
the electric bicycle trade-in is here! how much is the subsidy? how to make the subsidy?


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on august 30, the ministry of commerce and five other departments issued the "implementation plan for promoting the trade-in of electric bicycles", organizing qualified products of compliant electric bicycle manufacturers to participate in the trade-in of consumer goods.this is also the first time that the country has introduced a policy to replace old electric bicycles with new ones.
so how do consumers replace it?which companies are participating?what other subsidies are there?
state funding to support old-for-new exchangelocal governments formulate subsidy standards
the implementation plan requires all regions to make good use of relevant funds to support the old-for-new program for consumer goods, formulate implementation rules for the old-for-new program for electric bicycles based on actual conditions, and clarify subsidy standards and methods.
subsidies will be provided to consumers who return their old electric bicycles and exchange them for new ones. consumers who receive subsidies are encouraged to purchase qualified new electric bicycles produced by companies that meet the "electric bicycle industry standard conditions".electric bicycle sales companies, manufacturers and recycling companies jointly carry out the old-for-new exchange program and provide consumers with superimposed discounts. in other words, in addition to the amount of money paid for selling old bicycles, consumers will also receive subsidies for buying new ziwen, deputy director of the industrial department of the institute of industrial economics and technological economics of the national development and reform commission, said that consumers now have a strong demand for replacement electric bicycles with higher intelligence levels, longer driving ranges and higher safety factors, because there are currently many traffic accidents and safety hazards caused by the use of electric bicycles.these measures are aimed at reducing the cost for consumers to replace electric bicycles.
exchange old lithium-ion batteries for lead-acid batteriessubsidies will be increased appropriately
taking into account that lead-acid batteries have accounted for nearly 80% of electric bicycle batteries in recent years, and are safer and cheaper, this policy will appropriately increase subsidies for consumers who replace old lithium-ion battery electric bicycles with lead-acid battery bicycles.
if consumers still want to exchange for lithium-ion battery electric bicycles, their batteries must comply with the "safety technical specifications for lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles". as the national standard will be officially implemented on november 1 this year, consumers can exchange for lead-acid battery electric bicycles before november 1, and can exchange for lead-acid or lithium-ion battery electric bicycles after november 1.
in addition, local governments can use local fiscal funds to provide subsidies to consumers for returning electric bicycles and batteries with high safety hazards. for example, lithium-ion batteries with obvious damage, leakage, severe deformation, ablation marks, etc., which lead to high accident risks, are high safety hazard batteries, and electric bicycles using such batteries are high safety hazards.
which companies arecompliant electric bicycle manufacturers?
compliant electric bicycle manufacturers should register in accordance with the law and abide by national laws and regulations. qualified electric bicycle products should have a certificate of conformity and pass the compulsory product certification (ccc certification) to prove that the product complies with relevant safety standards and other relevant regulatory requirements.
on april 29 this year, the ministry of industry and information technology and other departments jointly issued the "standardized conditions for the electric bicycle industry" and the "administrative measures for standardized announcements for the electric bicycle industry";on june 18 this year, the revised version of the "lithium-ion battery industry standard conditions" was released, which put forward higher requirements for production enterprises in terms of strengthening product quality, improving production safety, and protecting consumer rights;on august 19 this year, the ministry of industry and information technology announced the first batch of companies that meet the "electric bicycle industry standard conditions" and simultaneously announced the eighth batch of companies that meet the "lithium-ion battery industry standard conditions".consumers are advised to give priority to purchasing qualified electric bicycles and lithium-ion battery products produced by companies listed in the announcement.
how to supervise the e-commerce platforms of sales enterprisesrealize the old-for-good exchange?
the implementation plan urges electric bicycle sales companies to establish and implement a purchase inspection and acceptance system, strictly check product qualification certificates, mandatory product certification and other information, and urge producers to recall products if defects are confirmed. if illegal sales are found to be inconsistent with mandatory national standards and mandatory product certification requirements, comprehensive measures such as urging rectification, ordering sales to stop, and administrative penalties will be taken to deal with them seriously.
at the same time, the policy should also strengthen the supervision of e-commerce platforms. relevant e-commerce platforms should be urged to adopt automatic search technology and blocking and deletion measures to clean up illegal modification information, and it is strictly forbidden to publish information such as "resolving mutual recognition agreements", "resolving speed limits", and "increasing capacity". it is strictly forbidden to sell electric bicycles, batteries, chargers and other products that have not undergone mandatory product certification in accordance with the law, and the content of "prohibiting illegal modification" should be clearly stated on the sales page of electric bicycle related products.
li ziwen introduced that in the circulation link, strict online and offline sales supervision is implemented and a full-chain safety system is established. the purpose of these measures is actually to protect the rights and interests of the people, that is, to ensure the last hurdle for electric bicycles to enter thousands of households, and truly turn the old-for-new activity into an old-for-better and old-for-good.
electric bike trade-in is here
are you moved?
source: cctv news client, china government network, guangzhou radio and television station, netizens’ commentsguangzhou daily new flower city editor: mo liping