
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development’s official media said: Housing pension is not a real estate tax, and the public account does not require the people to pay for it


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In recent days,The housing pension system that was mentioned many times by the authorities as early as 2022 to be studied and established has been seriously misinterpreted!When you open your Moments or video accounts, you will see all kinds of rumors, gossip, and "interpretations" flying around. Some self-media and video bloggers are trying to gain popularity and traffic bySuch imaginary arguments as "People are not old yet, but their houses are old first. They have no money to pay pensions, so the government is going to collect housing pensions again." "The real estate tax cannot be implemented, so the government has suddenly started to think about housing pensions. Isn't this a disguised form of real estate tax?", etc., wantonly or with ulterior motives, incite the emotions of the general public, confuse the public, spread rumors, and mislead the public, creating social panic. In fact, this is not the case!

Let’s first take a look at the complete statement made by Dong Jianguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, when answering reporters’ questions about the housing pension system at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on August 23.Vice Minister Dong Jianguo's original words were: "Study and establish housing health checks, housing pensions, and housing insurance systems to build a long-term mechanism for housing safety management throughout the life cycle. Currently, 22 cities including Shanghai are piloting this. Speaking specifically of housing pensions, personal accounts already have them through paying special housing maintenance funds, and the focus of the pilot is for the government to establish a public account."

In the above original words, Vice Minister Dong Jianguo finally mentioned"The key point of the pilot is that the government establishes a public account." The public account here does not require the people to pay for it! Many self-media and video bloggers did not read or carefully read the complete statement, and concluded that the government would collect housing pensions.The above complete statement has made it very clear: "Personal accounts already have funds through payment of special residential maintenance funds."

As many experts have said,The main sources of funds for the public pension account are: city governments can collect some funds through local financial subsidies, land transfer fees, funds from the sale of original public housing, and other channels.

WhyStudying the housing pension system? This is actually very urgent and necessary, and it is also considered from the perspective of trying every means to protect the lives and property of the general public.Entering the era of stock housing, more and more houses are aging, and the existing safety hazards cannot be ignored. The "4.29" Changsha resident self-built building collapse accident in 2022, as well as the large and small house collapse accidents in the past due to aging and lack of physical examinations, are extremely profound and very distressing lessons.

In view of this,As we enter the era of existing housing, it would be extremely irresponsible to the safety of life and property if we do not pay attention to the issue of housing for retirement, do not plan ahead, and do not take precautions before problems occur.Some people ask, isn't there a housing maintenance fund system? Indeed, every home buyer pays a housing maintenance fund of 5-8% of the construction cost when buying a house, which plays an important role in ensuring the daily safe operation of the community. However, due to the very limited amount, it is difficult to meet the needs of maintaining urban housing safety and renewing old communities.

That is why,In order to explore the establishment of a stable fund pool that can be used for safety inspections, safety management, and maintenance and renewal subsidies for existing housing, reduce the pressure of increasing scale and expenditure of existing housing in the future, and alleviate residents' worries so that everyone can live safely and at ease,In recent years, government departments have repeatedly proposed to study and establish housing physical examination, housing pension and housing insurance systems.

Not to mention the distant past, after the collapse of a self-built building in Changsha on April 29, 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development expressed its intention to study the establishment of a housing pension system to better solve the problem of funding for existing housing repairs; in May 2022, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on the National Special Remediation Plan for Self-Built Housing Safety", which also proposed to improve the mandatory standards for housing quality and safety, and study the establishment of regular housing physical examinations, housing pensions and housing quality insurance systems; during the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2023 and 2024, many deputies to the National People's Congress suggested the establishment of a housing pension system.

So, everyone is paying attentionThe housing pension system is actually a bottom-line system designed to take into account the safety of people's houses, lives and property. It was proposed in a notice issued by the General Office of the State Council a long time ago.Having said that, if you look back at the exaggerated and misleading words of self-media and video bloggers, it will be clear at a glance whether they are true or false, right or wrong.

in addition,Housing pension and real estate tax are two completely different things. The rumor that housing pension is another kind of real estate tax is purely confusing and far-fetched. It is a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.

Therefore, the revelation of the housing pension crisis to us is:In the era of information explosion, no matter what happens, no matter what is trending, as ordinary people, we must learn to think independently, not blindly follow the trend, not believe in rumors, and use rational eyes to examine the truth of each piece of information and distinguish the right from the wrong of each voice.Check more information, think more about the logic behind it, and you will have your own correct judgment.

In summary,If relevant supporting systems such as housing physical examinations, housing pensions, and housing insurance are truly established, it will be very beneficial for both the house throughout its life cycle and the residents living in it in terms of ensuring living quality, quality, environment, and safety, as well as preserving assets. This is the original intention of the design of this system.