
hunan's primary and secondary schools' "all-staff sports" program is a big hit! how to implement it? what do they say?


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huasheng online omnimedia reporter yang sihan correspondent shen kexin
on august 30, the hunan provincial opinions on comprehensively strengthening cultural and sports activities for primary and secondary school students (hereinafter referred to as the opinions) immediately attracted a warm response and high attention from the society. this document is not only the first policy guidance specifically formulated for cultural and sports activities for primary and secondary school students in hunan province, but also a precedent nationwide. so, how can this milestone opinions be effectively integrated and implemented into the educational and teaching practices of schools across the province? in this regard, the reporter visited education experts and front-line teachers to listen to their insights and opinions.
"the release of the opinion provides a strong guarantee for the physical education and art teaching and education in primary and secondary schools in our province. it also provides a strong guarantee for the full implementation of the "healthy china 2030" outline in physical education in primary and secondary schools and the realization of "the rate of excellence in the national student physical health standards in our province is more than 25%!" yang haiwen, a special-grade teacher, senior teacher, and the first furong teaching master in hunan province, said that hunan will build more than 130 "smart playgrounds" in primary and secondary schools in 122 counties and cities across the province, empowering primary and secondary school sports through artificial intelligence, promoting physical exercise and physical and mental health of primary and secondary school students, and developing new quality productivity of primary and secondary school sports according to local conditions. the construction of the "smart playground" has laid a solid foundation for students to carry out extensive sports activities and injected a strong impetus into students' recess and extracurricular sports activities.
the opinions clearly require that all sports and arts courses be offered in full and that curriculum reform be deepened to increase student participation. however, given the high exam pressure in middle schools, how to balance the arrangement of subject courses with arts and sports courses is the key for middle schools in implementing the opinions.
chen bingqing, head of the physical education teaching and research group at changsha changjun foreign language experimental middle school, believes that differences in resources and venues and equipment in different schools may lead to different implementation effects, so the implementation should be adapted to local conditions. at the same time, when popularizing sports activities, more consideration should be given to simplifying the rules and reducing the difficulty, which can increase student participation to a certain extent without lengthening the "front line" of the activities. it is reported that the school's second grade was trying in the 2023-2024 academic year (first grade stage). after collective discussion and practice by the subject group and the lesson preparation group, it gradually formed "one school, one product".
in order to ensure that every student can enjoy a variety of cultural and sports activities and promote their all-round development, the opinions also cover a number of key areas such as funding guarantees and professional teacher allocation, providing strong support for the smooth progress of the activities.
fang xin, principal of malanshan primary school in kaifu district, changsha, said that the "opinions" emphasizes the expansion of extracurricular and extra-curricular activities, and provides schools with work ideas, such as daily physical exercise in school, large recess activities and after-school cultural and sports services, etc., aiming to promote the healthy physical and mental development of students. in addition, through the promotion of campus football and the "three major ball" leagues, the school's sports competitive level will be effectively improved, forming a positive campus cultural atmosphere. "next, the school will establish a cross-departmental working mechanism to strengthen safety management. at the same time, it will strengthen supervision and publicity, increase the attention and support of all sectors of society for school sports work, and jointly create a good environment conducive to the healthy physical and mental development of primary and secondary school students."
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