imdb is as high as 8.6, which shows that the script is solid and exquisite.

the uncle's name ismaharaj, is the owner of a barber shop, with unknown intelligence, kind-hearted, and extremely powerful.

his wife died in a car accident more than ten years ago, and his young daughter survived because she was caught upside down in a sturdy trash can. since then, the trash can has been regarded as the patron saint of his daughter, and the father and daughter have cleaned it and worshipped it, officially becoming a part of the family.

the little girl grew up day by day, very clever, and became the mistress of the family. she was the one who made all the decisions about maharaj's daily life. although her academic performance was not very good, she seemed to have inherited her father's strong physique, possessed outstanding athletic talent, and was selected by the school to participate in a running training class.

the little girl was worried about her father because he was going out for a few days. she gave him many instructions, especially emphasizing that he should take good care of the garbage can guardian at home, wipe it regularly, and don't forget to take photos or videos to show her. maharaj agreed to all of them.

the trash can was stolen. how could he explain to his daughter? seeing this, the audience would really think that this is a comedy about trash cans, and at most it involves topics often discussed in indian movies, such as the difficulties of single fathers and the ineffective police handling of cases.

but as the story goes on, things don’t seem that simple. as one netizen commented:"it was hilarious at first, but horrifying later on."

after taking on this inexplicable but lucrative case of missing trash cans, the indian police made full use of their traditional skills of fooling people by first sending someone out to buy an identical one.

later, when they found that they couldn't buy it, they hired a blacksmith to forge it based on the photo. after polishing it, they made it look 1:1 old, and then found a scapegoat willing to bear the blame of "stealing the trash can". wouldn't everything be fine?

but the strange thing is that the silly-looking maharaj was secretly investigating on his own with the help of a highway toll receipt left at the scene by the criminal, and he was so powerful that he killed his enemy just for a trash can.

did he really just want a trash can?

the most outstanding thing about "karma" is that it confuses the audience through non-linear narrative and editing, and then solves the mysteries one by one.

at the beginning, the version that the audience saw was: a single father who loved his daughter very much and kept pestering the police station for a trash can; an independent, sensible, lively and naughty daughter who took care of her father everywhere; and a sheriff who was good at doing things perfunctorily and was greedy for money.

this is a good comedy subject in itself, but the screenwriter chose to hide a dagger in the sweetness, suggesting to what extent different perspectives can influence the viewer.

maharaj was indeed not after a trash can. what he really wanted to do was to use the trash can as an excuse to find the three beasts who beat and raped his daughter when he was not at home that night and avenge his daughter.

the film takes the timeline back to more than a decade ago: at that time, maharaj was a happy young man, working as a tony in a barber shop. although he was dull and serious, he had a beautiful wife and a lovely little daughter, and his family was very happy.

one day, a man namedselvamthe man came to the shop to get a haircut because he was going to attend his daughter's grand birthday party. maharaj's tools ran out of power while shaving him, so he had to go out to buy batteries. when he returned, he accidentally ran into selvam talking on the phone with his accomplice. the two were discussing their previous robbery and rape cases published in the newspaper.

the nervous man saw maharaj coming back and thought that he had heard his phone call and knew his identity, and he was anxious at the party. coincidentally, maharaj happened to appear at selvam's daughter's birthday party with the police to return the man's belongings left at the barber shop. selvam was sure that maharaj had informed the police.

during the 13 years in prison, selvam, who was separated from his wife and children, thought about revenge on maharaj every day. so as soon as he was released from prison, he planned the rape.

in order to save his daughter's reputation and kill his enemies, maharaj secretly investigated and tried to find the three men and execute them one by one. before killing the first man, the other party revealed that there was another accomplice who was a police officer in the area, so maharaj lied that his house was robbed, squatted in the police station, and investigated one by one.

until this point, maharaj actually still had no idea why the three men targeted his home and his daughter, and he didn't know that this was a revenge against him - and that he might not have heard the content of selvam's phone call more than a decade ago, but he accidentally ended up bearing the hatred of others.

it seems that an accident led to the tragedy. but is it really just an accident?

there are countless accidents and coincidences in "karma", but the only thing that remains unchanged ispeople's choice between good and evil.

is selvam a good father? on the surface, yes. he buys all the expensive things for his daughter and gives her a lavish birthday party. but all his money was stolen through robbery.

was he really avenging his daughter after he was released from prison? perhaps he was just avenging himself, angry that his true face had been exposed. his so-called love was just a cover for his criminal behavior.

even if maharaj was the one who informed on the matter, what was wrong with that? besides, it wasn't him who informed on the matter, it was just a coincidence. even if maharaj was wrong, why would he take revenge on his daughter?

one of the most unexpected parts of the movie is that the police chief actually knew maharaj's true intentions a long time ago, but he still cooperated with him step by step until he handed over the criminal hiding in the police station to him, and then left with his men.

"what if this happened to our daughter? let him die."

in this place where "justice cannot be served even when lives are lost", maharaj and the police chief are punishing evil and promoting good in their own ways.

finally, maharaj found the main culprit, selvam, broke his legs, and brought him here as his daughter wished.

the film does not present a seemingly compassionate but actually condescending portrayal of the intended victim, but instead chooses to have an underage woman actively say to the rapist, "remember, it's not you who is merciful to me, it's me who is merciful to you. i spared your life so you can live."

then, a bigger secret was revealed. after learning the truth, selvam completely collapsed and committed suicide.

the film's ingenious non-linear narrative makes the story interlocking and full of twists and turns, and the audience only learns the truth at the end.

the "trash can" in the movie, which is actually not lost (the trash can has been placed under the bed of the daughter in the hospital to protect her after she was sent to the hospital), constitutes a common object in hitchcock's movies.the macguffin technique: that is, using an object that does not exist to string together the narrative, create suspense, and generate tension.

the overall degree of completion of the script is extremely high, and the clever use of comedy elements can undoubtedly neutralize the seriousness of the topic and prevent the film from being too heavy.

a trash can bought for 350 rupees and a thank-you fee of 700,000 rupees, humor and revenge, good and evil, appearance and truth... by disrupting the timeline, blocking the line of sight and making extensive use of montage, "karma" tries to tell us in form and content: sometimes, what your eyes see is not necessarily the truth, and life is full of coincidences and accidents.the only thing that remains unchanged is the persistence of qualities such as kindness and bravery.

this is the charm of a pure suspense film. these treatments require a very high level of skill, but this is only the second work of director and screenwriter nithilan saminathan. the future is promising!