
the doctor who defended chao xiong'er was severely criticized


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recently, super male syndrome has once again entered the public eye.

this is a common chromosomal disorder in men.

patients have one more y chromosome than normal people. the incidence rate is about 1/1000 to 2/1000, and there may be 1-2 super male babies in every 1000 male babies.

a while ago, a pregnant mother in sichuan was "infected". her baby was found to have an extra y chromosome at 25 weeks, and it was a mosaic.

after seeing the report, the mother was devastated and went online to ask netizens what to do with a nervous mood.

as a result, hundreds of thousands of netizens flooded into the comment section, and everyone urged her to have an abortion.

what people say:

"xyy is the 'criminal gene', 'born bad', and 'three-body virus'. when a child with this gene grows up, he or she may become a domestic violence man at best, or a murderer at worst."

“the so-called chimera means he ate his twin brother.this born criminal killed someone before he was even born.

"if you keep him, you're planting a time bomb for the family and society."

after experiencing more than a month of online violence, the mother thought about her family's limited ability to resist risks and chose to terminate the pregnancy. at the same time, she posted a message to warn netizens to be kind in their words and not to demonize chaoxiong.

after the incident became a hot topic, doctors rushed out to provide scientific information.

dong xi, director of the reproductive medicine center of zhongshan hospital, fudan universitytell the public:

"not all people with xyy chromosomes commit crimes... they should not be vilified with all kinds of radical symbols."

li mingzhen, deputy chief physician of the department of eugenics and genetics, guangdong reproductive hospitalit is also said that the incidence of hyperandrogenic syndrome is not low, and the symptoms are not obvious. if chromosome examination is not carried out, many people do not even know that they have this disease.

as for the netizens' assertion that "super-males are infertile and will have no descendants", dr. li said that this statement is not scientific. their hospital has received more than 12,000 male patients with fertility problems in the past ten years, and only 9 of them were super-males.

even if hypermasculine people really encounter fertility difficulties, they can deal with it through assisted reproductive methods.

in addition to these two experts, many obstetricians and gynecologists from tertiary hospitals have come out to speak out for chao xiong'er.

in a nutshell, superheroes are normal human beings. except for being taller than ordinary people, there is no essential difference between them and ordinary people in other aspects. there is no direct evidence to prove that superheroes must have violent tendencies.

as for the sensitive topic of "whether to induce abortion", many doctors will avoid it with ambiguous answers.

the most philosophical expression i have ever seen is: "if a mother can accept the ordinariness of her child, then she should give birth to him."

dr. dong xi gave a clear answer:


in her opinion, even if the child develops some extreme emotions and behaviors due to excessive androgen in the future, he can be educated and influenced through postnatal training.

i had thought that widespread popular science would clear chao xiong's name, but i didn't expect that public opinion would get even more out of control.

many peopleaccusing doctors of being "ignorant and fearless", “it’s easier to talk while standing.”

others suspect that they say this in order to increase the birth rate.

some irony also emerges.

more personal attacks will not be shown here.

maybe hyperactive children can be emotionally unstable, but healthy adults are not necessarily very gentle when typing.

the significance of medical popularization is to teach people to look at diseases scientifically and rationally.

but in a state of "collective irrationality", the role of popular science is ultimately limited.

upon closer inspection, netizens' fear of chao xiong is not groundless.

after all, many short videos have told them: chaoxiong is a born criminal, and the most perverted one behind bars.

for example, "day chenglin, a 19-year-old boy who robbed, killed, and raped corpses, is chao xiong."

"ma hongbing and ma weibing, who hacked and killed two policemen in huai'an, are super heroes."

"jia peiran shocked cctv. his father took him to have his genes tested and he is super male."

"kim ja, a famous korean naughty child who beats and scolds his mother, is restless and irritable, and likes to eat his own eyelashes, is also a super hero."

the short video was circulated in a very convincing manner, but in fact, there is no reliable source for these claims.

in other words, there is currently no conclusive evidence to prove that these people are super male patients.

but even so, the public's stereotype of xyy has been formed imperceptibly.

many people dug up a study from 90 years ago, saying that british geneticist jacobs had long since proved that super-male children have antisocial personalities.

the scholar selected 315 patients from the hospital as research subjects, of which 305 were criminals and 253 were mentally ill. after a thorough investigation, he found that 9 of the super-masculine men were both mentally ill and criminals.

so the conclusion is:

men who carry the xyy gene are more violent and aggressive than the average person and are more likely to become criminals.

she also summarized the physical characteristics of those super males:

he is tall, has acne on his face, asymmetrical facial features, and low intelligence.

the symptoms of super males mentioned in many short videos now are basically taken from jacobs' statement.

but in fact, these conclusions have long been overturned by academia.

friends who have a little knowledge of statistics would probably feel that this team is a "grassroots team" after seeing her sampling method.

you find chaoxiong among the criminals and infer that chaoxiong loves to commit crimes. how can this be justified?

however, many criminals at the time were quite fond of this research.

for example, the famous chicago killer richard speck.

after killing eight female nurses in one day, he discovered that his physical features were exactly the same as what the experts said, so he hoped that his lawyer would use "genetic defects" to exonerate him.

however, the person was later tested and found to be normal, and he did not have xyy at all.

however, long before the test results were released, the new york times and other media outlets that repeatedly hyped the incident had already declared speck a typical case of an xyy criminal, and also hinted to society:

"the trisolarans with xyy are not only terrifying, but they don't necessarily have to pay with their lives for killing people."

major newspapers and tabloids bombarded the rumors, which soon spread all over the world, causing ordinary people to shudder at the mention of them.

in order to dispel the rumors, experts from the american psychiatric association had to tell the public on various occasions:

they did not find any significant behavioral differences between xyy carriers and normal males.

on the contrary, this group of men are always stigmatized and treated differently due to society's groundless speculation.

this moment is just like that moment.

prejudice against hyperandrogenic patients still exists in our lives today.

many mothers who gave birth to super-male babies said in media interviews that although their children are doing well now, they still dare not tell others that their babies are xyy.

because they are afraid that the other party will reply: "how do you know he can grow up healthily? what if his true nature is revealed ten years later?"

i am also worried that people around me will deliberately distance themselves from and be wary of my children.

what’s more frightening is that everyone will keep a close eye on the child, and once they find any “abnormal behavior” or “extreme behavior” in him, they will attribute it to the awakening of the devil gene.

there is no perfect human being in the world, and each of us may be born with genetic defects of one kind or another.

as long as this defect is harmless, it will not prevent us from coming to this world and being an ordinary person.

when it comes to xyy, a french poll shows that most couples would choose to keep the fetus after a prenatal check-up.

"without evaluation by medical experts, 25.8% of couples would choose to terminate the pregnancy; after joint evaluation by multidisciplinary experts, the rate of induced abortion dropped to 6.7%; if the subsequent fetal test was normal, only 2.7% of pregnant women would still insist on terminating the pregnancy."

advances in technology have enabled humans to more easily cope with the challenges posed by congenital defects.

the purpose of doctors doing popular science on the internet is to share the most cutting-edge medical knowledge with us so that we can understand various diseases more rationally.

as a result, they told the truth and were subjected to cyber violence.

rather than listening to popular science from professionals, many people prefer to stick to their own opinions and take sides.

regardless of right or wrong, just look for people like you.

it seems like no one cares about the truth, everyone just wants to hear opinions that match their own.

in fact, this kind of cyberbullying of experts is not uncommon, and there are a large number of examples on the internet.

for example, the debate over whether the us moon landing was faked.

even when ouyang ziyuan, an academician of the chinese academy of sciences and chief scientist of the lunar exploration project, came out to popularize science, supporters of the fraud theory did not buy it.

they said that the reason why academician ouyang insisted on the us moon landing was because he had written a paper on this matter and "he couldn't slap himself in the face."

for example, arguing about whether to have porridge or milk for breakfast.

a doctor suggested that "children should eat eggs and drink milk instead of porridge for breakfast", and was scolded by netizens and became a hot topic.

some people accused him of being "worshipping foreigners and fawning on foreign countries".

some people also said that he simply did not understand the profoundness of china's breakfast porridge culture.

for example, the debate over whether ancient western history is forged.

historians and archaeologists came out and said "no".

however, netizens firmly refused to believe it and sighed:

"liberal arts students are indeed easily brainwashed by the west."

perhaps, quarreling is more important than empathy, taking sides takes precedence over doing things, and arguing and counterattacking are the norm on the internet.

in the war of the online world, those who advise you to believe in science may never listen to scientists themselves;

those who call for criminalizing cyberbullying are the ones who curse more harshly than anyone else;

and those who advise you to change your prejudices are actually always using their own prejudices to pua you.

everyone has long been accustomed to this.

after all, both the lion and the tiger can fight for three hundred rounds;

both the sweet party and the salty party can stir up bloody storms;

gmos and anti-gmos can cause bloodshed;

fans and haters of traditional chinese medicine can fight for another 500 years;


scientism and anti-intellectualism will probably continue to fight until the day the earth is destroyed.

it is difficult for us to expect popular science to change stubborn people, because "the biggest prison in the world is the human mind."