
"Real Estate Weekly Review" Manage and use housing pensions well


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Recently, the discussion on the housing pension system has become a hot topic on the Internet. Some people believe that the housing pension system will make homeowners pay more money to maintain their homes, thereby increasing living costs and increasing the financial burden on homeowners. Is this really the case?
At present, my country is studying the establishment of housing physical examination, housing pension and housing insurance systems. These "three systems" will help to build a long-term mechanism for housing safety management throughout the life cycle. It should be clear that the original intention of establishing the housing pension system is to ensure housing safety. The scale of urban stock housing in my country has exceeded 30 billion square meters, with a long time span and increasingly serious housing aging. In recent years, the collapse of individual self-built buildings and the collapse of houses caused by aging and lack of physical examinations are heartbreaking and have profound lessons. At the same time, the demand for housing in urban and rural residents is shifting from "whether there is" to "how good it is". However, it is not uncommon for facilities and equipment and pipelines in old communities to be rusted and aged, roofs leak, and walls to be cold, which affects the living experience. The establishment of a housing pension system is to plan ahead, accumulate pensions for houses, conduct regular physical examinations of houses, strengthen repairs, prevent safety accidents, and allow residents to live in safer and more comfortable houses.
The housing pension consists of two parts: a personal account and a public account. The personal account is the special housing maintenance fund paid by the owner. When purchasing commercial housing, the buyer pays a special housing maintenance fund at 5% to 8% of the construction and installation cost. The funds in the personal account are specifically used for the maintenance, renewal and renovation of common parts and common facilities and equipment of the residence after the warranty period expires. However, the current situation is that the maintenance funds of many communities can no longer meet the needs of maintenance and quality maintenance. In particular, when large-scale projects such as house foundation and structure repairs, exterior wall seepage repairs, exterior insulation layer replacement, fire protection and elevator facility updates are required, high maintenance costs are required. The special housing maintenance funds in many old communities are rapidly decreasing or even drying up. The lack of special housing maintenance funds is also an important background for further promoting the reform of the housing pension system at the policy level.
According to current policies, the public account for housing pensions does not increase the burden on homeowners. my country has carried out pilot projects for the housing pension system in some cities. The personal account in the housing pension is the special housing maintenance fund paid when buying a house. The focus of the pilot is that the government establishes a public account, which is established in accordance with the principles of "taking from the house and using it for the house" and "not increasing personal burdens and not reducing personal rights and interests." From the pilot cities, local governments can raise funds through fiscal subsidies and land transfer fees. The purpose is to establish a stable channel for housing safety management funds without requiring residents to pay extra fees. The funds in the public account are mainly used for housing physical examinations and insurance expenses. The purpose of establishing a public account for housing pensions is to increase social welfare without increasing personal burdens.
The establishment of a housing pension system can also continue to broaden the sources of funds by opening up new ideas. For example, the surplus of the appreciation income of housing maintenance funds can also be included. In addition, the rental and operating income of public spaces and public facilities in the community, such as shops, parking lots, billboards, and sports facilities, can all be used as sources of housing pensions.
Looking overseas, many countries have similar housing pension systems. The South Korean government can collect a considerable amount of housing funds through lottery issuance, government land sales revenue, real estate taxes and part of real estate transaction taxes, and use them for emergency housing safety management and renewal subsidies. American communities generally implement self-management. The property management committee representing all owners collects maintenance funds from owners for the maintenance of community public facilities and hires professional maintenance personnel to carry out maintenance. Japanese properties also need to pay housing repair funds, and the funds mainly come from the monthly repair funds paid by owners. If the repair funds are not enough, the building management organization will borrow from the bank and then repay the loan with the repair funds paid by the owners.
Establishing a housing pension system is one of the important means to strengthen the safety management of existing houses after entering the urban renewal period. It not only manages the foundation but also the long-term. In addition to the issue of funding sources, how to use and manage housing pensions well, as well as how to supervise them, will all be issues facing the construction of the housing pension system. We look forward to the increasingly improved housing pension system, which will effectively ensure housing safety and make people feel more at ease and comfortable living.
The "three systems" of housing physical examination, housing insurance, and housing pension are interconnected and complementary, so that ordinary people can live in good houses. The housing physical examination system provides a basic guarantee for the investigation of housing safety hazards, the housing insurance system promotes the improvement of project quality and housing safety supervision mechanisms through market-oriented means, and the housing pension system provides financial guarantees for housing physical examination, housing maintenance, and housing insurance. The "three systems" should be promoted in a coordinated manner to ensure that the entire life cycle of housing is safer. (Author: Kang Shu Source: Economic Daily)
Source: Economic Daily