
horizon robotics advanced intelligent driving technology open day: intelligent driving on par with the first echelon


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netcom news recently, horizon's full-scenario intelligent driving solution horizon superdrive™ (hsd™) has welcomed a number of field experiences in succession. it can provide an anthropomorphic experience like an experienced driver during rush hours in different cities, with super traffic efficiency and elegant and calm posture. the overall performance of the system has won wide recognition from domestic and foreign customers and industry professionals, and the product performance is considered to be "on par with the first echelon of the industry." on august 28, horizon held an open day for high-end intelligent driving technology in beijing, sharing the latest product progress of hsd and the product methodology and trend thinking of horizon for the high-end intelligent driving market behind its outstanding performance.

dr. kai yu, founder and ceo of horizon robotics, said at the event: "we should adopt a product mindset to develop intelligent driving, take people as the starting point, and focus on the user's experience and feelings about the product. horizon robotics superdrive aims to be elegant, calm and confident, and create a benchmark for the high-end intelligent driving system industry worldwide."

stunning performance during morning and evening peaks in many cities, hsd is on par with the industry's top players

the competition in high-end intelligent driving is intensifying, but the urban noa product experience on the market is not yet "easy to use". in 2024, car companies will shift from simply competing in the number of cities where urban noa is opened to competing in user experience. at the same time, tesla fsd, which is regarded as one of the industry's trendsetters, is reported to be introduced in china as early as the end of 2024, which will accelerate the opening of a new market competition landscape. horizon believes that urban noa will enter a competition window period in 2025 to truly cross the gap.

based on the "people-oriented" product concept, horizon hsd has been committed to providing anthropomorphic driving behavior and traffic efficiency since the r&d stage. although hsd has only been developed for 9 months, its recent road experience has already demonstrated the mature "experienced driver" temperament.

in the face of multiple complex challenges such as the friday evening rush hour and rainstorms in the city, horizon hsd achieved a smooth experience without taking over and like an "experienced driver". at the re-route intersection in the construction area with large obstructions and large aspect ratio, the system accurately executed an unprotected left turn into the target lane, demonstrating its strong perception and map-free reasoning capabilities; in the urban roundabout section that is a difficult problem for the entire industry, hsd smoothly passed through the roundabout with multiple entrances and exits interspersed with umbrella-holding pedestrians, temporary parking lots, and water covering the lane lines, demonstrating its strong passing ability, and its performance is comparable to that of the first echelon of the industry.

different cities pose multiple challenges to intelligent driving systems due to significant differences in road layout, traffic flow, and climatic conditions. in complex and random urban traffic environments, typical urban scenarios such as staggered intersections, unprotected left turns on two lanes, narrow curved roads, and continuous cyclists pose great challenges to high-level intelligent driving. faced with staggered intersections in construction areas, hsd uses extremely strong perception and graph-free reasoning technology to accurately identify diversion information and accurately navigate to the target lane. in addition to the more humanized ultimate intelligent driving experience, hsd's performance in sr (real-time environment rendering) and hmi (human-computer interaction) is also remarkable. with the world model as the core, the new hmi evolution brings users a richer sense of the high-dimensional spatial world, making the interaction more natural, smoother, and more comfortable while also having a cool sense of technology.

visualization can show the thoughts and ideas of the intelligent driving system, giving users enough confidence. horizon hsd's real-time perception renders the physical world in real time, builds a digital mirror of the world in hmi, reconstructs the physical world more accurately, and leads the next generation of sr benchmarks. when experiencing hsd, volkswagen group (china) chairman and ceo bared said, "this car is perceiving the real world in the right way, and i can see all the details very accurately."

according to the plan, horizon hsd will launch a standard mass production solution in the fourth quarter of 2024, and will deliver the first mass production cooperative model in the third quarter of 2025. after many "experiences", hsd will continue to evolve and accelerate towards mass production delivery in a more mature state.

technology + engineering + products: winning the "triathlon" of advanced intelligent driving

the core of the "easy-to-use" intelligent driving system is the technical planning and development strategy based on deep user insights. horizon has built a "three-in-one" capability model in the development of high-end intelligent driving products: industry-leading technical strength, well-honed engineering capabilities, and a people-oriented product system. through the deep integration of the three capabilities, horizon can take into account the high performance and landing reliability of high-end intelligent driving products, and provide the best solution for users and the market.

in order for high-level intelligent driving to be user-friendly and user-friendly, it is also necessary to solve two major problems: performance improvement (scale up) and scenario generalization (scale out). at present, even the industry's leading intelligent driving companies find it difficult to achieve one of these points to the extreme, and it is even more challenging to take both into account. since its establishment, horizon robotics has continued to research and deploy cutting-edge software algorithms, and has built a new high-level intelligent driving technology solution. by applying the leading end-to-end world model and interactive game algorithms, it has successfully broken the "seesaw effect" commonly seen in technology iterations, while breaking through the difficulties of performance improvement and scenario generalization, creating an anthropomorphic product experience at every moment and every journey.

the core evolution of autonomous driving technology is essentially the deep exploration and improvement of machine cognition and interaction capabilities. horizon has established an end-to-end world model for mass production, enabling the hsd system to understand everything and have universal cognition. this means that the vehicle will be like an experienced "intelligent driver", able to fully perceive and understand the world around it and make more reasonable decisions. at the same time, with data-driven interactive games as the core and combined with safer rule boundaries, horizon hsd can bring users an elegant and calm ultimate intelligent driving experience when facing complex urban scenes such as congested lane changes, intersections, and mixed traffic of people and vehicles.

the key to success in the high-end intelligent driving competition lies in the large-scale mass production capabilities of the hardware-software combination system. on the basis of easy-to-use software solutions, top-level urban noa products also need the support of next-generation computing solutions. horizon robotics has launched the journey® 6 series, the only computing solution in china that meets the mass production needs of all levels of intelligent driving. the journey 6 flagship version, which is specially designed for the new generation of urban high-end intelligent driving, is paired with hsd to create a high-end intelligent driving model room with software and hardware collaboration and extreme efficiency. this will not only promote the accelerated mass production and popularization of easy-to-use urban noa products, but also improve the efficiency of industry r&d and delivery through the flexible opening of full-stack technical capabilities.

at present, many software and hardware ecosystem partners have officially launched intelligent driving solutions based on the journey 6 series. the first batch of algorithm partners, including qingzhou zhihang, jianzhi robotics and yihang intelligent, completed the migration and deployment of perception algorithms in just 3 days and the high-speed noa solution in 15 days, greatly improving the overall efficiency. the software development efficiency based on the journey 6 series continues to lead, and in the future, horizon hsd superimposed on the journey 6 flagship version will achieve greater mass production "acceleration".

according to the latest data, horizon robotics ranked first in both the market share of front-view integrated computers and intelligent driving computing solutions for independent brand passenger cars in the chinese market in the first half of 2024, and continued to lead the market for all-level intelligent driving computing solutions from low to high. at the same time, horizon robotics recently announced that the cumulative shipments of its journey family products hit a new high, exceeding 6 million sets.

behind its leading market share and shipment volume, horizon has built a mature large-scale mass production engineering system, which not only promotes the iterative optimization of forward-looking software algorithms and computing solutions, but also greatly improves product application efficiency, providing a solid guarantee for leading the high-end intelligent driving market.

with the continuous iteration of technology and the expansion of mass production scale, horizon's triathlon system of "technology + product + engineering" will form a powerful positive cycle, greatly accelerate the application process of intelligent driving technology, and open a new chapter of beautiful and intelligent travel for more users.

(photo/text: zou yuyuan, netcom)